Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 230: Even if the loan is to be forced!

Loan... loan?

Xu lacked on the spot and was dumbfounded. Nima’s system was a ghost. The more it escalated, the more profitable it was. Now it’s still lending, what’s wrong with you?

Don't lend, resolutely don't lend!

Xu lacks iron and thinks that he can't bow to the system!


"After calculation, the current comprehensive strength of the host can not kill the opponent, although it can escape, but can not be forced!"

When the system came down, Xu suddenly froze!

Can't kill the opponent, can only escape?

I have been through the full-scale murder book blessing monkey Sai Lei, can't you really kill those emperors soul?

Xu lacks nothing at all, indeed, he is only just eight layers of the Yuan Ying period, and it is very shocking to be able to change the baby in the first battle!

Now even if it is the soul, maybe it can have a special effect on the soul, but it is estimated that it can only make the soul of the virtual period.

As for the fit period... Xu lacks really no confidence!

It is impossible for the system to fool him. Although he is a profiteer, he can calculate all the data every time, and he will never fake it!

Of course, the most important thing is the last sentence of the system, can not be loaded!

This is the lack of spurs on the spot!

Can't load it? What does it mean to live? What is the difference with salted fish?

It’s not a loan, come on, even if it’s a loan, it must be forced!

"Talk about it, how is a loan law?"

Immediately, Xu missed the thought and asked the system.

When I asked this question, Xu’s mind suddenly sounded a wonderful piece of music, followed by the original cold voice of the system, which suddenly turned into a warm customer service voice!

"Welcome to the host to use the system's new features - 'loading loans', loading loans, unsecured zero guarantee, low interest, the next day, simple procedures, convenient and fast, **** your business !"


Xu lacked a spurt of old blood.

This... This is so special, it is hard to accept.

At the same time, the system beep continues to sound.

"In view of the proficiency of the host loading skills, this system recommends that you use monthly interest and other loans, only 2.3% points, monthly interest and principal, easy and comfortable!"


“Do you use ‘loading’?”

"I will ask first, if the loan is not finished, what should I do?" Xu Xiaoxiao said.

"If the host repays the loan, the system will start the function of 'Drips and Hits'. Whether it is the world or other planes, there will naturally be people to clean you up!"


If Xu misses it, he will be happy and threaten me? I will not return it. Why should I pay back the money I borrowed from my own affairs?

Hey, who is afraid of who, I am so embarrassed, see who you can find when you come to pick me up!

After making up the mind that the idea of ​​borrowing money is not enough, this is already the old **** is entering the system mall interface, searching for the music teacher skills book.

In fact, the system is correct, the musician himself has an influence on the human mind and the soul, it is an alternative law!

For the soul, the influence will also increase, and they may also be hit hard!

Just... After reading the price of the skill book, Xu lacks another pain!

A two-star musician skill book needs 1500 points to force the value, and later upgraded to the hegemony, it is a little discount.

However, he has already upgraded to a two-star musician by self-understanding.

But now a Samsung level music master skill book, you have to 3000 points to force the value!

A four-star skill book, you can get 5000 points directly!

In other words, if you want to clean up the soul of the emperor, he will have to spend 8,000 points to force the value!

But what is this scary? Anyway, I can borrow!

"I want to borrow ten billion!" Xu is missing.

“Hey, the current credit rating of the host is not enough, and the loan amount is limited to 10,000 installed value!”

"I... I don't have enough credit rating? I am grass, you can tell me clearly, if I am such a person who is honest and trustworthy, would you give me 10,000?"

Xu lacked gas to jump.

But no matter how he told the system, the system is indifferent, and he can only lend 10,000 yuan!

Xu lacks the system, there is no way, but for the time being, first borrow a 8,000 points to force the value, and divide it into two years to pay off!

Just enough to buy a Samsung level and four-star level master skills book!


He instantly picked up two white lights on his body, and his understanding of the music was even more profound!

The beginning of the sound, born by the heart!

The movement of the human heart, the material makes it happen!

When Xu lacked the double sputum again, the black-skinned scorpion became deeper and deeper!

Invisible, realized a certain way.

Three thousand avenues, the temperament, is also a kind of road!

Xu deficiency was promoted to a four-star musician, and the understanding of this Tao became more and more profound!

The same song, played by different people, will give people different feelings and bring different emotions. This is the mysterious power of this melody.

After Xu lacked this point, he became more confident in the soul of the fit-up period!

Four-star musicians, who deal with the strong infants, must be dealt with.

However, it is more than enough to deal with the soul of the fit period!

"Hey, the ban is about to break, please prepare the host!"

As the system sounds again, the cracks on the stone door are already dense, just like a spider's silk!

Xu lacks from the system package, take out a powerful electronic keyboard, facing the stone door, in front of you!

A dozen souls hiding in the distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly shocked!

what's the situation? What do seniors want to do? What kind of powerful instrument is that special thing?


At this moment, the stone gate that closed the tomb was suddenly collapsed.

Countless gravel fell, accompanied by a burst of thick dust.

At the same time, a few black shadows shuttled through it, with a huge pressure, instantly covering the audience!


A few black shadows were suffocating, and a roar broke out. The whole burial chamber was shaken on the spot!

The souls hiding in the dark are almost scared to death, but the figure is accompanied by that roar, and there is a little scatter!

"Well, these monks are released!"

"Predecessors, go!"

"If you don't leave, let's go first!"

"Goodbye to the seniors!"

Jin Erjia and a fat shouted, while competing with his companions to evacuate.

After all, those black shadows are too fierce, and have not yet shot, it has already caused such a terrible pressure!

Emperor's soul, really powerful!

Xu's lack of eyelids picked up slightly, although he did not know how these people were transformed into souls, and survived for so many years, in front of his four-star musicians, all souls are spicy chicken!

What about the simplification period?

What about the fit period?

Are you the emperor's ancestors of the Fire Yuanguo?

Oh, useless!

Now is the world that I am forced to lose!


Immediately, Xu lacked a big hand, and the five fingers pointed down, suddenly slamming on the keyboard, pressing a few keys like a phantom speed.

The next moment, he suffocated Dan Tian, ​​glared at him and shouted: "The eighth set of national middle school students broadcast gymnastics, the times are calling..."



[La la la la, the second chapter is sent, everyone remembers to vote for it! 】

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