Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 291: I won't take you to bite me!

At this moment, I saw that Xu’s lack of time came to his own Jin Yuanguo, and that so many Jinyuan’s Tianjiao people were around him.

Ye Changfeng’s heart can stop here?

Moreover, he knows that he must also fight with Xu, to wash away the shame of the day, otherwise this hurdle has been stuck in the heart, and will become a demons in the future.

Although the swordsmanship that Xu showed on the day was brilliant, once he used the real power and the implement, Ye Changfeng felt that the deer died and did not know it! He was known as the absolute descendant of the next generation of swordsman from an early age.

And his anger and anger, suddenly let all the arrogance of the audience move, and they are watching.

"What happened? Who sinned the son of the sword god, Ye Changfeng?"

"Is this life?"

"Who is Xu who is missing, can you let Ye Changfeng be so annoyed and take the initiative to fight?"

"No, this is going to happen."

Many people whisper.

The group of people around Xu’s lack of openness also advised Xu to lack: “The old man Fujiwara, it seems that this place should not stay for a long time, there may be a big battle, we are going to go!”

"Yes, my brother, Fujiwara, we are going to see Master, there is no need to join in the fun here."


"Cough!" Xu lacked a few coughs at this time, "腼腆" smiled: "The brothers and the girls, in fact, ‘Xu deficiency’ is the name of the milk!”


Everyone was immediately forced!

Xu deficiency is your name?

Who is the one who is fighting for the wind?

I rely, no?

Big Brother, are you honest, honest and innocent? It’s not like a person who will cause trouble, how can it make Ye Changfeng so angry?

"Vine... Fujiwara brother, have you done anything to make the son of the sword **** angry?" Someone shouted.

Some people also look at Ye Changfeng and take the initiative to ask for suspicion: "Ye Gongzi, our Fujiwara brothers are involved in the world, may not understand the rules, if there is anything wrong, please bear with me!"

"Yeah, Ye Gongzi, our Fujiwara brother is honest and honest. If you do something wrong, you must be unintentional. You don't have to care about him!"

Many people are talking.

After all, this is the son of the sword god, Ye Changfeng, most people do not dare to offend, and do not want to be evil because of this matter!

When Ye Changfeng heard the words of the people pleading for Xu, they almost spurted out a blood.

Where is this guy honest and honest, innocent?

Are you all in this group?

"You no longer have to say good things for you!"

At this time, Xu suddenly opened his mouth and his face was full of sorrow. He shook his head and said: "Today, this is really not done right. After all, it’s just the first time I got it, I took the limelight of Ye Gongzi, oh, indeed. It’s blame that I don’t know what to do when I’m young. Don’t worry about it, let me kill myself!”

After he finished, he still had a little tear in his eyes. He looked at the sky at forty-five degrees. With a full grievance, he whispered: "When I was buried in the family, I often heard people say that just look up. Look at the sky, tears will not fall!"


In the rest of the day, all the Tianjiao next to Xu’s lack of body was stunned!

Everyone is touched by his grievances, and his heart is not a taste.

This is a good teenager, so innocent, but because I accidentally snatched the limelight of Ye Changfeng, it provoked the other party's hatred.

But he did not blame everyone, but instead took responsibility on himself and suffered this kind of grievance alone.

This is so touching!

In this ruthless and ruthless cultivation, the Fujiwara brothers are definitely a clear stream!

Many female patriots can't help but tremble, and the mother's love is completely overwhelmed.

How can such a kind and lovely little brother be watching him being bullied by Ye Changfeng?

What about the son of the sword god?

What about Jian Jian?

Is it difficult to achieve the possibility of bullying a child of an honest family?

"Ye Gongzi, you are too much!"

Suddenly, a female Tianjiao couldn’t help but yell at Ye Changfeng and vented her reprimand.

The next moment, everyone's eyes have looked at Ye Changfeng.

Most people are no longer awed by him, but they are full of contempt.

It is too shameless for you to be bullied by a newcomer because you are being robbed by the limelight.

Who is Fujiwara?

This is a model of respecting the old and loving the young in the sword spirit mouth, and it is a clear stream in the cruelty of the immortal world!

It’s such a kind and honest and innocent, full of good enthusiasm for the cultivation of the fairyland, the master of Fujiwara, the son of your generation of swordsman is so deceptive...

Uncle can bear, can't help it!

These monks who were present, some of them had the identity of Ye Changfeng, the son of the sword god, but now they can’t help it anymore, one by one, glaring at Ye Changfeng.

"He and I……"

The son of the sword **** leaves the wind, and this time it is completely forced.

I have been arrogant for a long time, and I can’t say a complete sentence. He finds that he can’t explain this situation.

After all, he was the first to invite the war, and it was an opening for no reason.

As a result, Xu was short of a sentence, and he was immediately caught in a situation of injustice and injustice. Even if he explained the previous things, it seemed to be very weak.

Because... no one will believe that a nameless person has defeated him!

Because of the incident of the Imperial City of Huoyuan, it has not yet been passed to Jin Yuanguo, and even blocked by their swordsman!

Thought of this, Ye Changfeng chest shock ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ simply want to vomit blood!

This product is really shameless!

Moreover, I don’t follow the routine at all!

In the time of the fire country, it was a madness and a cool sling.

But after coming to Jin Yuanguo, who can think of this goods actually began to sell cute and pitiful!

This innocent and innocent look and sympathy, this person must be shameless to what extent, can be disguised!

Ye Changfeng is going crazy!

Really want to be mad!

The key point is that Ye Changfeng can't even understand that these Tianjiao, who are the major sects of the Jin Yuanguo, are all asking for the lack of brothers.


"Xu deficiency, you are shameless!"

He screamed at Xu and shouted.

When everyone heard it, his eyes became colder and colder, and his heart was very embarrassing.

I can't think of Ye Changfeng as such a person.


I have never seen such a brazen person, obviously shameless, and in turn, shamelessly an innocent and honest child.

It’s really a mystery to know people, and it’s terrible to cultivate the world!


The lack of Xu as a party, at this moment, relying on the magnificent arms of a female Tianjiao, a look of grievances.

However, when Ye Changfeng’s gaze swept, Xu Xiao finally showed him a sly smile.

how about it? Are you scared?

Dare to fight against this king, never have a good end!

how about it? I won't take you to bite me!

Emma! Sorry, please note that "biting" is a word, not two words.

It’s such a domineering, it’s so powerful!

Gently, I am coming...

Sudden waves, make you jealous!

Suddenly, you flashed your waist!

Sudden sputum, hurt your prostate!

It’s such a wave - Sao - hey!

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