Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 404: There is a kind of down! Come down!

Xu was short on the spot and exchanged a Wudang ladder cloud, and instantly grasped the heart. Wwㄟw

Followed by him, his body jumped and stepped directly on the wall!

Many Syracuse soldiers are full of horror, and Stuart is also wrong. Can he fly from such a high place without using real elements and without using foreign objects?

Many ice armored forces under the wall of the city looked up to see this scene, but also amazed.

"Look at you, what about the despicable boy?"

"It's too arrogant, standing so high, it's arrogant!"

"He used so many mean means, what is so proud? There is a kind of jump!"

"Yeah, there is a kind of jump!"

"Jump down!"

Many ice armor have followed suit and think that Xu is not so tall and is humiliating them.

The generals at the back also sinked their faces, and said coldly: "The person who is so mad is too conceited. If he dares to come down, the general will set him a thousand!"

"Generals are mighty!" Many archers shouted.

"The kid will only dare to hide on the wall and make intrigues. If he dares to come down, the general has already killed him!"

"Hey, a despicable and shameless person, there is a fair fight!"

"Go down!"

The archers also shouted in the rear.

All of a sudden, the snoring of more than 30,000 ice armor troops rang through the entire snow-capped mountains.

On the city wall, many Syracuse soldiers have changed their faces, and they rushed to Xu to shout: "Zhuge Shaoxia, never go down!"

"Yeah, they are using the radical method!"

"Don't worry about them, the so-called soldiers are not detestable, we continue to keep, they also take us no way!"

"Yes, Zhuge Shaoxia, you are coming back, don't be excited by them!"

Many of the Syracuse's soldiers dissuaded.


Among the holy places, Liu Binging, who looked at this scene through the bronze mirror, also sneered: "Jiang Hongyan, do you think he dares to go on? More than 30,000 soldiers and horses, Rao is strong again. And don't have the guts!"

The female emperor slightly opened the beautiful, and smiled: "He will go down!"

When Liu Yan slammed, he immediately laughed again. "How is it possible? Jiang Hongyan, will you be too confident in him? Put it in the place, even if you and I are in this situation, the real power is Being imprisoned, facing 30,000 soldiers and horses, will eventually fall! How dare he go?"

"He dares, and he won't fall!" The female emperor despised the acquaintance, and immediately closed her eyes again. The invisible barrier behind the sorrowful sorrow was already very ethereal and seemed to be opened soon!

Liu Yan stared at the lack of bronze in the mirror, and sneered: "I don't believe that he dares to go down. If it really goes on, he will die without a place to die!"


However, Xu Wei still beat Liu Yan Ning and all the ice armor's face!

He stood on the wall of the city, his clothes fluttering, reaching out to the front of the forehead and fluttering in the wind, incomparably chic and elegant.

Listening to the "continuously coming down" that comes from below!

Xu lacked a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Come down, this is what you asked for yourself, don't cry!"

After that, Xu lacked the vitality of Jiuyang, and the body suddenly emerged a strong masculine internal force, through all the meridians!

The next moment, his footsteps suddenly stepped forward, and his body suddenly jumped out of the city wall!

"Not good, Zhuge Shaoxia, don't go!" Syracuse on the wall of the city suddenly changed his face, and they exclaimed.

The ice armor under the wall was suddenly overjoyed.

"Haha, he is down!"

"Everyone is rushing, kill this guy!"

"The tall walls are dare to jump, it's just looking for death!"

"Chong up, even if he fell to death, don't let him stay with the whole body!"

"I want to drink his blood and avenge the brother who just died!"

All of a sudden, the ice armor army fought bravely, hundreds of scattered squads, suddenly mentioning, crazy rushing to Xu lack, the momentum is very mighty.


At the same time, among the holy places.

Liu Yanjing looked at the picture in the bronze mirror, and it was awkward. It was difficult to set the channel: "He... is it crazy? Actually dare to go down!"

After that, the horror on her face suddenly turned into sneer and sarcasm, and shook her head: "Jiang Hongyan, you really guessed it, he actually dared to go down, but he died!"

The female emperor opened her eyes again at this time, watching the bronze mirror!

Although she knows that Xu is never doing something unsure, she still can't help but want to see how Xu deficiency will reverse this situation.

After all, Liu Yuning said that it is right, even if they are facing more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, and the real power is imprisoned, I am afraid that they will be killed in the chaos.

But looking at it, the two people didn't feel right!

Xu lacked in the air, his face was very light, his hands were behind him, his legs were moving, as if he was walking on the air, his body was very chic and natural.

"Strange, how did he fall so slowly?"

The ice armor soldiers under the wall are all a glimpse.

"No, how is this guy like to step on something in the air?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

"I rely on, how can I fly higher and higher?"

"The real power is clearly imprisoned, how can he still fly? Is it your eyes or my eyes?"

"Mom~www.wuxiaspot.com~He flew over my head!"

"It’s weird, what is the archer still doing? Shoot him down!”

The charge was going to kill the ice armor that was lacking in the front, and they shouted anxiously.

Originally, I thought about killing Xu and venting anger. No one thought that this guy could fly, and it was so beautiful and flying from their heads. The action was like walking in the air, and everyone was shocked.

Many of the Syracuse soldiers on the city wall are also full of shock.

"Zhuge Shaoxia will fly?"

"He... how did he do it?"

“Is it clear that I have not sensed any real power fluctuations, but can still fly so naturally?”

"Zhuge Shaoxia is really arrogant!"

"so amazing!"


Situ Haiyan was also a big-eyed stunned man, staring at Xu’s demise toward the enemy’s rear.

But soon, she changed her face and shouted: "Zhuge Shaoxia, be careful!"

I saw the archer behind the ice armor, and already pointed the bow and arrow at Xu!

Bowing and archery can only be done between counts.

In an instant, the dense arrows penetrated the air, like a shower, and overwhelmed.

"Hey, I haven't shot yet, can't you wait?"

Xu lacks a light smile, the body of the Jiuyang magic power flocks to the palm!

Followed by him, his palms and meridians were filled with violent internal force, and an arc was drawn out of thin air, and he screamed: "The dragon is in the sky!"


Suddenly, there was a terrifying dragon in the air!

In the next moment, Xu lacked the palm of his hand, and an ethereal gold dragon roared out, twisting his body and rushing toward the pile of dense arrows with great power!



The first one is sent, it must be three more tonight! There are two more, don't worry!

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