Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1852: Adhere to the principle of pretending to be forced

Xu Que was a little dumb for a while, not because he was surprised by the existence of the demon god.

He was surprised that human monks still had the ability to resist the demon god.

In other words, the current Xianyunzhou actually has the Nine Dao Immortal Emperors and even Dao Venerables!

Thinking of the future generations, the four immortal emperors could dominate the Xianyun Continent, but ten thousand years ago these immortal emperors were almost like wholesale, Xu Que couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

Damn, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, shouldn't humans evolve?

Why has the human monk become weak after ten thousand years!

Then I thought about it, Darwin was talking about science, and there is no science in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Why don't the nobles choose to move out of here?" Xu Que suggested.

Anyway, to interfere with the fate of the eternal race, the easiest way is to let them leave this place.

As long as you leave this place of yours, even if the Demon Lord comes, he can't help it. He doesn't believe that the human monks eat dry food, and people are raging behind the battle line without even noticing it.

It really couldn't. Now the Heaven Continent below Xianyun Continent should still be intact, so it's OK to go directly to Heaven Continent and stay.

The strength of the Eternal Race is not weak, at least it can walk sideways in Tianzhou, that is, the aura of that place is a little barren.

However, to Xu Que's surprise, Shui Ruyi shook his head, showing hesitation: "We...can't go."

"At the moment of life and death, don't consider things like hometown feelings." Xu Que thought she was reluctant to this forest, so she didn't leave.

However, Shui Ruyi waved his hand and said, "Not for this reason...because we can't go."

"Can't go?" Xu Que understood this, "Can you only live here?"

Shui Ruyi nodded and motioned for Xu Que to follow her.

The two went through the forest and came to a place Xu Que had never reached.

The surrounding woods are much denser than other places, and the top of the head is full of dense branches and leaves, and only the faint sky light spills through the gaps.

"What do you want the poor monk to look at?" Xu Que looked around, there was nothing in front of him except a mountain wall.

Shui Ruyi showed an expression that is indescribable, and pointed to the mountain wall: "This is it. This is what I want the master to see."

Fang Ling was stunned: "What's so good about the mountain wall?"

"This is not a mountain wall." In the next second, Shui Ruyi's words shocked Xu Que, "This is our eternal ancestor."

The eternal ancestor?

"Haha, aren't you all vines, Xiaodong has already spoken to the poor monk..." Xu Que suddenly paused when he was halfway through the conversation.

He suddenly realized an extremely terrifying thing.

Shui Ruyi doesn't need to lie to herself, that is to say...this mountain wall is actually Te Niang's vine?


I saw him retreat a few steps, and then suddenly jumped into the air, piercing through the branches and leaves, and came into the air.

Before his eyes, it was an extremely shocking scene.

A vine that can barely see the edge stands in front of the eyes, bordering the sky and the earth, looking to the sides, it is almost impossible to see the edge if you see an extremely distant place.

As for the high places, you can't see exactly where the vine has grown, and the top of it has been submerged in the clouds.

"Fuck..." Xu Que was so shocked that he exploded directly, "Is this special code still a vine?"

The mountain wall that I saw just now is just a part of this vine!

If we had to make an analogy, it would be comparable to this vine, I am afraid that only the Buddha's image of the Lord of the Lords and Demons that he exerted with all his strength would be.

But it was just a phantom, not lethal at all. What really sealed the evil spirits outside the territories was actually the Valve Zhuluo formation plate that he got from the system for free.

But the vine in front of him, Jane directly said that it was the pillar of the sky, Xu Que believed it.

"With such a powerful ancestor, would you still be unable to defeat the evil demons outside the territory?" Xu Que asked after landing.

Shui Ruyi's eyes filled with sadness: "Actually... the ancestor is dying."

Stop teasing, Eternal Ancestor, he has grown up like this, tell me he is dying?

Xu Que felt that this joke was not very funny.

But when you feel it carefully, you can find that the vines are full of rich lifelessness, just like a aging old man.

Shui Ruyi told him that the body of the eternal ancestor is already too large now, and it takes a lot of strength to move it once. If that is the case, I am afraid that it will soon die of old age.

The eternal race can only survive under the blessing of the eternal ancestor. If there is no eternal ancestor, they will die soon even if they move.

"This is unscientific!" Xu Que couldn't understand this kind of Luo family. "What's more, the poor monk hadn't seen this existence before!"

Before he was outside the forest, let alone the vines, he saw only the blue sky and white clouds at a glance.

Shui Ruyi explained that only in this forest can the existence of the eternal ancestor be seen, and it is invisible in other places.

After that, the two left the woods, and Xu Que paid special attention to it.

Sure enough, after leaving the woods, the Eternal Ancestor disappeared without a trace.

"System, can you detect what is the case with the Eternal Ancestor?"

"Ding, the ancestor of eternity is a high life-level creature, which exists in the gap between the fourth and fifth dimensions. Therefore, only a fixed area can be seen. Life has entered the end stage. If there is no alternative core, it will naturally die of old age."

Hearing this theory, Xu Que only had the word "Advanced" in his mind.

This creature can almost be on par with the gods.

"Yes, it seems that I can only help you get things done." Xu Que spread his hands. He originally wanted to solve it easily, so it seems that he still has to spend a lot of effort to arrange it.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Xu Que frantically moved things out of the system, and some seniors moved things out of the system.

Anyway, no money, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com can be used as long as it is available.

At the end of the move, even the system couldn't stand it a little, reminding Xu that he could not do what he could.

Xu Que didn't take it seriously at all. He moved out and allowed the system to be reformed. Anyway, he would spend a little fee for the reformation.

Then, five days later, the entire forest has completely changed.

This time Xu Que did not make a cover, countless steel fortresses stood in the forest, like a huge military factory.

"Hey, you have to work hard with the system, that's Immortal Emperor." Xu Que patted the newly remodeled Gatling next to him, "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be able to act in front of him."

The higher the player's strength, the more he gets.

Xu Que has even begun to look forward to it, it is best to come to a few more immortal emperors, not too high in strength, as long as the number.

After all, being able to pretend to be forceful in front of a group of immortal emperors is truly unprecedented...

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