Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1856: See also the red warning

The raging firelight seemed to burn the entire sky.

The invisible air wave rolled and spread to the surroundings, turning everything into ashes wherever it went.

Modern top technology has undergone a systematic transformation and has become a dual combination product of fairy law and technology, which is far more powerful than a nuclear bomb in reality.

Seeing this scene, Shui Ruyi's eyes were full of horror: "Oh... we are too close, we are about to be involved in it!"

This powerful firepower can even completely destroy the immortal emperor's body, let alone these eternal tribesmen who don't even have the immortal emperor realm.

However, Xu Que just smiled faintly and folded his hands together: "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful, and I will definitely not hurt you."

After all, take out the remote control and press all the buttons together.


Hundreds of powerful formations suddenly took shape, and one after another light curtain shrouded the center of the explosion, as if it was covered with layers of tortoise shells.

Rao is how the turbulent fire rushes, but still can't break through the formation.

The heat wave rushing towards the face, after encountering the formation, rolled back again, and turned out to form a cycle, like a rolling lotus flower!

When Shui Ruyi and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but close their mouths from ear to ear.

"Well, what kind of formation is this formation? You can even block such a powerful spell?"

Naturally, they had no idea about nuclear bombs, and they only thought that this was a powerful magic technique that Xu Que had displayed.

"Amitabha Buddha, this is the absolute defense formation developed by the poor monk who has spent countless efforts." Xu Que smiled lightly, "So don't worry, when the power of the immortal law is completely dissipated, the formation will dissipate. "

Shui Ruyi calmed down, and gave a salute to Xu Que, and said softly, "Thank you, Master Tang, for this kindness, my clan will remember it forever."

With that, she took out a stone and handed it to Xu Que.

"This is?" Xu Que looked at the stone, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became, and suddenly his body was shocked, "Is this Dao Wenshi?!"

"No, this is Daowen Ancestral Stone." Shui Ruyi smiled. "It seems that Master Tang should know the origin of this stone. My family is rich in Daowen Stone. If you want to come to Tang Master, you should know the difficulty of picking Daowen Stone, but you have this. The stone can not only sense the existence of the Dao Wen Shi, but also completely ignore the time slowing down of the Dao Wen Shi. This object was given to Master Tang as a testimony of our friendship."

"Hey, this is inappropriate, inappropriate..." Xu Que said as he put the Daowen Ancestral Stone into his pocket.

Anyway, it's all things in the illusion, and I don't know if I can take it out.

Rubescens on the side, blushing, walked over, and handed out a box: "Master Tang...this is, this is my body...the crystal nucleus condensed and I will give it to you."

"Your body crystal nucleus? Is there any use?" Xu Que opened the box and took a look. There was a green spar inside, and there seemed to be light swimming in it.

"This crystal nucleus was condensed when I was an adult, and it can replenish a lot of vitality." Dong Lingcao explained seriously, "If you encounter danger in the future and are seriously injured, you can use this substance to treat it."

Xu Que was stunned. Although he said that he had system recovery, he had encountered injuries before, which caused the system to be unable to recover quickly.

"This supplement of vitality... is the effect very strong?" Xu Que asked curiously.

"In mortal terms, it can be called life and death." Dong Lingcao said vowedly, "As long as you are not dead, you can survive!"

"That's so, thank you so much..."

As soon as Xu Que's voice fell, the picture in front of him suddenly began to blur.

"what's the situation…"

Xu Que realized that he should be clearing the customs.

He waved his hand at the Rubescens, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "See you in ten thousand years..."

Suddenly, a peculiar force suddenly struck him, instantly repelling him, and fell into the endless darkness.

In this darkness, countless fragments of the picture floated past him, like a sea of ​​stars.

Xu Que felt like a long time had passed, but it seemed that only a moment had passed.

When he woke up again, he found himself still underwater.

"The illusion is over?" Xu Que looked around, but did not find Ling Nishang and others.

"Ding, warning, warning, there are five-dimensional creatures nearby, please pay attention to the host."

At this moment, the system suddenly issued a warning signal frantically, and Xu Que was a little confused immediately.

What the hell! This red warning came twice in less than a month!

Do you want people to live?

"The young man... can't tell, he wakes up very quickly..." The voice seemed to sound directly in his mind, and Xu Que immediately shook his spirits.

What a monster! Actually in the mind of Ben Qisheng?

"...Do you want to look down?"

Xu Que heard the words and looked down, and an unspeakable tremor suddenly rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Not far from his feet, is a huge head, above the head, like the difference between a human and an ant.

Looking deep, the boundless huge body is hidden in the dark water, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

Hiss...this fish is too big...

The voice suddenly became angry: "You are a fish! Your whole family is a fish! Lao Tzu is a Meng Kun!"

Xu Que was stunned. What is Mengkun?

"Ding, Mengkun is a five-dimensional divine object, or a product of the gods, not owned by Xianyunzhou." The system replied.

Xu Que looked at the behemoth below that could make people completely lose hope, and wondered again in his heart: How could Meng Kun appear here?

The voice chuckled twice: "How did it appear... you can go and see by yourself..."

The voice fell, and the turbid water flow surged from the depths, spinning around Xu Que.

In an instant, Xu Que entered a peculiar state.

A large number of pictures flowed in front of him at an extremely fast speed, but Xu Que could remember the pictures he had seen.

Although his own nuclear bomb scrubbed the ground and killed Arudo, it only wiped out the opponent's physical body and suffered heavy losses. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Arudo still escaped.

But in the Eternal Forest, it has suffered a lot.

Because of nuclear radiation.

The most advanced technology from modern times will also have an effect on people in the world of cultivating immortals. Soon there was an abnormal change in the Eternal Forest, and a large number of eternal people died.

In order to preserve the last eternal tribe, Dong Lingcao, who has become the patriarch, chose to move the tribe into the underground.

However, it was not a long-term solution for the vines to enter the ground. In the end, Dong Lingcao was ingenious and thought of a way that Xu Que was absolutely admired.

She integrated herself into the body of the eternal ancestor, became the new core of the eternal ancestor, went to the top of the vine, and brought back the dream kun.

Subsequently, using the power of Meng Kun, all the souls of all the tribesmen were migrated into the dream state, while the body remained outside, forming another form of immortality...

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