Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1772: Poor monk is so broad-minded

After squeezing the cultivators several times, Xu Que followed Ergouzi's method and walked out of the formation at the entrance.

The moment he stepped out of the formation, the sun fell on his body, and almost everyone felt a sense of being reborn.

There were even many monks with tears in their eyes.

"Finally...come out!"

It's not that they have a bad mentality, it's that this ghost formation is too weird.

At the beginning, everyone didn't notice it, but the deeper it went, the more it felt that the soul was constantly being eroded.

The immortal kings with the lowest cultivation bases present, even so, their minds are gradually becoming fragile under this erosion.

This change caused everyone to panic, and even Xianzun began to feel fear.

If it hadn't been for Xu Que to encourage everyone along the way and make them firm their minds, I'm afraid there would be at least half of the number of monks present.

They had personally seen a fairy king who was dragged out by those ghosts and swallowed up alive after his mental breakdown.

"Thank you, Master Tang." Qing Suyi walked to Xu Que and sincerely thanked him, "If it weren't for you, we would probably have died in it."

When the surrounding monks saw this, they also gathered around to express their gratitude to Xu Que.

Xu Que made himself look pale and waved his hand weakly: "There is a cloud in Buddhism. Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. This is what the poor monks should do. You don't need to be like that."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to Fahui: "Senior brother, pick up the senior brother, let the senior brother reply, this place is dangerous, and we need poor monks to help fellow daoists..."

Fahui was expressionless and said nothing.

Because he didn't know how to face Xu Que's flamboyant performance.

As the only Buddhist disciple who followed Xu Que and knew the Dharma very well along the way, he witnessed Xu Que only releasing the light of Buddha along the way, and yelling at exhaustive performances every once in a while.

As for the Buddha's light, what's the use?

Generally, when Buddhist believers chant the Dharma, they will choose to actively release the Buddha's light. It is estimated that the release of one year will consume about one-thousandth of the cultivation base.

The main purpose is to show the strictness of Buddhism and create its own strength through light and shadow effects.

The consumption along the way is minimal!

But if he didn't use the Dharma, how did he dispel those ghosts?

Fahui is puzzled, but now that there are other monks beside him, he is not easy to ask.

With the help of Fahui's help, Xu Que put the moiré stone in his hand into the storage ring.

Buddhism can indeed disperse ghosts, but it takes too much power, so the real effect is the moiré stone given to him by Murong Yunhai. This stone was originally on Ergouzi.

Later, when he went to Tianmen to steal, Ergouzi dropped the stone and was picked up by Murong Yunhai.

Er Gouzi was shocked when he learned that the moire stone was in Xu Que's hands.

The reason why he and Duan Jiude didn't choose to enter the ghost valley with a map was because the moire stone was lost, and another way to enter the ghost valley was to pile up human lives.

If it hadn't been for Xu Que to show up and hold the moiré stone, it would be good if this group of people could have one tenth left.

"All I earn is hard money." Xu Que said with emotion.

Collecting such a small amount of natural treasures, to protect their lives, he is simply a conscientious business.

Seeing Xu Que wanted to get up, the cultivators hurriedly stopped, with gratitude in their eyes.

"Master Tang can't use it, so just leave it to us next."

"You have consumed a lot of energy, now you should take a good rest."

A monk took out a gilt shuttle and gave it to Xu Que: "Friend Tang, this thing is called a gilt shuttle, and it can be driven by itself. You can rest on it for the rest of the journey."

Someone exclaimed: "This is the gilt shuttle that sold thousands of spiritual stones at auction? I didn't expect it to be in the hands of fellow daoists!"

The monk smiled reservedly: "This is nothing compared to Fellow Tang who saved my life."

Xu Que originally wanted to decline, but when he heard these words, he took the gilt shuttle backhand and folded his hands together: "Then thank you fellow daoist."

The gilt shuttle is very convenient to use. You only need to put a spiritual stone in the position of the switch, and it will automatically float and be controlled by the soul.

A group of people walked in front, while Xu Que was lying on the gilt shuttle, enjoying the surrounding scenery leisurely.

Strictly speaking, after leaving the formation of the entrance, the environment in Ghost Valley was not so bad, as if all the ghosts were concentrated in the formation.

As the crowd continued to deepen, the mood gradually relaxed.

"According to the map, as long as we pass through this area, we can reach the entrance of the Primordial Secret Realm." Murong Yunhai held the map and said with some excitement.

When everyone heard the words, their emotions became agitated.

They spent so much effort, isn't it just to enter the Primordial Secret Realm?

Right now the Primordial Secret Realm was ahead, and everyone couldn't help speeding up their pace.

Chen Mo followed the right side of the team and looked at Xu Que with hatred from time to time.

Xu Que noticed this guy and sneered in his heart.

Labor and management will kill you later!

Dare to stare at Ben and force the saint?

Soon, the road came to an end, and there was a majestic mountain in front of him. Everyone stood in front of the mountain, looking up at the mountain, feeling a little bewildered for a while.

Is this the end?

Didn’t it mean that there is an entrance to the Primordial Secret Realm?

Everyone looked back at Xu Que subconsciously. In their hearts, it seemed that Xu Que could find the real entrance.

Chen Mo sneered twice and said: "Don't think about it, you are all deceived. There is obviously no entrance to this ghost place."

Xu Que was about to speak, and when he heard Chen Mo's words, he was silent for a moment, his hands clasped together: "Amitabha, the poor monk just looked at this picture and found that there is hidden information on this picture, and there is indeed a way to enter."

Chen Mo almost wanted to swear.

What a lie to you!

How can a map that everyone looks at together has information you can see that we can’t see?

But no one paid any attention to Chen Mo. Everyone focused on Xu Que. Com is now everyone's hope for entering the Primordial Secret Realm.

I saw Xu Que raised his head and looked at everyone: "According to the map, a monk who has experienced the intrusion of evil spirits but has not died is needed. Let this place open the door to the Primordial Secret Realm."

When he said this, his gaze kept staring at Chen Mo.

Everyone was still thinking about who was the undead cultivator who had been infested by evil spirits. They followed Xu Que's gaze and suddenly realized it.

Isn't this a monk who has been infested by evil spirits and hasn't died yet?

Chen Mo was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"You, you... are you retaliating against me!"

Xu Que was shocked: "Chen Daoyou, the poor monk is a monk, with a broad mind, how can he retaliate?"

(End of this chapter)

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