Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 195: In the next day, I help Ye Liangchen.

"Please ask yourself to line up and enter the game. The formation will randomly send you to the contest platform to match the right opponent!"

The **** stood in front of the Golden Temple and shouted, and the sound was heard in the Grand Palace!

"This victory over three opponents, you can win! The requirements are as follows..."

The voice of the **** fell, and the big hand suddenly waved.


A glimpse of Xiahui suddenly rose into the sky, and turned into a sacred sacred space above the palace, and the dense golden characters appeared in front of everyone.

"One: If you can't win in three games, you will be eliminated!"

"Two: You can't use the same kind of blade in three games!"

"Three: Do not hurt the opponent's life!"



The audience suddenly stunned and everyone was horrified. This request seemed a bit harsh!

Except for the third condition, the first two conditions are somewhat difficult for most people.

In the three games, you can't use the same kind of blade, and you can't lose it. This is too high for martial arts!

Most of the people present are sword repairs. In addition to the swordsmanship, perhaps the knife method can be slightly integrated, except for the sword, only the bare hands are left!

Some of the monks who are partial to the guns, or the implements of the sticks, are simply forced, and it is difficult for them to come up with three kinds of weapons!

However, some scholars and some disciples of the sects are strategizing and confident!

There are many choices for the scholars, a pen, a sword, and a scroll can be weapons.

The disciples sent out by the major sects are slightly involved in all kinds of weapons and martial arts. The swordsmanship, the knife method, the stick method, etc. are all the foundations that the sectarian disciples need to build before they practice the law, so this group of people does not panic. !

"Oh, it is clear that I want to eliminate those scattered!"

Xu lacks sneer in his heart, and formulates such a rule. It is clearly aimed at the unskilled groundwork, so as to win the fittest!

And when it comes to the basics, Xu is afraid that it is one of the hottest chickens on the scene. He hasn’t learned any swords and swords, and the two methods of “flame splitting” and “walking ruler” have to rely on Real power can be motivated.

So simply put, throwing away the real power, Xu lacks the physical body than others, the martial arts has no advantage at all!

"Hello, have you seen the bombing of Li Tian?"

At this time, a familiar voice came from Xu Xiao.

Looking around, I saw Tang Liufeng’s goods, and I was asking a scholar!

The scholar again and again shook his head and said: "Many people are looking for him today, but unfortunately, I have not heard of anyone seeing him so far, I am afraid that the talent will not come!"

"Oh, thank you!" Tang Liufeng regretted and sighed and continued to walk.

Xu lacks to see the fun, what does this guy look for?

Immediately, he stepped out, just blocking the way of Tang Liufeng, Shen Sheng: "This Xiongtai, dare to ask, what are you looking for my brother?"

Tang Liufeng stunned and failed to recognize the lack of cover by the black robe. He said: "I don't know who you are?"

"I am Feng Tianbang Ye Liangchen, Li Bai is my brother!" Xu lacked the voice of the scorpion and decided to play Tang Liufeng. When he registered, he randomly pulled out a name.

Unexpectedly, Tang Liufeng listened, and suddenly ecstatic, shocked: "Great, good brother, do you have a way to find Li Bai brothers? There is an urgent matter to find him!"

"What is it?"

"It's about Mrs. Ya...the amount, wait, I wonder if you can prove that you know Li Baixiong? Otherwise, you can't tell you about it!" Tang Liufeng said half of it, suddenly reacted, and watched Xu lack of vigilance.

Xu lacked a hearing and actually was related to Mrs. Ya, and then saw Tang Liufeng’s anxious appearance just now, and couldn’t help but scream at it. Could it be that Mrs. Cheng’s wife had an accident? impossible!

"Tang Bohu, see who I am!"

Xu lacked the headgear and quickly put it on!

Only for a moment, but Tang Liufeng still saw the appearance of Xu deficiency, suddenly widened his eyes: "Li... Li brother, how are you..."

"No time, fast... forget it! There is no car here. You will have less nonsense, and hurry to say this!" Xu missed.

Tang Liufeng immediately turned into a condensate, vigilantly glanced around, and immediately approached Xu's lack of body, whispered: "It is said that after the Fire King learned your deeds, I personally summoned Mrs. Ya, and I did not know what happened. I saw a few last night. The master of the palace, the Daming Lake Buyuan was imprisoned, and Mrs. Ya and a group of book children were under house arrest!"

"Oh? How did you know that?"

Xu could not help but frown, how could the Fire Emperor put the lady under house arrest for her own affairs? Could it be that I heard the words of the bombing gang?

Tang Liufeng lowered his voice and said: "There was a book boy who sneaked out from the bottom of the lake before being imprisoned in the other court. He took the message of Mrs. Ya to the inn to find you. As a result, you are not there, but you just met it, and the book boy I also know me, so I am entrusted to find you!"

"What did Mrs. Ya say?" Xu asked, looking at the face.

Tang Liufeng’s face was a bit strange, and he said two words: “Save me!”

Xu was suddenly stunned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mrs. Ya was under house arrest and asked for help? I rely on it, is there any shocking conspiracy here?

"Li brother, you have to be careful. I am not good at saying it. At the banquet that day, I found that Mrs. Ya’s eyes were different. I am afraid that Fire King also found this, so she was placed under house arrest. This drowning, don't be awkward!" At this time, Tang Liufeng whispered a message.

Xu lacked a white light in his mind, remembering the impression of Mrs. Ya before, and combining Tang Liufeng’s words now, I immediately understood what was going on!

Mrs. Ya respects the emperor's death and keeps the festival for "Vulcan". This life must maintain the body of the virgin. Otherwise, once it is lost, it is said that the whole fire country will lose the blessing of Vulcan.

Fire Emperor is afraid to see that Mrs. Ya moved her heart, so she deliberately put her under house arrest!

Well, now people looking for "Li Bai" outside, maybe not only those scholars, there should be many masters in the palace!

Thinking of this, Xu's lack of mouth can not help but raise a sneer, this method of Fire Emperor, he is not surprised!

Although this is the art of the emperor, in his position to do things, but Xu is not so much, since you are embarrassed, I must be revenge.

"Hey, Li brother, what are your plans now? Don't you really want to save people? Don't be impulsive, this can't go." Tang Liufeng saw Xu lack of silence and hurriedly advised.

Xu lacked eyelids and flashed his eyes, and smiled lightly: "How can I be so impulsive? I am just under house arrest, but I don't need a first aid person. Today I have a good time!"

"Play?" Tang Liufeng stunned.

Before he could react, Xu Xuan had already taken a step and walked toward the test site.

Tang Liufeng suddenly squinted.

I rely on you, you want to participate in the contest?

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