Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1756: ?Too easy to send dilemma

After explaining some precautions, the fat old monk hurriedly left, as if he didn't want to communicate with Xu Que too much.

Now it was Xu Que's turn to be a little confused.

What's the matter with this old guy?

I also passed the trial somehow, and he was certified by the ancient Buddha, a righteous Buddha, alright!

Do you want to be so despised? !

Fahui also felt a little unbelievable: "Friend Xu Dao, why do these people have this attitude toward you?"

Xu Que rolled his eyes angrily: "Who knows."

Fahui thought for a while, and asked, "Father Daoist, how did you pass the trial?"

Xu Que didn't conceal it, and said what he had done during the trial.

After listening to it, Fahui's face turned green and white, it was a wonderful and colorful one.

He never expected that Xu Que would actually pass the trial in this way!

Not to mention the caretaker, even he was a little worried.

Other people's trials are for you to use the Dharma to persuade demons! Don't use your fists to persuade!

After a long silence, Fahui smiled bitterly: "Perhaps... the ancient Buddha set this trial back then, and there are considerations in this respect."

Buddhism doesn't seem to have much arrangements for the Buddha. It just leaves a request to go to the four heavenly gates to participate in the ascension meeting after each trial and selection of the Buddha.

The so-called Dengyun Meeting is actually a gathering of young talents in Xianyunzhou.

At the rally, there will be a contest dominated by the immortal emperors of the four heavenly gates, and the participants will be all talents from Xianyunzhou.

The final winner will become the closed disciple of the four immortal emperors.

This was the agreement between the ancient Buddha and the four immortal emperors of Tianmen in the Buddha realm back then. As for why this agreement was reached, it is unclear.

Xu Que didn't care, anyway, he was going to the Four Heavenly Gates in the end, and now he had the identity of a Buddha, so he didn't need to reveal his identity.

The two left the place of trial and returned to the city.

"Little Bulb, where are you going next?" Xu Que asked.

Fahui put his hands together and said: "The poor monk is ready to go to experience and sharpen the heart of the Buddha. This time the trial has made the little monk realize that there are still many shortcomings in the Dharma of the little monk."

Xu nodded with a shortcoming, and the corners of his mouth evoked a malicious arc: "I'm going to Too Yipai next, why don't you come with me?"

"Too Yi Pai?" Fahui looked startled, "Daoyou Xu, are you talking about the Tai Yi Pai who came to the edge of the Buddha Realm to establish a school not long ago?"

"Um...it should be, there is no other school called Tai Yi Pai, is there any problem?"

Fahui shook her head, and said regretfully: "Friends, don't you know?"

Xu Que frowned slightly, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart: "I don't know what? Is too easy to send any questions?"

Fahui's next sentence immediately made Xu Que's whole heart lifted.

"The Taiyi school offended the Demon Sect, and the whole school has existed in name only."

"What?" Xu Que's eyes suddenly burst into anger, and he roared, "What the **** is going on?!"

Fahui told him that before Tai Yi Pai was covered by Fairy Yurou, his life was pretty good.

But then I don't know why, Fairy Yu Rou's attitude towards Tai Yi Pai became more and more indifferent, until later people from Tai Yi Pai couldn't even meet Fairy Yu Rou.

Originally, the strength of this Too Yi Pai was not strong, and the appearance of the head of it could be described as the appearance of heaven and human, which attracted countless people to covet it.

It's just that because Fairy Yurou is covering them, no one has dared to move them.

As a result, Fairy Yurou's attitude toward Taiyi School became more and more indifferent, and some school gradually moved his mind. After several trials, she found that Fairy Yurou really didn't care about Taiyi School, and completely let go of his hands and feet.

Under pressure from all parties, the Taiyi faction was forced to move to the periphery of the Buddhist realm.

Taking into account the influence of Buddhism, the other sects did not continue, but only one sect remained unwilling to let go, and that was the fierce Demon Sect in Xianyunzhou.

"Did they take action on Tai Yi Pai?" Xu Que narrowed his eyes, and his voice leaked from between his teeth.

Fahui's heart jumped when she heard this.

At this time, Xu Que seemed to hide some vicious power in his body, like a wild and ferocious beast sleeping, eager to choose people and devour it!

Even when he was standing next to him, he felt a palpitation.

"That's not true. This Demon Sect is actually... how to put it, it is a very strange school." As a disciple of Buddhism, Fahui can be said to want to understand this kind of magic. "Although they are also Demon Sect, but They don't kill indiscriminately, as far as the poor monks know... they should have used a lot of spirit stones to dig the corner of the Taiyi School..."

Speaking of this, Rao Fahui couldn't help showing a face of forbearance.

Xu Que was also stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

This is a big magic door, but it also engages in mergers and acquisitions, splitting and digging walls?

Hearing that the Taiyi School had not been besieged, Xu Que was relieved, and the momentum on his body gradually faded: "Then what do you say about the Taiyi School's existence in name?"

"Um...Well, the Demon Demon Sect is famously rich in Xianyunzhou. Most of the people in the Taiyi School have been poached by the Demon Demon Sect, so they will go to participate in the ancient Buddha this time. Inheritance should be for the purpose of acquiring inheritance and being able to compete with Taiyi Pai in external publicity."

Xu Que was stunned when he heard that, thinking that this set of operations is quite similar to some of the rich second generations on the earth...

I'm all in love with you, and I don't play yin, just take the money.

Hit until you are willing!

"Hmph, no matter what the **** Demon Sect or what kind of sect, if you bully the Tai Yi Pai, you will be the enemy of Ben Qisheng!" Xu Que snorted coldly, with a sighing aura spontaneously, "When I blast the sky gang is Furnishings?"

He had already thought about it, it was time to revive the reputation of the Explosive Heavens Gang on Xianyunzhou!

But the most urgent thing is to get Ergouzi and Duan Jiude back. With these two goods, it will be much more convenient to do things on your own.

After all, these two are excellent coolies.

The reputations of Ergouzi and Duan Jiude have long been well-known in this area. After all, the three of them dared to pit even the Immortal Venerable of Tianmen before. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At this time, just let Fahui inquire about it, and she found the whereabouts of the two of them.

"How did these two goods do it?" Xu Que looked at the intelligence in his hand and was puzzled. "In such a short time, I actually ran into the Primordial Secret Realm?"

The Primordial Secret Realm, on the other side of the Buddha Realm, is about tens of thousands of miles away from here.

Even if you use the teleportation array, it will take at least one day.

Fahui shook her head and said, "The little monk doesn't know, but recently it is said that ancient treasures were born in the Primordial Secret Realm."

Xu Que suddenly understood, no wonder.

These two pits heard the movement of the treasure, let alone tens of thousands of miles.

Even across two continents, you have to rush over...

(End of this chapter)

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