Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 206: Snow drifts in April, forcing the king to force!

Sure enough, Huo's face suddenly gloomy, cold channel: "Tangxiang Valley's Taoist friends, what is the matter, you can wait for the thief to take down, then ask no later!"

The elders of Tianxiang Valley hesitated a little, and they were thinking about the color!

A few Tianxianggu disciples behind him were also amazed. The elders are considering whether to come forward to protect this Ma Maye? But is it a bit late now? If the handling is not good, it can be seen that the relationship between Huoyuan and Huoyuan is destroyed!

"Old guy, this dog emperor is right, what's the matter, wait for me to blow up the palace, and ask again!"

At this time, Xu suddenly sneered, his eyes sweeping toward the group of guards and soldiers who surrounded him. The eyebrows were picked and blinked. "You still can't fight? They are all around me for a long time. I have special lunch. Didn't eat it!"

Speaking of it, Xu Xiao actually made a few pieces of hot stinky tofu from the storage space, and then ate it with a sip of it.


All the people in the audience, including the group of guards and the generals, all screamed!

Are you surrounded by you and dare to yell? It’s hard to say whether you can live or not, but also think about eating lunch?

And, actually, really... take out the donkey to eat?

Are you planning to run everyone disgustingly?

The elders of Tianxiang Valley almost fell down, and they were full of words. Such precious stinky tofu that can increase the spirit of the gods, you actually used it as a meal, and it was so arrogant that a dog emperor shouted.

Young man, you are dead! The old man still wants not to open the door to protect you, you are good, you can say nothing, the old man can do nothing!


The illusion is even more glaring, unbelievable, and the little hand slightly grips Sakura.

So many people present, it seems that she only knows the most about Yu Ma’s lack!

In her impression, the Hummer did not seem to be this kind of character. The boy should be a restrained and sinister person. There is no madness. Even in places where there are many people, there are still some small inferiority, like a weak scholar!

But now, what happened to this person?

Why is it so strange?

Mad! Bloodthirsty! Alone!

Killing people, never had a little soft hand, and when angry, the momentum of the world, the light and light figure, completely unexpected!

"How could this be..." The illusion could not help but whisper!



At this time, the fire emperor suddenly waved his hand and gave orders!


The hundreds of babies in the sky and the soldiers suddenly sang together.

Four infants with strong changes are also chilling!

These people are the monks who have been on the battlefield. They are infected with the blood of countless souls. Now they are killing a child of the Yuan Ying, they will not be underestimated, and they will not keep their hands!


In an instant, a majestic chill is all over the sky!

More than a hundred defensive soldiers, as well as four infant generals commanding the generals, Qi Qi shot!

All kinds of soldiers and the law, turned into pieces, the sky is covered, the light is dim, like a dark cloud covering!

Among them, the four infants who were strong in the period of change were the most horrible, and they raised their hands and feet, as if even the void was shaken and became distorted.

Everyone looked up and looked at it, suddenly suffocating, and my heart was a shudder.

With so many strong players, hundreds of infancy, plus four infants, this lineup is like the legendary Tianbing Tianjian.

"Under this, I am afraid that he is really able to escape the wings!" Someone shook his head and said.

Even the Princess Yanyang in front of the Golden Temple is also condensed, no longer speaking!

She admired that her father did not despise his opponent, and sent four infants to the generals to shoot, in order to speed up the battle, not to waste time!

If Xu is weak, it seems to her that it is not the opponent of the four infant generals!

"Soon, it's over!"

She took a deep breath and spit it out like a relief!


However, in the face of these ten ambush situations, Xu lacks a calm position and looks surprisingly calm!

His deep shackles, dark as ink, a little bit of cold flashes, like the sun and the moon are flowing!

The next moment, just listen to the "哧"!

Xu lacked a white flame on his hand, and it was chilly. The surrounding air was condensed into frost in an instant, and the snow fluttered.

"This... is this snow?" The crowds in the field have changed dramatically. Just in the spring, where is the snow?


At this moment, Xu has been stagnant in the air, suddenly started the figure!

There is a terrible cold fire between the palms. Behind it is a pair of black wings that are smashed and smashed, with lightning on the feet, and three thousand thunders are cast to the limit!

In an instant, he disappeared from the place!

No trace!

At these speeds alone, it made him detached and disappeared directly in the eyes of everyone!

He did not escape, but the thirty times the power of the murder book was too horrible, the three thousand thunders increased by 30 times, and the different wings increased by thirty times. This superimposed speed, even the baby changed. Can't catch up!


Everyone just blinked, and a loud noise broke out in midair!

Xu lacked the disappearing figure, suddenly reappeared, actually rushed into the banned group, wrestling!

His fists were wrapped in cold fire, his body swooped, and he slammed into a defensive chest!


With a muffled sound, the defensive burst into a **** fog on the spot, and there was no slamming, and it was instantly killed!

The cold and cold fire of Xu’s lack of hand broke out at this moment.

Like a stormy wave, the waterfall that flows down three thousand feet, swept forward.

The majestic coldness turned into a hurricane in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With an oversized range, it rushed forward in an instant, wherever the air condensed into ice, slowly landed!

In the palace of April, there is snow falling!


The cold fire covered a large ban, and dozens of figures immediately became ice sculptures in the air, suddenly falling!

Not waiting for anyone to react, dozens of ice sculptures slammed on the ground, and the sound of "砰" was broken into countless pieces of ice!


The audience is completely silent, and the birds are silent!

Everyone is jaw-dropping, full of horror and shock!

a punch!

Just a punch!

Dozens of Yuan Ying defensive, so killed by this!

Even the four infant generals commanded the generals, and they could not stop it!

The speed of Xu’s lack is too fast, and no one can react to it.

From the disappearance of him, to the emergence, the whole process of punching and killing is nothing but a blink of an eye.


It is too strong!

Moreover, it is still strange!

It is clear that only the seven layers of the Yuan Ying period are lacking. Under the boxing, they have killed dozens of Yuan Ying's guards. This strength, even if it is a strong infant, is impossible.

There is still the snow in the sky, falling down bit by bit, Xu Xu is so standing in the snow, it is really a good piece of "Forcing Wang Xuezhong to force the picture"!



[OK, ten chapters are delivered, I will go to dinner first, then fight! Your subscription rewards will float quickly! Then, at two o'clock, remember to read the [Big Fried Skyscraper] in the book review area. The rewards for the event are very rich. The readers and the authors can participate. The duration of the event is three days, so feel free to grab the building, but remember not to brush the floor. , see the rules clearly, brush the building and the water building will be disqualified! 】

Finally, please help me to force me to fly, let me take a few more chapters out of the forced value! muah!

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