Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1762: Because i'm your father

Duan Jiude and Ergouzi in the combination of wicked dogs are quite knowledgeable in formations because they have been cheated and abducted all the time.

Although the cultivation base is not even the Immortal King, but the use of the formation method is so perfect, Xu Que even suspects that even the Immortal Venerable is not as strong as them in the use of the formation method.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, Xu Que also has a certain degree of accomplishments in the game.

The moment the box was taken out, he could see a small positioning formation engraved on it.

"Others will only be wary of the contents of the box, but they will never care about the box. This guy is still a bit brainy and can come up with such a method." Xu Que shook his head and handed the box to Fahui. The thing for me to chase people is actually to see how I will deal with this stuff. If I never take it out or destroy it directly, then this guy will definitely suspect me."

The reason is very simple. Since you said that you and the wicked dog have a deep hatred, then I will give you the things to track them. You should always use it?

If you put it in the storage and never took it out, or destroyed it, what you said before will be self-defeating.

Fahui looked at it for a while, then returned the box to Xu Que. Xu Que opened the box and took out the contents.

It was something similar to a stone, with a circle of patterns of unknown meaning attached to the surface, and it seemed to **** in people's minds at first glance.

Fahui frowned slightly when she saw the thing: "This is... a moiré!"

"What is moire stone?" Xu Que asked.

"The moire stone is a product near the Primordial Secret Realm, except for the peculiar lines on the surface, it is of little use."

Xu Wei nodded, but his eyes were already hot.

This stone must be of great use!

"You help me stare, I'm going to study this stuff now." Xu Que directly sat down cross-legged, trying to explore the moire stone with his mind.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude firmly adhere to the principle of thief not going empty, a piece of useless moire stone, they absolutely can't bring them with them.

However, when the divine sense entered, he found nothing. Xu Que thought for a while, using the fairy cloud, the Buddha's yuan, and the devil's energy to test.

This contrast suddenly appeared.

Except for the Buddha Yuan, this moire stone has different degrees of reaction to the Xian Yuan and the Demon Qi, but the Demon Qi is much weaker than the Xian Yuan's reaction.

"Infuse into the fairy yuan, do you know that this moire stone reacts?" Xu Que looked at Fahui beside him and asked.

Fahui nodded and said: "This is a normal reaction to the mura stone. It is said to be a natural phenomenon caused by the residual power of the immortal emperor and erosion day and night."

Xu Wei nodded his head, his surface was calm, but his heart was already turbulent.

Nima...According to this theory, doesn't it mean that this thing has been eroded by demonic energy?

Damn it, how could there be devilish energy in the fairy emperor's legacy?

He is almost certain that Ergouzi must have found a way to enter the Primordial Secret Realm, maybe it has something to do with this moire stone.

Xu Que casually put the wooden box aside, not in a hurry to find Er Gouzi and the others.

Anyway, you can see it in three days, and then there will be opportunities and plans.

"Speaking of which, Little Bulb, do you know what the realm of Emperor Immortal is like?"

After Xu Que had done all this, he was bored and suddenly looked at Fahui with some curiosity.

Fahui was cultivating quietly. Hearing these words, she slowly said, "The little monk doesn't know that before reaching the Immortal Emperor, he will not be able to understand the power of the Immortal Emperor."

Xu Que curled his lips, did not ask, just closed his eyes and started thinking.

Now the cultivation base has been restored to the middle stage of the Immortal King, as long as he continues to obtain treasures, the cultivation base can always be improved. Once the cultivation base is restored to a complete state, no one on the scene is his opponent.

When the cultivation base is restored, I will go to Tai Yi Pai to pick up Mrs. Ya and the others, then find Jiang Hongyan, Shi Qingxuan and the others, and then kill the Tianmen and rescue Rou'er.

"Rouer... Don't worry, I will be able to take you home soon."

Thinking of Rou'er, Xu Que's hard heart couldn't help but soften.

Although he has so many confidantes, Rou'er is always a forbidden place in his heart, a pure land that can make him peaceful.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Dozens of Immortal Venerables gathered in front of Ghost Valley, headed by Murong Yunhai, staring attentively, waiting for the arrival of Ergouzi.

Xu Que and Fahui stood in the corner of the crowd, closing their eyes to rest their minds. In fact, their spiritual consciousness was always paying attention to the surrounding movement.

According to his understanding of Ergouzi, he would definitely not just show up like this obediently, and it would be called mercy to cheat these people so that they don't even know their parents.

The middle-aged man led the Immortal Venerables, waiting at the Taniguchi of Ghost Valley, also monitoring the surroundings with his spiritual sense, ready to do it at any time.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect you to come so punctually, it seems that I am looking forward to the arrival of the deity!"

At this moment, an extremely cheap laugh came, and Er Gouzi stepped on auspicious clouds. Behind him, the red cloak was swaying, wearing floral pants and a pair of sunglasses, walking towards this side.

Xu Que glanced at his surroundings, and suddenly understood the magnitude of everyone's resentment towards Er Gouzi.

Just with the appearance of this guy, many people's fists were already squeezed.

"Friend Dog Daoist, have you brought the things we want?" The middle-aged man stepped forward and said solemnly.

Er Gouzi jumped down from the auspicious clouds, hands on hips, arrogantly said: "How many times has the deity said that he wants to be called the deity lord, understand?"

"God...sir." The middle-aged man's face was full of humiliation, and his eyes were more resentful. "I don't know what we want, can you bring it?"

"Look at what you guys say, this **** is always honest in business." Er Gouzi took out a wooden box from behind and placed it on the ground, "This is the image of the ghost valley adventure you want, this **** But it took a lot of work to get it, and the danger is three days and three nights.

The middle-aged man winked at the surroundings and was about to step forward to make a deal. Xu Que suddenly got up and said, "Amitabha, let the poor monk go."

"Friend Taoist Tang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This dog is extremely insidious. There must be extremely dangerous restrictions around it. Are you sure you want to go?"

"The poor monk and this dog do not share the same hatred, and my lifelong dream is to capture this dog and return my fairy cloud continent to be clean!" Xu Queyi said righteously, "So, let the poor monk go!"

When he said this, the light of justice gleamed in his eyes, which made people feel at ease!

"Okay, fellow daoists, take the battle for Friend Tang!" The middle-aged man was in a turbulent mood, and immediately led everyone to stand by his side.

Xu Quechong nodded, and strode towards Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi looked at Xu Que's approaching figure, wondering: "Why haven't I seen you before..."

Xu Que grinned and said in a voice that only the two could hear: "Because I am your father, dog thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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