Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1779: The poor monk is already passionate

"Quickly disperse!" Murong Yunhai was the first to react, yelling and retreating to the back.

The rest of the people suddenly got excited, and they drew away in a hurry.


The giant palm crashed down, splashing countless smoke and dust. When I could see clearly again, there was only a pit that was several feet deep in front of me. Several immortal kings who had not had time to react were pressed underneath.

"This speed is too fast..." Murong Yunhai murmured.

If he hadn't been vigilant and reminded him in time, I'm afraid that many people have been trapped inside.

The body is huge, so the speed shouldn’t be so fast in theory...

The monks around him were also dumbfounded at this time, looking up at the figure that obscured the sky in front of him, a desperate beauty surged in his heart.

In front of this mountain giant, they are as small as ants.

"This is too big..."

"What did this immortal emperor do back then... to create such a huge giant."

"Can we really get through the first level?"

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Don't stare at it, if you don't defeat this guy, we won't even see the Immortal Emperor's legacy!" Murong Yunhai yelled anxiously when he saw that the giant was about to launch a second attack.

After finishing speaking, his whole body was surging, and he was the first to kill towards the giant.

The other cultivators also reacted, following Murong Yunhai's back, and rushing up all at once.


In an instant, the fairy magic was everywhere, and various attacks collided together, forming a bright streamer, completely submerging the giant in it.

After a round of offense, everyone stopped and stared at the billowing smoke.

A full thousand Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables took action. Unless the Immortal Emperor is alive, no matter how powerful your mountain giant is, you won't have a chance to survive, right?

A monk from the Demon Sect boldly stepped forward and flew to the edge of the smoke to try to check.


A huge palm suddenly protruded from the smoke and dust, grabbed the monk directly, and retracted into the smoke and dust.

"Ah! Save me! I don't want to die..."

A stern wailing sound came out, but disappeared after a while, only a sound of "gapagba" came out from the smoke and dust.

When everyone heard this voice, they were suddenly shocked.

"This...that guy won't be eaten, right?"

"What are you kidding? A fairy king was eaten directly?"

"It's terrible! How could this guardian be so powerful?"

If he was killed, everyone present would not matter, but the method of death right now would be too bloody.

No monk can accept the fate of being eaten by a mountain giant!

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the mountain giant appeared in front of everyone intact.

The attack was too hasty, and until this time, everyone really saw the appearance of the guardian in front of them for the first time.

The guardian is two hundred feet high, standing on this wilderness, like a huge pillar that connects the sky and the earth.

The shadows of the blockbuster films were cast down, covering the vast majority of the monks present, as if pressing on their hearts.

Too strong!

This is not an opponent they can rival!

The immortal emperor specially made it, in order to test the guardian who entered the Primordial Secret Realm, how could it be easily defeated?

"There is a barrier on his body." Xu Que noticed something wrong with his sharp eyes, and raised his hand to fight out with a Buddhist secret method.

The golden Buddha's light fell on the giant, and a thin mask appeared around the giant's body in an instant, and the Buddha's light stirred waves of ripples.

After a while, the Buddha's light dissipated, and the giant was not affected in any way.

Seeing this scene, everyone finally woke up, why the joint attack of everyone has no effect at all.

This giant fairy is immune!

It's so far from the big spectrum!

Murong Yunhai was the first to exclaim, "This is impossible! How can there be immortal immunity in this world?"

Immunity to immortality is an impossible thing in itself.

Immortal law itself is the basis of the monks' battle. From a certain point of view, the normal operation of the monk's exercises can be classified into the immortal law.

If it is said that the immortal law is immune, it means to be immune to all power operations, and the cultivator itself has no way to use the law, or even to practice.

"No, it's possible." Qing Suyi said solemnly, "So far, have you seen this giant attack us with a decisive decision?"

"You mean, this guardian will not be able to make any legal decisions. This level is to test whether we can pass this level with the flesh?" Murong Yunhai only felt absurd, "How is it possible? No monk can fight purely with the flesh." A mountain giant of two hundred feet!"

A low-level monk may cultivate the physical body, but after reaching a certain level of cultivation, it is inevitable to begin to realize the great path.

From that moment on, all the increase in strength came from the comprehension of the great dao, the mastery of the law, and even the increase in the body came from this.

It can be said that the physical strength of all the cultivators present is actually the same, and the difference is only in the mastery of the law and the Dao.

As the two talked, the mountain giant began to move.


The huge fists suddenly blasted out, and there were bursts of bursts. Several cultivators did not react at all, and were directly beaten upside down.

When he was flying in mid-air, he had broken bones and spouted blood.

"It's all scattered! We can't stop it!" Murong Yunhai yelled, and quickly withdrew back.

Immunity to fairy magic means that their own body protection method will never have any effect.

The two-hundred-zhang giant punched down, what a terrifying power, and even vaguely distorted the space!

The eight forces were transformed into eight camps, each forming an array, staring at the giant in front of them vigilantly.

"Master Tang, what can you do?" Qing Suyi came to Xu Que and asked sincerely.

Xu Que read the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has no good way to do this."

Just kidding, that's a giant of two hundred feet, not two feet!

Even you gang of hunks can't stop it, can I, a weak monk, be able to withstand it?

At this moment, Er Gouzi’s voice came: "Qui Ge, Ge Ge, can you hear it? Have you found the Guardian now?"

Xu Que was taken aback and replied with a mind: "Yes, what a giant of two hundred meters! Let's find a chance later to see if we can go directly to the second level."

"Don't! This mountain giant can be subdued!" Er Gouzi said anxiously, "We just found relevant records in the documents we obtained earlier. As long as this mountain giant is defeated, he can recognize the lord!"

Xu Que heard that, without saying anything, he took a step forward and roared: "The poor monk is already boiling! Let the poor monk come to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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