Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1874: I think you have a **** disaster

About an hour later, the cultivator of the Lieyang Gate hurriedly left from the Cangyun Sect. Before leaving, he yelled at the Cangyun Sect and put down his harsh words.

A dog was chased and killed without saying a word. He killed him all the way. The Lieyangmen cultivator suffered heavy casualties, and he escaped back to Lieyangmen.

"Young Master, that evil dog is too arrogant!"

Inside the Lieyang Gate, a monk knelt on the ground, crying bitterly and reprimanding Er Gouzi for his crime.

Sitting at the top was a young man, dressed in brocade clothes, and his complexion was a little pale. Although his eyebrows were pretty clean, he felt a gloomy feeling no matter how he looked at it.

Beside him, there are several beautiful female sisters, their clothes are extremely revealing, and they are all seductive.

After listening to the monk's report, the young man became furious, and slapped the female nun on the thigh: "Damn! A Cangyun faction in a mere pal, dare to be so arrogant?"

The face of the girl who was slapped shook, but she dared not show the slightest expression.

This person is Liehua, the young master of Lieyang Sect, who has a perverse and violent temperament, and if he makes the other person uncomfortable a little, he will cause painful ravages.

In the face of Liehua’s anger, the monk who came to report was terrified, but his eyes were cruel, and he lowered his head and said with a trembling voice: "This person is still extremely arrogant. Let you go to the Baiyu Building in the city at noon today. Said to teach you face-to-face!"

"What? Come here, serve Ben Shao to change clothes, and today I will let the Cangyun Sect disappear into the Xitian Gate!"

Liehua was furious. You must know that although the Lieyang Gate is only a third-rank sect, among the third-rank sects that resemble the sand of the Ganges, they are all top-ranked sects. It only takes a moment to promote to the second-rank sect. .

As for the Yipin Zongmen, there has always been only one in these years, and that is the Palace of Eternal Night.

Therefore, as long as it can become the second-grade sect, it will naturally stand on the top of Xitianmen city. After all, there are only four second-grade sects in Xitianmen city.

Faced with such a provocation, how could he stand up to his dignified Young Master Yangmen?

The young master ordered the entire Lieyang Gate to move, and soon a luxurious lineup left the Lieyang Gate and headed to the White Jade Tower in the city.

Along the way, the monks saw the cars driving at Lieyangmen and avoided them.

"Look, that prodigal son is out again."

"Tsk, I don't know which female cultivator has fallen blood mold this time, and he will look at it again."

"Hurry up, this guy has a moody temperament, and his father is about to reach the peak of Xianzun, we can't afford to provoke him."

In fact, Xu Que has never understood why a mid-term immortal venerable can show off in Xitianmen City.

It stands to reason that Xianyunzhou shouldn't be the gods walking everywhere, shouldn't there be many gods like dogs?

But in fact, this is because he misunderstood the actual power of Xianyunzhou.

Compared with Tianzhou and other places, Xianyunzhou's biggest advantage is that there are four supreme immortal emperors sitting here.

And the top strength of each sect is also much higher than the monks of Tianzhou.

Including the cultivator of the Immortal King who invaded Xianyun Continent before, it was actually a joint force sent by the major forces of Xianyun Continent, so that so many cultivators could be gathered.

As a result, Xu Que, who was directly enchanted, was completely wiped out at once, and the major forces were immediately hit hard. Fortunately, the family business was a little bigger. Some entire schools were just a sect of the Immortal Venerable. They were suddenly depressed and disbanded on the spot.

And their mid-range strength is actually not that high.

After all, even in the era when the whole people are heading for a well-off society, there are still people who are poor and cannot afford to eat. No matter where they are, there are class divisions.

In the Lieyang Gate, not only the Sect Master is about to reach the peak of the Immortal Venerable, but there are also several elders of the Immortal Venerable Realm, which can be regarded as a great power.

Therefore, in Xitianmen city, few monks are willing to provoke Lieyangmen.

In a blink of an eye, the group arrived at Baiyulou.

The monk at the door had already heard about the stigma of Lieyang Gate, and the ones who were not strong avoided it early. Those who were strong were unwilling to stick this **** plaster and chose to leave.

So when I walked into the Baiyun Tower, there were only a few people sitting in it, Xu Que.

Although Liehua had a bad personality, he still cautiously sent people to investigate the surrounding situation, and after confirming that there was no ambush, he walked in.

"Cang Jingkong, I didn't expect you to find a helper?" Lie Hua sat down beside Xu Que and looked at Xu Que with a grin. "This fellow Taoist, are you trying to help this guy get ahead?"

Xu Que glanced at him, and suddenly said: "Amitabha...No, I am sorry to say that, I am very immeasurable, and he is a poor man who is proficient in fortune-telling. I am afraid that there will be a **** disaster in the next day."

When Liehua heard it, he laughed again and again, stood up in the center, and opened his arms: "Joke! My Lieyang Gate is now in the midst of the sky, and my father is immediately a monk at the peak of Xianzun, and there are elders of Xianzun inside the gate, looking at the whole west. In Tianmen City, who can be my enemy at Lieyangmen."

He suddenly approached Xu Que and said gloomily: "And you, still want to threaten this young master?"

"Stay away from me, you are too ugly and want to throw up." Xu Que said blankly.

He came here today to find fault, naturally how arrogant he came.

According to his thoughts, when Liehua heard this, he should immediately start his hands.

However, I didn't expect Liehua to look like a lightning strike: "You, do you call me ugly?"

Afterwards, he reacted violently and said sternly: "Impossible! My Liehua is the most handsome monk in Xitianmen City! No one is more handsome than me!"

Xu Que was shocked at the time.

Is this really shameless or self-aware?

With this respect, you are ashamed to say that you are the most handsome?

Especially Cang Jingkong looks better than you!

"Blessed Heaven, you must be self-aware." Xu Que hates that iron can't become a steel road. "Pan Dao thought you were just in poor health, but I didn't expect that even your brain was not good!"

"Huh, arrogant, cherish your next time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Liehua sneered and waved behind him, "Elder Chen, let these people stay forever today."

An old man wearing a gray shirt came out, revealing the aura of the mid-stage cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable on his body.

When Cang Jingkong saw this, he was panicked: "Senior, let's run away! This man is the execution elder of Lieyangmen, with a high level of cultivation and strong combat power!"

"Huh, want to go?" Elder Chen glanced across a **** brilliance, "It's too late!"

He was like a ghost, suddenly came to Xu Que's back, raised his hand and pressed it, but he pressed it blankly.

Elder Chen was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to look, and found that Xu Que was standing behind Lie's incarnation, slapped him on the ground.

Xu Que said with a regretful tone, and shook his head: "Young man, I said that you are in a **** disaster, why don't you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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