Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1859: ?Green tea lethality

"This sacred stone curses you, you will definitely die in the five plagues!"

"The wrath of the gods will fall on you!"

"Ignorant maggot, you will pay for your stupid behavior!"

"This sacred stone wants you to die without a place to be buried!"

"Damn you!"

After the scolding, the sacred stone even exploded the mortal's foul language, and it seemed to be extremely angry.

So far, the numbers written by Xu Que have reached an extremely astonishing level.

With Daowen Ancestral Stones in hand, those Daowen Stones that are hard to find almost become ordinary stones that can be picked up everywhere.

Coupled with his own wind speed, Xu Que can guarantee that all the disciples who come in this time are not as good as him!

"You shameless maggot..." The speed at which the divine stone popped out the divine text had already begun to slow down, and it was already exhausted.

At this moment, an exciting voice suddenly sounded.

"Okay, it should be almost done." Xu Que calculated the number of people and thought it should be enough.

Shenshi felt as if he heard the sound of nature.

God... have you heard the prayer of this **** stone?

Has this shameless villain finally stopped his evil deeds!

This is the pity from God...

Xu Que didn't feel the rich and colorful inner world of the Divine Stone. After finishing all the Daowen Stones, he collected the Daowen Ancestral Stones and prepared to go to the exit.

Before leaving, he looked far away in a certain direction.

Although you have nothing, he knows that there is the place where the eternal ancestor exists.

The once eternal ancestor has long since died, and now there is that innocent and lively little girl.

For the future of the ethnic group, we will always guard here.

"Good luck, little girl." Xu Que said lightly.

Afterwards, turned around and left without looking back.

At the exit, the atmosphere has reached the point of tension.

Caused by Feng Yuehua and Qiu Zili, everyone is in danger, for fear that someone will come to **** their Taoist stone.

Afterwards, Qiu Zili revealed Feng Yuehua's love history in public, and I have to say that Feng Yuehua's concubine is a bit more true, traversing the four immortal realms.

Even people like Ding Yong who were already mentally prepared couldn't bear it.

For a time, gossip was flying, and the whole exit was filled with a peculiar and warm atmosphere.

At this moment, Nishang Fairy suddenly said: "Come!"

Therefore, the monks from the Immortal Realm of Yongzhen all looked into the distance together, their eyes full of urgency.

The monks who were still gossiping around him were suddenly attracted to him.

"The famous fairy in neon clothes, who would be such a concerned person?"

"I don't know, is it her double monk?"

"Have you ever heard of fairy tales with Taoists?"


"Then you say a shit!"

There was a lot of discussion, and they were very curious about the identity of the visitor.

The black spot in the distance zoomed in quickly, and soon, a handsome monk appeared in front of everyone.

I saw his clothes fluttering, with a faint smile on Junyi’s face, holding a bottle of Sprite in one hand, and a cigarette in the other, smoke hovering around him with the wind, like The fairy descended to the earth.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a while, even Feng Yuehua's eyes were blurred, and he uttered a sincere admiration.

"Good-looking monk..."

I saw the monk slowly descending, and did not rush over. Instead, he took a deep breath, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said faintly: "Sprite with cigarettes, boundless mana, poor monk Tang Sanzang, I have seen Donors."

"Okay, so handsome, so chic! How can there be such a handsome monk!" Someone said in surprise.

Xu Que's arrival immediately aroused most of the male cultivators present at the same hatred of the enemy, only the male cultivator on the side of the Immortal Realm of Yongzhen did not have much reaction.

Seeing other people's expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred, the cultivator of the Immortal Realm of Yongzhen laughed and whispered: "I haven't seen the world before."

What's so handsome?

Is it rare to be handsome?

Our cultivators in the Immortal Realm of Yongzhen see such a handsome monk every day. Did we say anything to show off?

Huh, ridiculous!

When Fairy Nishang saw Xu Que, an excited expression flashed across his eyes, and he walked up quickly: "Master Tang, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the poor monk." Xu Que looked around and curiously said, "The atmosphere of the poor monk's view seems to be wrong here. Did something happen?"

Before the Nishang Fairy could speak, Feng Yuehua swayed her waist, and Kuan Kuan came over.

She stood in front of Xu Que, her eyes full of charm, and said softly: "This master, here is Feng Yuehua of Chengyuan Immortal Realm, I don't know the name of the master?"

As he said, a pair of slender jade hands grabbed Xu Que's sleeves and cast a wink over.

"Master Tang, ignore her, this woman wants to take advantage of you!" Fairy Nishang sternly said with eyes wide.

Xu Que's spirit was immediately lifted, and his eyes glowed!

Is there such a good thing?

This girl has vision and knows that Ben Bisheng is the most handsome person in the audience. It seems that Xianyunzhou is indeed full of talents, and there are people who can discover the advantages of Ben Bisheng anytime and anywhere.

At this moment, Feng Yuehua's body trembled, and she suddenly showed a grieved expression, shyly and timidly said: "Sister, am I close to Master Tang, you are not happy? Why is my sister so easy to get angry?"


Everyone took a breath of air, especially Ding Yong, his eyes staring out.

Although Fengyue Huayan has long been heard, but those are basically rumors, who has actually seen it?

In fact, Feng Yuehua's appearance was not weaker than that of Nishang Fairy and Qiu Zili. At this time, she was even more like a pear flower with a rainy little daughter, and countless people's eyes were immediately focused on her.

The Nishang Fairy felt like a bug crawling over her skin, and suddenly got a layer of goose bumps: "Feng Yuehua! Are you sick?"

"Oh, sister, don't be angry, Master Tang has nothing to do with me." After that, Feng Yuehua looked at Xu Que again and blinked his eyes, "My sister is so easy to get angry, Master Tang should be very tired?"

"Feng Yuehua, you..."

"If I were my sister, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would definitely not fight with Master Tang in one day, after all, Master Tang looks so handsome."

Fairy Nishang took a deep breath, feeling that the true essence in her body had begun to be a little disordered.

Qiu Zili on the side stepped forward and said with a mocking face: "Feng Yuehua, are you disgusting like this?"

Feng Yuehua suddenly looked horrified, hid behind Xu Que, half of his head popped out, and said timidly: "Master Tang, this demon girl is so fierce..."

Rao Qiu Zili is accustomed to conspiracy and tricks, and when he sees this scene, he can't help but let out a humiliation!

Xu Que watched the confrontation between the three women, folded his hands together, and sighed with emotion in his heart.

Sure enough, the female man and the high cold goddess, after all, are not the opponents of the green tea bitch...

(End of this chapter)

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