Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 247: I am worth 8 cities?


There was a large distorted hollow in the void, and a Scorpio killer in the Yuan Ying period had not yet stepped out of the shackles, and even had not yet shot, and was suddenly smashed into a blood mist on the spot, bursting from the air!

Xu's body is too strong, and Pluto's prison body is extremely horrible, completely beyond the level of the Yuan Ying period monks.

Especially after the Ray attribute and the fire attribute are completed, his body is equal to one quarter of the sanctification!

And his speed is also very scary, a pair of eight black and white wings, with the cooperation of three thousand thunder, with the full force of the exhibition, the whole person is almost blurred, the ordinary monk can hardly capture his figure.

Under this speed increase, Xu’s lack of a punching punch has greatly improved his strength, and the flesh has become the strongest weapon.


At this moment, in a muffled sound, Xu lacked to appear again and punched out.

When the void was suddenly shocked, it was another Scorpio killer who emerged from it and fell out and died on the spot.

A force to break the law!

The audience has stopped the carnival, an "invincible", so that most of them have stopped.

This is the first slow song, there is no way to dance crazy!

However, this song is too special!

Watching Xu's lack of hunting in the air so killing the group of killers, coupled with the majestic singing voice, everyone was shocked!

How lonely is invincible!

How empty is invincible!

Before the bombing of the day, Li Bai also sang, but everyone only thought that it was the first to humiliate the four talents of Zhao Wei!

But now, this song is in line with the heroic demeanor of Xu, and everything is different!

"He is too strong!"

"These killers are coming to kill him. As a result, now he is chased and killed by him!"

"Even the Fire Emperor was scared off by him. What are these killers?"

"He is really invincible!"

Everyone looked at the air and couldn't help but whisper!

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

Xu lacked the shape and turned into lightning, and shuttled through the air. Wherever he went, all the Scorpio killers burst into blood.

Over the palace of Nuo Da, just like a **** red fireworks, a group of blasts!

The blood rain falls on the palace wall and is dyed red!

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarded with a value of 120 points!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding one hundred and thirty points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding one hundred and sixty points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host ‘Xu’s’ killing the Yuan Ying period monks and rewarding 200,000 experiences!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host ‘Xu’s’ killing the Yuan Ying period monks and rewarding 200,000 experiences!”


Xu lacked a constant reminder of the system sounds in his mind. He couldn’t count how many people he killed. Anyway, the experience value and the forced value of the game have already stopped brushing!

"Scorpio! It's all a group of spicy chicken!"

Xu lacked to stop in the air, his eyes cold and sweeping around the air, cold and laughed!

At this point, no killer dared to approach him, and no one even dared to show up!

The fierce strength of Xu’s lack of performance shocked the audience!

"Dog Emperor, don't hide again, you have escaped the first day and have escaped fifteen, and you can't hide my Dawei Dade to help the sky to help Xu lack!" Xu lacks to ignore the group of tortoises, the eyes sweeping The Royal Palace, shouted at the tortoise of the Fire Emperor!

Everyone in the audience was silent for a while.

Big Brother, if you are like this, dare to call Dawei Dade?

Your embarrassed "wei" is a bit more, but "de" is even better, you are like your master Duan Jiude, you two are the incarnation of "lack of morality"!

"Killing God, still not shooting? Don't be too jealous, you are now using secrets, and you will come to help you!"

At this time, a loud voice sounded in the palace, and the sound was like a Hong Zhong, it was the fire emperor!

He is urging the Scorpio to kill the gods.

When everyone heard the word "killing God", they immediately started to be shocked!

"I rely on, kill God? God's killing gods are coming?"

"The big man can't be irritated. The baby has eight layers, which is stronger than the Fire King!"

"Not only that, it is reported that the killing **** is also proficient in a strange sword, can use the sword as a shackle, as fast as lightning, killing invisible!"

"It is said that no one has seen his sword, anyone who has seen it, is dead!"

"It is said that killing God once assassinated a baby who has changed the nine-layered power overseas!"

"It’s terrible. It’s a huge price for the Emperor to invite him.”

Everyone is shuddering, can not help but retreat, want to leave Xu a little farther, even if Xu is in the air, they are underground, but people do not dare to be too close, for fear that will be affected!

In the event of a baby's change, it must be a scene of blood flowing into a river and everything is silent!

However, the way to kill God is to make everyone have a cold back.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

A muffled sound came from the end of the empty street not far away.

When everyone turns to look at it, it is moving.

It was a white-haired old man who looked like a cane and walked slowly.

But this kind of slowness is completely illusory!

Every time he took a step, it seemed to make the void tremble, and his body suddenly moved forward for dozens of meters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A killer appeared in this way, indicating that he did not aim at the eye. in.

His move is to talk to Xu, I am going to kill you!

Xu lacked a glimpse of the wrong, and immediately became happy!

I have come to an old man who will be forced to work. It is really alive and old, and I can learn it after I have played this way!

"Killing God, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Just then, a crisp, gentle, pleasant voice came from the air.

The female emperor stepped out and fell to the ground, laughing and talking to the old man.

Just before she spoke out the next sentence, the old man paused and stopped.

Holding a cane in his hand and looking up at the female emperor, he shook his head faintly: "This person, the old can not be sold to you!"

The female emperor has not yet spoken for Xu’s lack of speech. The killing of God has already taken the lead in rejecting it. Although the voice is plain, it is very strong. Obviously, the female emperor is not jealous.

"When the old dynasty owed a fire to the First Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, now his son promised eight cities and asked me to shoot! So, no one will sell my face, the life of this little guy is getting old."

"Eight cities?" The female emperor heard the words, suddenly moving, unbelievable.

In order to kill Xu deficiency, the Fire Emperor did not hesitate to split the eight city streets to kill the gods. This is too much of a hand!

The people in the room were also scared. In order to collect the lack of life, the Fire Emperor actually divided the country? And one shot on eight cities, this is nearly a quarter of the fire country!

Such a faint decision has never happened since the founding of the country!

Xu was standing in the air and stunned. He immediately became angry and angered:

"Dog Emperor, I went to your sister's ancestors for the 18th generation. I am only worth eight cities. I will get out of it. If you don't explain it clearly, believe it or not. Let your ancestors make the striptease in this 18th generation. ?"

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