Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 413: I admire your courage

Xu lacks the sound of the diffused sound through the speaker, and instantly resounds most of the Bishui City.

Suddenly, everyone in the city was stunned.

Is Bishui City surrounded?

Also take all the women and Tianbao Dibao to surrender?

I rely on, is this a robbery to robbery?

In the broad day of the day, I dared to rob the Bishui City, one of the ten major cities in the Yuan Dynasty. Isn’t this coming to death?

For a time, the soldiers in Bishuicheng were all broken.

"Haha, there are still such stupid robbers in this year, I dare to grab the Bishui City!"

"You see what the strange thing that the boy got, a little aura of volatility, but still pretending to be a model!"

"It's nothing more than a tool that doesn't look good and doesn't work."

"Report, the master of the city has just ordered, let several thousand adults personally take the soldiers out of the city, kill them, do not need to stay alive!"

"The archers are also prepared, and once they enter the range, they will kill directly!"


In an instant, Bishuicheng began to mobilize the troops and horses, ready to go out to fight the city.

Xu lacks his eyes and raises his mouth. His mouth is slightly raised. He said to the snow-capped soldiers who drive helicopters and tanks: "Don't stay in the same place, don't get too close, wait for them to come out, watch my gestures and fire again!"


"Hey, Bishuicheng, this group of slag, I will not break them in two hours, I will not surname Zhuge!"


At this time, it is far away in the snow city.

Situ Haiyan sat in the city's main house, his face was dignified, thoughtful.

The old man in white, also the second uncle of Stuart, walked in.

"Haicang, how can you frown? Is it worried that Zhuge Shaoxia will fail?"

"I am worried that he can't attack Bishuicheng and take a strong attack. With the strength of Zhuge Shaoxia, it is certainly no problem to protect his own safety, but I am afraid that I will sacrifice the three thousand soldiers and horses! I have not considered it before, only I thought that let Zhuge Shaoxia go through a failure blow, and now I know what to do, hey!" Situ Haiyan shook his head and sighed.

The white man was also silent for a while before he said, "Would you like to send someone to support them? Or let them come back first?"

"Well, send someone to check it out. If the situation is not right, let them come back first!"


At the same time, Bishui City.

The soldiers and horses in the city are gathering rapidly. The lack of outside the city, but with a loudspeaker is screaming!

"Ten seconds have arrived, are you not surrendering?"

"If you don't surrender, hurry up and fight!"

"Don't waste time? I am very busy today!"

"After you have finished the Bishui City, you have to rush to take down Yunluocheng! If time is right, you can also take the Sea City and win a hat trick!"

Xu lacked this statement, and people outside the city stayed!

After playing Bishui City, I have to rush to take Yunluocheng down? Even playing the sea city? All are the ancient cities of the top ten cities!

Big Brother, is this too big for you?

If you want to play three cities in one day, don’t you say that you are a heavenly emperor? Only one hand can destroy the kind of one country!


At this time, a majestic momentum finally emerged from the clear water city.

Thousands of horsemen suddenly rushed out of the city gate, and the horseshoes landed, dusty and powerful.

The first one is a few thousand generals, and the repairs are all over the Yuan Ying period, which is equivalent to Xu Xiao!

However, from the number of people, they have far exceeded the lack of Xu.

Because now on the battlefield, in addition to ten tanks and ten helicopters, there is one missing, and the remaining two thousand are still changing clothes!

"Ignorance of children, big words, dare to attack the Bishui City, today I let you know what is not known for the heights!" Several thousand households laughed loudly, riding a horse, led thousands of cavalry, and flew away from Xu.

However, when they sprinted to half, Xu suddenly shouted with a big hand and shouted: "Open fire, hit them!"


Suddenly, the armed helicopters in the air immediately sounded a burst of machine guns!




Ten tanks were also fired in unison, ruthlessly bombing thousands of horses!

However, the movement is so big that these bullets and artillery fires can't cause any harm to those riding forces!

After all, they are all monks, and they are basically composed of the team of the Dandan and the Golden Dan. The strength is extraordinary.

In the face of this dense rain-like bullets and gunfire, they have taken out the bodyguards and easily blocked them.

"Haha, I thought it was a tool that was incredible. It turned out to be only such a power! It was a waste!" A thousand generals suddenly laughed.

Followed by, the other thousand generals, and thousands of cavalry, also burst into laughter, it seems that I have never seen such a weak instrument!


At this time, a figure suddenly came, and when Xu was missing, it turned out that the two dogs who had finished the first batch of explosives came back.

It also saw this scene, could not help but wonder: "Kid, what are you doing? This thing can not hurt those people!"

"You know a fart. Their true power is limited. I don't believe that they can continue to open the defensive law. When they are exhausted, they are crying." .

After all, he mainly relies on the gods and guns to kill the enemy, but the number of Shenwei guns is limited. If the other party suddenly rushes out 50,000 soldiers and horses, then the ten gods cannons can not be fired!

Moreover, Xu lacks time, so it is necessary to divide the battlefield, use various methods to involve each other, multi-pronged, as long as there is effect, he will not cost!

"What do you mean? Do you have any helicopters and tanks that don't cost real power?" asked the two dogs with wide eyes.

"Crap, definitely not! The most important thing is that bullets and shells are infinite, hehe!" Xu smiled.

The eyes of the two dogs suddenly became hot, no longer nonsense, continue to force the handling of explosives, and quickly rushed from the corner to Bishuicheng.

This cargo is not good, the effort to dig the dog hole is absolutely first-class, moved back and forth several times, and no one found it.

And the thousands of cavalry, also ignored the attack of bullets and shells, against the law of defense, flying quickly to the lack of tanks and tanks!


At this time, the remaining more than 2,000 Syracuses finally returned to the camouflage uniform.

Everyone has sunglasses, and it looks like a modern commando!

When they arrived, they also saw the scene where the helicopter and the tank were bombarding, and their faces could not be changed!

"Zhuge Shaoxia, these attacks, it seems to have no effect on them!" The second battalion is full of sorrows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You know a fart, forget it, don't talk to you more bb, all have, Look right, yes, look at it, look good, I will teach you how to start the Shenwei gun now! ”

Xu said that he stood directly at the back of a Shenwei gun, and stuffed it into a spiritual stone. At the same time, he began to incite the French seal.

Everyone looked at it with a slight sigh, and there was no expectation in my heart.

What are the powers of the tanks that look so powerful and the helicopters, and what can be used for this black artillery?

At the same time, the group of cavalry was also coming in. When they saw Xu’s lack of use of artillery, they suddenly burst into laughter.

"Haha, look at it, the kid changed the gun!"

"What time is it, actually playing with artillery?"

"This kid shouldn't be a bad head? The battle between the immortals, using mortal artillery?"

"It is ignorance, stupid!"


In the face of a shrill sarcasm, the face of Syracuse was dark and angry. After all, Xu was now their main actor, insulting Xu, which is equivalent to insulting them!

However, Xu lacked it and ignored it quickly.


Suddenly, his fingers suddenly stopped, and the last French seal had been finished, and both palms suddenly turned into a golden mans, and suddenly they shot on the Shenwei gun.


In the crisp muffled sound, the Shenwei gun suddenly blazed, and the runes became more and more embarrassing.

Xu lacked a cold smile, and stared at the group of cavalry, jokingly said: "I admire your courage, run so quickly to die! I am full of compassion for you!"

The voice just fell, the golden mans on the Shenwei gun instantly zoomed in, incomparably stunned and glaring, turned into a huge golden light beam, with a horrible violent breath, suddenly rushed to the group of cavalry in Bishuicheng!


[The third! 】

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