Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1881: Are you wearing

The next day, the entire Cangyang Gate began to move.

In the past, the Lieyang Gate was the top three-rank sect, but after all, it was only a third-rank sect. The fight for the main disciple had nothing to do with them.

But now with Xu Que, the level of the entire sect has suddenly risen by a big step.

With the support of Ergouzi's treasures, Xu Quehua's collection of treasures is simply outrageous. As long as there are clues, he will give valuable treasures.

Er Gouzi almost beat his chest and feet, crying bitterly, and even tried to run away several times, but Xu Que was caught in the end.

After a whole day of collecting, the monks returned to Lieyang Gate and reported the news.

Xu Que is not stingy, as long as the news is true, he can get rich rewards.

It's not my own baby anyway, so don't you feel bad about spending other people's money.

Every monk came out from the main hall gate, all smiles.

Only the cry of Ergouzi, mixed in it, seemed to be extremely disharmonious.

"It turns out that this is how the principal disciple is selected..." Xu Que could not help but sigh after reading all the information, "This Chengyuan Immortal Realm is really the realm of freedom, it's an eye-opener!"

There are three aspects to the selection of the main disciple. The first thing is strength, which is of course needless to say.

But the second most important thing is what kind of popularity is it?

When Xu Que saw this, he was stupid.

According to the data, the popularity of the monks participating in the selection accounted for 40% of the final result.

This is really outrageous, okay!

How is this different from the draft?

As for the last aspect, it is evaluated by the messengers sent by the Central Tianmen.

It is said that these messengers are the personal guards of the immortal emperor, they are fair and unselfish, and they are not merciless in the evaluation. Someone tried to bribe the messengers in those days, and was finally killed by the messengers on the spot.

But these are all small problems, and Xu Que doesn't believe that there are so many fair and unselfish existences in this world.

If this were the case, Xianyunzhou would not invade Tianzhou and try to destroy it.

As long as you are still human, you must have desires.

But these are all things to follow, and the most urgent task now is to become the true disciple of the principal.

Only in this way can one enter the central heaven gate.

As for the **** ship, it has nothing to do with me.

"Very well, in that case, the first thing we need to do now, I think everyone should already be very clear."

Hearing this, several people in the main hall looked up at Xu Que, waiting for his next words.

In the past few days, Xu Que has completely conquered the two former Sect Masters, Lie Tianqiong and Cang Jingkong, by showing his amazing strength and strategy.

They are now firmly taking Xu Que as the leader, and there will be no disobedience in the slightest.

Lie Tianqiong boldly put forward a guess: "Are we going to show our strength?"

Cang Jingkong frowned in contemplation, before speaking for a while: "Should we go and make friends with other forces and let them vote for us?"

Xu Que couldn't help sighing. From the answers of the two people, you can see their respective temperaments.

Lietianqiong was once the top sect master in the third grade sect. It can be said that he suppressed the same sect. Therefore, when facing things, the first reaction was to suppress it strongly.

But Cang Jingkong was weak and used to it, but he didn't have much trouble-solving ability, so the first reaction was to ask someone for help.

"You two are wrong." Xu Que shook his head. "What we have to do now is to exclude dissidents."

Exclude dissidents?

Cang Jingkong and Lie Tianqiong glanced at each other, and they didn't understand Xu Que's meaning.

Xu Que explained patiently: "Look, this is the case now, how many monks are participating in the selection?"

Cang Jingkong held down a jade slip, sensed for a while, and his face shook: "It should be...13,972, this number is still increasing."

"That's right, the temptation of the position of the principal disciple is too great. Most monks don't have a good idea. No matter what kind of monsters, ghosts and snakes, they will find a way to get in." Xu Que said, "In order to avoid unexpected situations, we first We must get rid of those trash fish."

Lie Tianqiong was stunned, and his face was stern: "The Sect Master meant... to kill them all?"

"Lao Lie is not what I said about you. You are a person of this age. Don't shout and scream at every turn." Xu Que felt the hardship of leading the team. "They want to participate in the selection of the main disciple. They have to sign up, right? We? Wouldn't it be good to intercept them on the way to sign up?"

Lie Tianqiong hesitated for a moment, and was a little embarrassed: "If we use our hands...there is actually no problem, but we are afraid that we can't stop it. After all, on the day of registration, strictly speaking, mass destruction is not allowed, so all the methods used in the past are Can't use it anymore..."

Xu Que was stunned: "What method did you use before?"

"Well, the mass destruction fairy technique washes the ground, or arranges a killing array to trap everyone, regardless of life or death..."

Xu Que was stupefied when he heard it, thinking that your motherland was still a terrorist organization!

It's no wonder that at that time, it was a killer move that destroys the world, and this is all historically inherited.

"It's a peaceful society. If we want to gain popularity, we can't kill people." Xu Que called the two people and taught them, "Listen to me, follow the method I said, and do it on the day of registration."

The three of them were whispering in the main hall for a long time, and Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude listened to them with emotion.

"Brother lacking is really wicked..."

"Tsk tusk, I don't know which bad luck urged it, and it will be intercepted at that time."

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and soon it was the day of registration.

On this day, the entire Xitianmen City was in a state of restlessness, and countless monks came from all directions.

They are not only from Xitianmen City, the monks of the Chengyuan Immortal Territory have all gathered here.

The identity of the principal's disciple is too tempting. Not only can he enter the Central Heavenly Gate, but he can also give orders to the disciples.

In other words, when the immortal emperor is not below the realm, the entire immortal domain is under the control of the principal disciple.

This makes a large number of monks flock to them, even those who are weak, want to participate in it, hoping to get some benefits.

Ding convenient is one of them. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

As a monk in a remote place, even though Ding Fang was a child of a wealthy cultivator family where he was born, he is still in the countryside.

In his heart, only Xitianmen City was the place where many monks should really come.

Therefore, after hearing about the main disciple selection, he made a decisive decision, took his belongings and went straight to this place.

Walking on the street, he sighed with the luxury of Xitianmen City, and his heart was full of longing for the future.

Turning a corner, Ding Fang suddenly stopped and looked at the monk in front of him.

"Friends, do you have any advice?" Ding Fang arched his hands cautiously.

The monk was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Are you wearing underwear?"

Ding Fang: "???"

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