Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1764: The poor monk committed suicide

"Boy, your plan is very effective!" Er Gouzi moved his wrist with a long knife and said in a low voice.

"Nonsense, these guys are here for the Primordial Secret Realm, and with the deep and magnificent image of the bitter, great enmity that penetrated into the hearts of the people before the immortal, they will definitely think that this map is real, and Ghost Valley is also the Primordial Secret Realm. Entrance." Xu Que didn't change his expression, and his lips squirmed, "I just told them to kill you and me together, so I told them in advance that those were fake."

"Wonderful, this trick is really a shame! Teacher Xu, you are getting more and more insidious!"

"Teacher Ergou, I am still a little far away from you than shameless."

"Polite and polite, the deity wants to think that the big thing is not to be trivial."

"The real hero doesn't fear to kill the whole family."

"It's a good match, so what are we going to do next?" Er Gouzi geared up, eager to try.

Xu Que's finger hung beside him and clicked in the distance: "Remember those guys, they are all from the Heavenly Gate. Later you will propose to trade with them, and you will die and pit their parents. No one knows!"


At the same time, a group of immortals who originally tried to encircle Ergouzi came to the front.

The head of Ye Shuo was impatient, and said anxiously: "Don't think that using this thing as bait, we will give in, and the majesty of Tianmen cannot be violated..."

"Ye Shuo, shut up." Murong Yunhai fully demonstrated his leadership at this time, and said blankly, "So, now that map is in the hands of Tang Daoyou?"

Er Gouzi sneered, pushed his sunglasses, and swaggered behind his cloak: "This **** has always been a childish man, thinking that everyone is like you? It's not easy to do business, it's a shameless scum!"

Everyone suddenly scummed in their hearts, wondering who the shameless scum is in the end!

Isn’t it the trio of your wicked dogs who have been selling fakes? !

Where is the face so arrogantly condemning others?

But they dare not say these words now, for fear that Ergouzi accidentally angered Ergouzi, and then they wiped Fellow Taoist Tang's neck, and then escaped, they feared that they would never find the entrance to the Primordial Secret Realm in their entire life.

"I've heard before that the wicked dog has always been very honest in doing business and is a particular businessman." Murong Yunhai smiled.

"The last person who said this is dead." Er Gouzi smiled, showing a vicious look on his face, "Don't talk nonsense, it's time for robbery. Men lean on the left and women lean on the right. Put your clothes... no, put your clothes on. Hand over all the valuable things!"

Faced with the threat of Er Gouzi, everyone did not move.

Murong Yunhai smiled coldly: "We have put a ban on this place, even if you kill Tang Daoyou, you can't run away."

"Hehe, why do you think Teacher Duan hasn't appeared yet?" Er Gouzi said with disdain.

Murong Yunhai was taken aback, and suddenly realized this crucial issue.

In the combination of wicked dogs, Evil Dog and Duan Jiude are the two most proficient in tactical restraints. The restraints set by their own group can be solved by the outside world unless they have fallen into it. With their abilities, it is simply impossible. One hour and three minutes.


Just as he was thinking like this, a crackling sound suddenly sounded around him.

He turned his head abruptly and found that the void shattered like a glass lens. It was the delicacy that he had arranged before and was cracked by others.

I saw Duan Jiude appear in the distance, and laughed with arms akimbo: "Idiots, you trash ban, the old man can easily crack it with just one finger!"

Seeing this, Er Gouzi laughed the same: "What else do you do now? Obediently listen to this deity's arrangement. This deity can keep this little monk alive. Our wicked dogs are not interested in the ancient mysteries. We promise not to Fight with you!"

"Really?" The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and said solemnly.

What he has always worried about is that if he waits for someone to rescue Xu Que back, but if Ergouzi and Duan Jiude Huangque are behind, they will run away after grabbing the inheritance.

When the time comes, the sky is really high and the birds fly, no matter how capable they are, they will not be able to chase people back.

But if the wicked dogs were not interested in the ancient secret realm, then Tang Sanzang was the only one who knew the entrance to the ancient secret realm and also had the treasure map of Ghost Valley, and he had to save it.

Er Gouzi looked impatient and waved his hand: "Don't you believe it? This deity will swear by the way of heaven. If this deity follows you to **** the immortal emperor's inheritance in the Primordial Secret Realm, there will be five thunders and thunders, and you will not die! "

The moment the voice fell, an indescribable force spread in the void, and the heavy pressure suddenly fell, and then dissipated.

That is the oath made by Tiandao when he heard the oath.

Xianyunzhou is the closest place to the Dao of Heaven, where any oath that aims at the Dao of Heaven will be fulfilled.

Seeing that Ergouzi actually did this, the middle-aged man and Murong Yunhai looked at each other, completely relieved.

"Okay, then we promise you, what do you want?" Murong Yunhai said.

Er Gouzi rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Didn't you hear what I said? It's robbery time, and all the valuables are handed over!"

"Don't go too far!" Ye Shuo raised his hand and was ready to fight out, but was stopped by Murong Yunhai abruptly.

"Don't be impulsive, as far as I know, although this wicked dog has a black heart and smokes in his butt, he is still very particular about doing business." Murong Yunhai is a lot more stable than Ye Shuo, and said solemnly, " Hand over all the treasures on your body."

When everyone heard the words, their faces were suddenly reluctant.

"Why should we both pay?"

"That is, you make the deal, and why we have to hand over our things."

"It's not fair!"

At this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com broke out with a mighty power, like a peerless strong man came to the world.

I saw Murong Yunhai with a shady face, and the whole body was rolling: "Everyone, if you are willing to help Tianmen with this favor, you are my Tianmen friends. Tianmen has always treated friends with the greatest kindness."

The implication is that if it is not a friend, then it is unknown.

Everyone looked at each other and felt the killing intent on Murong Yunhai's body. In the end, they lowered their heads and handed over their storage ring in a desperate manner.

Murong Yunhai was about to hand these storage rings to Er Gouzi, but he saw Xu Que suddenly struggling violently.

"No! These are treasures accumulated by the daoists for many years, how can they be handed over to this shameless dog in order to save the poor monk!" Xu Que glared and shouted righteously, "The poor monk will commit suicide now. , Will never give this evil dog a chance to threaten everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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