Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 251: Live well and not sticky!


A glimpse of blood, suddenly splashed from the throat of the old man!

In the realm of infantile change, it can be said that there is almost no fatal weakness in the body.

But killing a sword is not just a simple injury.

A sword to win the soul, the injury is the soul!

A sword is chasing life, it is life!

Even if the killing of the gods is eight layers of infants, they can be piled up by the various forces of Xu deficiency, and they are still rising to the full level of "killing a sword", and after all, it is difficult to survive!


The old man’s body, such as a broken kite, fell straight and squatted on the ground, and the bluestone board cracked!

But this old killing **** is no longer moving!

The audience is also silent, silent!

Everyone is watching this scene, his face is dull, unbelievable!

A generation of old killing gods, so dead in his own fame?

Killing a sword, that Xu is missing, how can you kill a sword?

He is clearly divided into eight layers of the Yuan Ying period. How can he display such a powerful sword?


The female emperor is also awe-inspiring. It has already been looted, and it is necessary to save Xu’s life!

But she did not expect that this little guy would really kill a sword.

And it will be nothing more than to show such a powerful power!

Obviously it is a sword created by others, but he is more powerful than others. Why?

The female emperor is full of doubts and horror!


"Old things! Don't think that you are one, I can't kill you. Tell you... What kills a sword, you are a weak chicken pirate. Laozi is authentic."

Touching the sword on his hand, Xu smiled and pointed at the body of the god, and smiled.

At this time, the ear also came to the earliest system sounds.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding one hundred and sixty points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’ forcing success, rewarding 210 points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’ forcing success, rewarding two hundred and thirty points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s “Xu deficiency” to kill the senior infants in the transition period and get 2 million experiences!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s “Xu deficiency” upgrade success, the current realm: Yuan Ying period nine floors!”

Huh? Senior infants in the transition period?

After Xu’s lack of hearing the system prompt, he suddenly missed it!

Previously, no matter what the realm of killing, no matter what level of the opponent, the system is unified according to the realm, rewarding the same experience value!

But now, when the baby changes, it is actually divided by the advanced level!

The first infant who had been killed in the beginning was the lord of the demon, just an ordinary baby change, rewarding a million experience!

This time killing the old eight-layered killing god, but got two million experience, directly doubled, just let him succeed in one level.

"Hey! This wave is not a loss. It seems that after killing these senior powers in the future, they can force them to fly, and they can fly the general upgrade experience! It is completely loaded and forced to upgrade, and there are more than a few. At the level, it is a good time to reach the peak of life..."

Xu lacks a heart in his heart. In fact, he is also surprised by the power of this "killing a sword". Even if it is practiced for ordinary monks, it is enough to be invincible.

What's more, when he just showed it, it was superimposed with a full layer of killing swords, dragons and nine changes, and Pluto's prison body, all kinds of power doubled the attributes, even the old monsters with eight layers of infants have to die!

However, this is also unexpected. If it is not the old monster who is too self-sufficient and thinks that he is unlikely to "kill a sword", it will not be so easy.

"Hey, old things! You can die under the hands of the King, you are enough to feel honored, and die without regrets. I just told you that I can do this, but no one can do it." There is only one forced to force the end of the game, that is to be ... more than you will force and force the king to force me to swear! Under your own fame stunt, how do you feel? Fast... ... pick up two senses of winning...not right! It’s a death testimony! You say it? Well, if you die, you don’t say a word, it’s really boring! Don’t play with you...”

Xu lacked the old killing of the body, shook his head, and immediately lifted his head, his eyes swept to the palace!

The monks who stood nearby, and heard the words that Xu was rushing to kill the body of God, one by one was shocked and speechless.

Big brother! The body of your family can speak?

People have been killed by you, and you are still asking people to pick up and tell you what death testimony?

If he is really picking up, isn't there a ghost?


At this time, the Golden Temple has been completely silent.

The ministers of the Manchu martial arts all face the faint color, Zhang Zhang mouth, a word can not say.

Because the strength of this lack of strength is really too fast, a few days ago he was already so strong in the palace, and now it is now growing to such a terrible level.

These ministers of civil and military affairs are now worried, not only worried about the fire emperor, but also worried about their position.

No one dares to speak, and no one dares to go forward, because if you speak, let the fire emperor go out to fight? Still going out to fight? Still going out to fight?

Obviously can't say no!

This is not to fight, isn’t the entire royal family’s royal family sweeping the ground?

I really want to fight!

Isn't that... calling the Fire King to die?

Looking at the face of the fire emperor, it is even more bloodless, completely sitting on the dragon chair, his head is blank.

The famous Tianzhu killing God was killed, and it was killed by his own famous stunt!

This really made him unacceptable.

Because of the people who show their swords, they are killing him now!

"Fast, prepare to transfer the array, rush to the Imperial Tomb, and want to sacrifice the heavens!"

The fire emperor was shocked and returned, and could no longer sit still, prompting the old **** around him.

"Yes... yes, the old slaves will do it!"

The old **** also made a slap, trembled, pale, full of horror ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hurried out.

Xu lacks eyelids and squats in the air, smirking: "The dog emperor, you can't kill this! You are all spicy chicken bags, not authentic, not dedicated!"


All the people in the audience smacked their faces and were speechless.

The old killing **** of Scorpio is still not authentic, there is no killer in this world!

The fire emperor also looked gloomy and sullen, but he couldn’t refute it in one sentence.

At this time, Xu Wei continued to scream at the palace.

"Dog emperor, please killer in the future, you have to find us to help you! We are always alive and not sticky! Where are you coming here, you see, you paid in advance, finally People have planted themselves here, and your eight cities are in the hands of others. I told you... In this case, you must give a bad comment to Tianzhu! Don’t be afraid to give a bad review. The other party is looking for you to settle accounts, or if you look for me to help you, it will definitely help you to protect the legitimate rights and interests of your consumers..."

"I really can't say that you are a stupid hat. It's so much money in vain! In fact, we also have this kind of business in the blasting gang, and it is still a seven-day unconditional refund. If you are not satisfied, you can give a bad review! Hey? There are friends here. Asked, who should I look for in this kind of business? It is very simple, look for us to help Ma Yun! Come and come... Sweep the QR code at the bottom of the screen and add his WeChat public account 'taishangbuyi'...啥? Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that you don’t know that QR code and WeChat are oh! Anyway... I have this kind of work in the future, just look for my big bombing gang...”



[Want to see Xu Xiao and Mrs. Ya’s Lifan, would you like to see this forced king to force it? Would you like to see the Mengtian’s cute girl paper group? Please pay attention to my WeChat public number “taishangbuyi” or search for “Tai On the cloth," Hey! 】

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