Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 274: Call him out and single out with me!


Almost at the same time, everyone in the audience couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my heart was astonished, so good... a young boy with extraordinary temper!

"It’s awful, this little man is definitely a genius from a big school!"

"Not so much, you look at the temperament of his body, clearly the grandfather of a big family!"

"Really, this temperament is not a leisurely one at a glance."

"The style is polite, gentle and elegant, definitely a arrogant!"

"The son, please ask the name of the surname!"

A woman monk standing on the periphery asked.

Xu lacked a spit of smoke, and said indifferently: "In the next day, I will help the vines to expand the sea, the autumn mountain car god, the old driver, like the car!"


All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

Jin Yuanguo did not seem to have heard of this surname. Is it a hidden family or from other ancient countries? And the bombing gang... seems to have never heard of it!

"What? Fried days?"

However, at this moment, an exclamation sounded suddenly from the rear crowd.

Everyone turned their heads and turned around. It turned out to be a Tianjiao of Jianjian, who was full of surprise.

This Tianjiao is really frightened. After returning to Jin Yuanguo, they have not sent out the things that Ye Changfeng was defeated, and even made every effort to block the news.

After all, the reputation of Ye Changfeng, the son of the **** of swords, has a great influence in the Jinyuan state. It must not be known by outsiders. Once it is passed out, it may be a laughing stock with the swordsman. The consequences are unimaginable!

This matter, only they are part of the patriots of Jian Zong, although he was not present at the time, but the name of the bombing day is completely remembered.

Now, when I heard the blasting gang, this arrogant rushed to the scalp, and I couldn’t help but exclaim.

Since the other party is a person who bombs the sky, it is necessary that 80% of the people know that Ye Changfeng was defeated by Ye Liangchen.

This kind of scandal must be controlled, at least within the scope of the Golden Yuan Dynasty, and it must not be spread out. Otherwise, the sword will be swept away in the entire Jin Yuanguo.


Be sure to stop the other party from saying this!

In the next moment, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the Tianjiao suddenly passed through the crowd and went straight to Xu.

"Daoyou, let's talk in one step!"

He put his hand directly on Xu's shoulder, with an unquestionable tone.

Xu lacked eyebrows and picked it up. He looked at the man in front of his eyes. He was very unhappy. He frowned: "Who are you? I don't buy insurance, don't make loans, don't lack money, yes... I spend 1.5 million people abroad. It’s me! I don’t know you either. If you want to borrow a child, please send a beautiful 30-year-old woman who has a charm, thank you!”

The man was slightly wrong and shook his head: "Dao You! What are you talking about? I am bothered to come with me, something to discuss with you!"

"I have nothing to discuss with you, and, take your hooves away, you know how expensive my clothes are? You don't know anything, you take my shoulder, believe it or not, I smoke you?" Broken.

All the people in the audience immediately forced.

I am going, the difference between this boy is too big!

Originally thought it was a demeanor, knowing the book of the son of the son of the master, for a long time is actually a vulgar person!

"Knowing people knows no one knows!"

"This boy is really ignorant. Zhang Liyun of Jian Jianzong asked him to speak. He even said nothing."

"It must be learned. Zhang Liyun is one of the swordsmen of Tianzong, second only to Ye Changfeng and others. It is said that the temper is not very good."

"But then, Zhang Liyun is very lonely on weekdays. How can he take the initiative to find a kid today?"

"It is estimated that he is watching his god!"

"It’s really too swaying to open this eye-catching god. It’s hard not to cause others to swear!"

"Although this young man has retired and cultivated, he can't see the true cultivation, but generally he can only hold on to ordinary people. It is useless to meet Zhang Liyun's outstanding arrogance."

Everyone shook their heads and felt sympathy for Xu Xiao.

However, what everyone expected was that Zhang Liyun did not take the shot. Instead, he took a deep breath and continued to talk to Xu: "Daoyou, give me a face of Jianzong. Come with me, this matter is very important. ""

In order to slap the reputation of Jian Zong, Zhang Liyun can be said to have swallowed such a breath.

However, he just had to carry out the name of Yan Jianzong, but Xu was immediately released with his eyes.

"琅剑宗? I went, it turns out that you are the sword of the sword! It is to find you... What! What kind of son of the sword god, let him come out, I heard him..."


Xu did not finish talking, and immediately was interrupted by Zhang Liyun.

Zhang Liyun is really frightened. I am afraid that Xu deficiency will directly tell the matter.

It is hard to imagine that if this matter is passed on now, it will not only affect the trial of the sword, but even for ten days, Jin Yuanguo will spread the scandal everywhere.

"Daoyou, I will give you a satisfactory reward in the next, but please take a step to speak first, how?" Zhang Liyun pretends to be interested in Xu's god, and pretend to be calm.

"Satisfied remuneration? Really fake? I am not open, but the price is big!"

Xu Wei also saw the intention of this Jian Jianzong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ could not help but raise his mouth, smiled.

However, in his heart, there is a bigger push.


Big price?

Are these comparable to the comparison?

All the transactions that are not aimed at compelling are all hooligans.

This position of Jianzong in Jin Yuanguo does not seem to be low!

The reputation of Ye Changfeng, the son of the sword god, in Jin Yuanguo seems to be very good!

Isn't this right?

To step on the face of genius!

It’s the biggest force to install!

Install your own force, so that others are not forced to install.

This has always been a lack of life creed!


And Zhang Liyun saw that Xu was so easy to compromise, and it was a slight mistake. He thought that the people who blew the gang were very strange and difficult to talk and discuss.

But now it seems that this Fujiwara Takuya seems to be more kind, except for the swearing and nonsense, the temper seems to be OK.

Zhang Liyun slightly relieved, anyway, as long as Xu lacked the answer, he did not mention that the son of the sword **** Ye Changfeng was defeated by Ye Liangchen with a sword. He believed that the essence of the sword sword would naturally be rewarded accordingly.

Immediately, he nodded: "No problem, even if the Taoist friends open, as long as I can do it in the scope of my sword, I will meet the Taoist friends."

Xu Xiaoxiao said: "In fact, my request is quite simple, don't want money, but first call out the wind of your sword god, Ye Changfeng, I want to single-handedly with him!"



[Sorry, everyone is late, I just went to the coffee shop to spell with other authors. I didn’t write many people to fight. I had to rely on my face value and brush my face to finish the second. Now go back to the hotel and write the third! 】

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