Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1885: Head can get bigger

Xu Que and Er Gouzi transformed this young man and the grass mud horse.

Before the disguise, Xu Que did not expect that the cultivators of Chengyuan Immortal Domain would be so enthusiastic, but it took a lot of time.

He came to Qiongyu Pavilion one by one, and was stopped by someone as soon as he was about to enter.

The woman in a pale yellow palace dress, with slender jade hands blocking her, said with a chuckle: "This fellow Taoist, please show your ticket for the election."

"Participating card? Is there such a thing as an exam qualification certificate here?" Xu Que was taken aback for a moment.

"Sorry, this time the main disciple selection is very strict. Only when the strength reaches a certain level can you be eligible to participate." The maid pursed her lips and explained softly, "So every monk who comes to Qiongyu Pavilion needs to participate in the test. ."

"Testing, easy to talk and talk." Xu Que expressed his understanding and began to roll up his sleeves.

The maid was taken aback for a moment, and her face was confused: "Friends, what do you roll up your sleeves for?"

Fang Ling looked up and said with a dazed expression: "Don't you want to fight with someone? How else can you test your strength?"

"Uh, it doesn't have to be so troublesome." The maid couldn't help but said softly, "Friends, please come with me."

"Oh, I thought I was going to fight." Xu Que shook his head regretfully, followed behind the maid, and went to the depths of Qiongyu Pavilion.

Under the leadership of the maid, Xu Que walked into Qiongyu Pavilion and walked to the passage behind the lobby.

As he walked, he was observing the surroundings.

The lobby of Qiongyu Pavilion is carved with dragons and phoenixes.

Men and women in twos and threes sat at the table, discussing in a low voice, or examining Xu Que with their eyes.

These people are all monks who come to participate in the selection of the main disciple. When they see competitors enter this place, they will naturally observe more subconsciously.

"I take the liberty to ask, why I see some monks, it seems that the level is not very high." Xu Que retracted his gaze and asked curiously.

Didn’t you say you want to filter?

Why did he see a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm just now?

"Friends of Daoist joked. Those who can participate in the selection must have their own unique places." The maid said with a smile while leading the way. "Perhaps they are not high in realm, but they have some unique skills, and they can also participate in the selection."

"Really? What skills does that person have?" Xu Que pointed to the Golden Immortal realm cultivator he had seen earlier.

The maid looked at it and suddenly said, "This monk has the ability to make a certain part bigger."

Fang Ling looked weird when he heard the words: "Isn't this a natural ability that every male cultivator has?"

"Oh, is it?" The maid was a little surprised at once, "Friend Taoist, where can you make it bigger?"

"Um..." Fang Ling thought for a while, and said sternly, "You should tell me where he can grow bigger first."

"These are the secrets of the contestants." The maid paused, her cheeks flushed, "For your handsomeness, I can tell you that this monk can make his head bigger."

Xu Que had not had time to express his handsome annoyance. Hearing this, his expression became even more weird: "Wait, which one?"

"Naturally it is the head you think." The maid smiled lightly.

Xu Que was shocked as a heavenly man.

This is simply a magical skill! It can be called the ability that a man dreams of!

Xu Que turned around and walked towards the Golden Wonderland monk without saying a word.

The Daluo Jinxian monk was originally still observing Xu Que, but when he saw Xu Que coming towards him, he immediately retracted his gaze.

However, Xu Que did not evade the slightest. He sat down directly in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Friends of Taoism, I am the most handsome monk in history, Supreme Treasure, come here to see your stunts."

The Jinxian monk was shocked when he heard the words.

There is such a shameless figure among monks today, which is rare in the world!

He sorted out his thoughts and said with a serious face: "This fellow Taoist, my stunt is a unique secret skill, which is easily not shown to others."

Xu Que had been mentally prepared for a long time. In order to obtain this stunt, he was ready to pay the price and directly put a piece of fairy on the table.

Brother Jinxian was quiet for a moment, and suddenly smiled and said: "Friends, as soon as I see you, I feel like I saw you right away. I will show you the unique skill now!"

With that, he left his seat and went to the center of the lobby.

Xu Que made a gesture: "Please."

I saw the Jinxian monk condensed his eyes, and the whole body was rolling.

In an instant, his head grew several times bigger in an instant!


The surrounding monks instantly exclaimed, this is the first time someone has demonstrated this ability in public.

Xu Que looked at the show with a smile, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

Damn, the relationship turned out to be getting bigger...wasting Lao Tzu's time.

Just as he was thinking about how to get the fairy artifact back, he suddenly saw an old man walking towards him.

The maid on the side quickly winked at Xu Que, and bowed to the old man in awe: "See Feng Lao."

After finishing speaking, he came to Xu Que's side again, and said in a low voice: "Friends, this is Feng Lao who is in charge of the test. Then you will go to the test with him."

Xu's shortcomings, looking at the old man, his expression unchanged, but a chill in his heart.

The aura on this old man's body is like a deep sea, and just the aura that is exuding now has reached the peak of the Immortal Realm. If it explodes with all its strength, it is most likely to be a half-step immortal emperor level powerhouse!

This Chengyuan Immortal Domain is really unfathomable, and there is such a powerful person hidden in it!

Xu Que suddenly realized that something was wrong. He had been in the Immortal Realm of Yongzhen for so long, and he had rarely seen half-step immortal emperor-level powerhouses.

Why did one suddenly pop up here?

With Xu Dingcheng, Xu Que generally has a strong sense of vigilance against such a sudden emergence of the strong.

Old Feng glanced at him and nodded lightly: "Okay, come with me."

After that, he turned and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

As soon as Xu Quegang took a step, the spirit of consciousness in his heart suddenly gave birth to a vigilant heart.

Looking back, he happened to see a few monks who were too late to look back, pretending to be nothing, and turning their heads. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"These guys...have been paying attention to Ben Bisheng?" Xu Que couldn't help but raised his hair, proud, "Ben Bisheng is so handsome!"

The two went all the way to the depths, turned the corridor, and came to a room.

"Go in." Feng Lao said lightly, standing at the door, without even looking at Xu Que.

Damn it! The dead old man is too pretending!

Xu Que slandered in his heart expressionlessly, but saw Feng Lao suddenly look over and hurriedly walked into the room.

In Nuo Da's room, there were only a few candles, one side running across the entire room, standing in the center of the room.

As soon as he walked in, the door behind him suddenly closed, and a voice of vicissitudes echoed in the room.

"Put your hand on the rock wall."

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