Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1788: Can luck really be transferred?

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The rules of the Eternal Dark City Gambling Tournament are very simple. With the time limit of one day, whoever can win a thousand inferior artifacts first will be the first.

The final result is subject to the ranking on the list.

There is no limit to the way of gambling, and there is no limit to the method, there is only one rule-it is not allowed to use cents.

You can fight, but you are also not allowed to use monks.

On the one hand, this rule is to avoid the destruction of the city, and on the other hand, it is also a gambling method to test the participating monks. If the immortal yuan is used, then gambling and fighting will appear meaningless.

After all, using monks' means to change the result of a gambling fight, it couldn't be easier.

At this time, as soon as the competition started, the whole city was completely boiling.

In the streets and alleys, monks in gambling battles can be seen everywhere.

Everyone is in full swing, wanting to be the ultimate winner.

"Come on, Sieve Pai Gow can do anything. Who wants to come over for gambling."

"The draw is bigger and bigger! Who will fight me!"

"Racing race! Three low-grade immortal artifacts are a bet, and I will take it if anyone can beat them!"

Suddenly, various shouts rang everywhere, and everyone took out their best project, trying to win fairy weapons from other monks.

The ranking of the list changes almost every second. From time to time, there will be monks leaving dejectedly, and some monks yelling with joy.

Of course, you will also see monks walking among the crowd, using wonderful techniques to steal immortal artifacts from others, and naturally there are monks who are like mortals, fighting in the street.

Human desire and violence are vividly displayed in this city, just like his name.

In the Ever Dark City, the light will not be revealed here.

Xu Que wandered around the city for two laps, and found that most people were in a stage of mixed wins and losses, often after the previous person won, and then the next person lost.

This leads to the ups and downs of the names on the leaderboard, always staying at a floating level.

But the number one ranked first at this time was already riding the dust, and in just an hour, he had reached the level of hundreds of low-grade immortal artifacts.

If calculated according to the level of manpower for a fairy artifact, he has now eliminated more than a hundred people.

As for the second place, he has 70 pieces of immortal artifacts.

"Not bad, these guys are quite capable." Xu Que smiled, "It seems that it's time to show off his strong gambling skills, the system, give me a lottery!"

Xu Que has not used the lottery system for a long time since he was promoted to the 11.0 system.

One is because the pretense is in short supply, and the other is because I have enough ability to deal with most situations, and there is no need to waste that pretend.

However, recently I have played a few waves of force, and I have made a lot of money by pretending to be forceful. It can be described as a big family.

In addition, after obtaining the Immortal Emperor's legacy, the balance of magic energy has reached an astonishing 90%, and most of the functions of the system can be reused.

Now he uses one word to describe Ninety-Invincible!

At exactly this time, Er Gouzi ran back dingy, his expression a little unnatural.

"What's the matter?" Xu Que asked while drawing the lottery, "Don't you claim to be second and nobody is first? Lost it all?"

"Um... This **** is just having bad luck for a while." Er Gouzi scratched his head and said stiffly, "Give me ten more artifacts."

"Fuck you really lost?" Xu Que was shocked, "I'll just talk about it casually!"

"This **** will definitely win it back. That gang of guys took advantage of this **** to start for a long time, so this **** only lost!" Er Gouzi was unconvinced.

Xu Que rolled his eyes and waved his hand: "Just your level, don't gamble, just stay there."

"You don't understand, luck will transfer. The deity is unlucky now, and it won't be unlucky later."

Regardless of what Ergouzi said, Xu Que did not respond to him.

Although he had pitted so many Immortal Venerables, he was not bad at lower-grade Immortal Artifacts, but there were only a few hundred pieces, and the distance between them was not small.

According to Ergouzi's loss method, it will take a long time to lose all.

"After all, you still have to look at the sage." Xu Que shook his head in hatred of iron and steel, and opened the lottery.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting ten points of pretense."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting ten points of pretense."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting ten points of pretense."

Damn it!

Pretending to be worth ten points, the lowest prize in the lottery is equivalent to a consolation prize!

Xu Que turned his head and glared at Er Gouzi, this servant is a special non-chief, right?

Unlucky when I came around!

Er Gouzi looked inexplicable: "What are you staring at me for? Have you finally discovered the handsomeness of this deity? If you give the title of the first handsome of the Zhantian Gang to the deity, the deity can consider playing a role. Become a strength and help you win it back."

"Go! Go! It's best to go as far as you can!" Xu Que pointed forward and let Er Gouzi get out.

Damn, bad luck!

"Then lower grade fairy..."

"Here you give it to you! Hurry up and get off, don't delay Lao Tzu's draw!"

Xu Que threw out a few inferior artifacts and sent Er Gouzi away.

He rubbed his hands, and when he was about to continue the draw, Duan Jiude came back again.

"What are you doing? You won't tell me that you lost?" Xu Que asked angrily.

When Duan Jiude heard the words, he put on the appearance of the bones of immortal wind, and said lightly and lightly: "The old man just saw a few young people on the roadside. Because there are no inferior immortal tools to participate in the competition, it is extremely pitiful, so he will be immortal. Gift to them."

"Fuck off, can you find a reliable reason?" Xu Que held his forehead and threw out a few lower-grade immortal artifacts again.


Duan Jiude picked up the lower-grade immortal implement and ran away in a hurry.

Xu Que took a deep breath and opened the lottery again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the ‘One Hour Gambling Master Experience Card’."

One shot into the soul!

Xu Que was about to celebrate when he suddenly saw Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude returning.

"Will you lose all again?"

Er Gouzi's eyes were squinting, and he said proudly: "How can there be no reason for this **** to go on horseback!"

With that said, he took out ten low-grade immortal artifacts.

"Yes!" Xu Que looked at Duan Jiude, "What about you?"

Duan Jiude coughed twice and looked aside: "That..."

"Yes, I get it, I lost it all again, right." Xu Que was about to take the fairy weapon and acted himself.

What are you afraid of if there is a gambling master? Ben Bisheng is now the best in the audience!

"It's not..." Duan Jiude hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's not just that I lost everything, but I also owe others three lower-grade immortal implements."

Xu Que: "..."

His eyes wandered strangely between Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, only one thought remained in his mind.

Could it be that...is luck really transferable?

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