Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1889: Brothers of different surnames

"Brother Murong, what's the matter?" This is, the surrounding monks also noticed the inexplicable reaction of their friends, and asked with concern.

"No, nothing..." Murong Tuo quickly lowered his head, not daring to let people see his expression.

When the group saw this, they continued to walk inside.

Several people came from famous families, and they carried a kind of noble temperament, except for the monks with the same status as them, no one else was regarded by them.

The monks in the lobby also understood this truth, so when they saw the crowd coming, they all avoided.

Only Xu Que stared directly at Murong Tuo, as if he wanted to see through the other party.

"System, what is the Destiny Fragment Fantasy Realm you just created?" Xu Que asked from the bottom of his heart, "How do you feel something is wrong with this guy?"

This time, the system was silent for a long time, seeming to find it hard to tell.

"System?" Xu Que frowned slightly and asked again.

The system said quietly: "...you don't want to know."

Just at this time, a few people were coming to the Xu area, and Murong Tuo couldn't help but look at Xu Que more.

He was quite sure that this young man was the one he saw in the long river of fate.

Murong Tuo slowed down subconsciously and stopped beside Xu Que.

If it is said that this kind of thing will happen in the future, it is still necessary to know in advance who the other party is.

He pondered his words and said, "This fellow Taoist, I think you are a magnificent person, you are not an ordinary person, dare to ask your surname?"

Seeing a friend's question, the cultivators nearby also stopped and looked around Xu Que and Murong Tuo.

Xu Que was also a little surprised. Is it possible that this person has noticed something? Why did you suddenly explore my bottom?

But he still arched his hands without surprise, and said with a perfect smile: "I'm here to explode the heavens to help supreme treasure, I don't know your surname?"

While speaking, he conveniently placed a sound-proof formation around him so as not to be heard by other monks.

The influence caused by Ergouzi was too great, but it was impossible for oneself to give up the name of the Zhantian Gang. He could only find a way to correct the reputation of the Zhantian Gang.

Murong Tuo looked at each other's smile, his eyes gradually blurred.

I have to say, he looks really handsome...

If you say that you are with such a handsome boy, it doesn't seem to be so unacceptable, oh?

Xu Yepo was a little curious, and asked, "Brother Murong, what did you see just now? Is it because someone wants to ambush us?"

"No, it's not me, it's impossible!" Murong Tuo was meditating, when he was asked suddenly, just like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he suddenly screamed.

He suddenly woke up, his mind was shaking.

Gan! What are you thinking?

Are you actually accepting reality?

I am a pure man! How can I be with a man!

"Under Murong Tuo!" He sorted out his expression and said with a serious expression, "I want to know, what is the relationship between Taoist friend and my Murong family? Why is there a bond between my Taoist friend and my Murong family?"

He must figure out why this happens.

I had clearly felt the killing intent before, and what I had intercepted was also the scenes related to the killing intent in the long river of fate, but why did it appear that I was kissing this young boy?

The cultivators next to him heard the words and looked at Xu Que's gaze.

As members of the top family, each of them will have a secret method. If an outsider attacks and kills them, then the attacker will inevitably fall into the **** of their family.

As long as you are a member of the family, you can feel this fetter.

Since Murong Tuo asked such words, it meant that this person had probably attacked and killed Murong's people.

But they didn't expect that Xu Que would become fettered with Murong's family, purely because the system had engaged in a false fate of the two kissing each other!

Xu Que was shocked when he heard this, thinking that it was probably because of that fateful fragment.

What kind of fate did the system make?

Why didn't this guy divert his attention, but stared directly at himself?

"Ah, I'm from a mountainous land, I don't understand what you mean." Xu Que coughed and began to pretend to be crazy.

Anyway, with the system in hand, this guy can't see through anything.

Murong Tuo frowned when he heard the words, "Or... Did fellow Taoists meet any strange characters before? Maybe it's the seniors of my Murong family."

"Um, this is true. I met an old beggar on the side of the road before. He was really pitiful, so I rewarded him with a bun." Xu Que said deliberately.

"Beggar?" Murong Tuo was suddenly lost in thought.

On the contrary, the complexions of the other monks changed drastically.

Among them, Xu Ye sternly reprimanded: "Asshole! How dare to humiliate Brother Murong so much!"

Only then Murong Tuo asked Xu Que if he had met a strange person. He turned around and said that he had met an old beggar. Doesn't it mean that the senior of Murong's family is a beggar?

The Murong family is a top-notch family, how could there be seniors who are beggars?

Xu Ye's stern shout immediately attracted the attention of other monks in the lobby, and everyone looked here.

Most of the monks who can come to participate in the selection process are outstanding in the world, and they recognized Murong Tuo's identity at a glance.

At this time, seeing Xu Ye sternly scolding the young monk, many people showed smirking expressions on their faces.

"There is a good show to watch now, the boy actually provokes the Xu family."

"More than that, look at who is around him, Murong's family, Yue's family."

"This guy is dead. These three are in the same spirit. Provoking one family is equivalent to provoking three. It's a pity that such a handsome guy is so handsome."

Everyone talked a lot, and looked at Xu Que with interest, wanting to see what he would end up in the end.

On the contrary, Murong Tuo was the most calm one, frowning, thinking carefully.

An old beggar, Murong's family should have no such predecessors... Wait!

His eyes lit up suddenly, thinking of someone!

Back then, there was a senior in Murong's family who had the highest cultivation base. After half a step of the Immortal Emperor's cultivation, he said that he was going out to enlighten the Dao, so he left the family to travel.

It is said that some people have met this predecessor, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be a beggar!

Murong Tuo was suddenly shocked. This senior has a very strange temper. If someone violates his arrangement, even the same clan will never show mercy!

In other words, this young man was arranged by his predecessors.

If I forcefully change, it is tantamount to disobeying the predecessors!

No wonder I feel the killing intent!

Xu Ye turned to look at Murong Tuo: "Brother Murong, this person insults your family, what do you think?"

Murong Tuo pondered for a moment, and suddenly grasped Xu Que's hand, and said in a deep voice: "Friends of Taoism, you and I see each other as they were before, how about becoming brothers with different surnames?"

Everyone: "..."

Xu Que: "..."

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