Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 279: Iron rods are ground into needles!

"Young man, less man, that is our instrument!"

"You can't do this with less heroes. How can our instruments be taken away?"

"Yeah, I am not using a sword, just an iron rod. Is this also controlled by Sword Spirit?"

"That is to say, I am also using a shovel, how can I receive it?"

During the time, there was a loud noise on the scene, some people were crying and sullen, some were angry, and some were smiling.

The three monks who got the ancient swords also sneaked around, surrounded by Xu and were full of killing.

"Baby, return my ancient sword!"

"And mine!"

"I am two!"


Xu lacks the light wind and stands in the same place, hands clasped around his chest, faintly said: "Don't worry, everyone, just the sword spirit was frightened by me, accidentally gave me your instruments, come and come. , everyone line up, come and collect!"

"Why do you line up? You can take out the storage ring directly. If you throw the instrument that you have taken away, you will naturally return to our hands because they have our own mark!"

Immediately, someone shouted dissatisfied.

Xu lacked a look at the past, cold channel: "You know a fart, my storage ring is not a general storage ring, it will swallow the device, if it is released, it will happen badly. Things, such as giving your instruments a refining process."

"Less is not talking about this, there is no storage ring in the world that can refine the implement. Juvenile, I advise you to return the implement to me." The monk screamed.

Xu lacked an eyebrow and sneered: "Well, since you don't believe it, then I will give you back. Anyway, all consequences are at your own risk. You just said what is your instrument?"

"Iron stick! And my brother's implement is a root shovel!"

"Oh, iron bars and shovel, I rely on, what is the difference? If you forget it, it will be the same anyway, promise, you."

After Xu’s pretense was collected in the storage ring, he suddenly pulled out two identical fine needles and handed it to the monk!

These two needles are very thin!

But with a strange light!

It seems to be just polished out, especially bright!

However, it seems that there is something wrong with it!

This is not right!

Didn't you say that you have returned the iron bars and shovels of others?

How do you get it out instead of two needles?

This style is obviously not right!

Everyone was stupid.


When the man's instrument enters your storage ring, it is an iron rod. When it comes out, it becomes a needle.

What are you playing with?

But the monk was too embarrassed to say anything, because on one of the iron needles, he clearly sensed his mark, that is his own instrument.

"I... my instrument, how could this be?" The monk was dumb.

"It's still used to say, haven't you heard of 'iron stick grinding into a needle'? Just told you, I have a problem with this storage ring, you don't listen, now it's good, become a Needle!"

Xu Xiao showed a helpless expression. In fact, he also borrowed the system's recycling function. He only recovered 99% of the refining essence. The remaining one percent left naturally. Needle.

Everyone in the room was also stunned. Apparently, the monk confirmed that he had his mark on the needle, so that was his instrument.

But... what is the situation?

Where is the storage ring that can refine other people's instruments?

Is there a problem with storage?

How is your storage ring like you? So many problems?

Also special iron rod grinding into a needle? It will be awkward.


At this time, the monk asked again and said, "So... what about my brother's shovel? What is going on?"

"It's very simple, it's ‘iron smashing into a needle’!” Xu lacked his eyes and took it for granted.

Everyone: "..."

I have seen it before, but I have never seen it so!

The iron rod is ground into a needle, and the iron is also ground into a needle. This is exactly the same thing!

If you are looking for a sword, are you jealous of the iron sword grinding into a needle?


"Okay, who else is looking for me to be a device? Although I am here, I am very open-minded! As soon as you want, I will give it back to you... Am I the kind of person who is greedy for other people's property? Come fast... Come and come... I want to say everything... Hey? Why don’t you talk? Really, now is not the time to be silent!”

Xu lacked to look at the crowd and asked.

Everyone in the room was helpless and silent!

If Xu is missing such an "iron rod grinding into a needle", who dares to come to his own instrument!

After all, the instrument of the hand is not the one who has worked hard to create it, and it is easy to use!

No one wants to turn his weapon into a needle!


Seeing that everyone is afraid, there is nothing to say, but there is a different kind of cool feeling in Xu’s heart, and it’s a good thing to do it!

Listening to a series of systems to force the success of the prompt ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu lacks cough and cough, then the old **** is saying: "I told you directly, now if you want, basically a The needle can only be returned to the original owner after seven or forty-nine days, and the instrument will not only be damaged in the slightest, but the quality will be further improved! Oh, there are friends asking here, seven seven four. Where to pick it up after 19 days!"

When it comes to this, Xu’s mouth is slightly tilted, and he directly looks at Zhang Liyun’s Zhang Liyun. Then he patted his chest and said, “Yes, when you please, please report my name, and the sword will receive it. Yes, the method of collection: run when you finish!"

“Really? After forty-nine days, the quality of the instrument will be upgraded?”

"I am going, really? That's a thank you to Shaoxia!"

"Before we also blamed the Shaoxia, it is really embarrassing."

"When we go to the sword, we will receive it, haha, thank you Shaoxia!"

"Yes! Sui Jianzong is a big faction! Will you be greedy with us? Since this young man is brought by Zhang Jianyun, it will definitely not be wrong..."

Many monks suddenly became happy and exclaimed.

Almost no one doubts Xu's lack of it. After all, the facts are in front of me. The two iron rods have become needles when they are taken out, indicating that people's storage rings do have the function of such a quenching implement.

And since it can be guaranteed by Sui Jianzong, it will definitely be no problem. Isn’t Jian Jianzong such a big sect, will not swindle us with fame?

All of a sudden, many people in the audience were very happy, and they were blessed in disguise!

But the group of people in Jianzong was forced, especially Zhang Liyun, and immediately widened his eyes, almost squirting out a blood.

I went to your sister, when did we know that Jianzong was so familiar with you?



[The fourth is more fixed, tickets, rewards, hehe! 】

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