Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 421: Female Emperor's Palace

On the same day, Xu died in the palace.

Together with the Sanqian Snow City Army, they all had different honors, and they lived in the palace, and the palace eunuchs served.

After all, they regained the top ten cities of the Shuiyuan Kingdom. They are a heroic army that bravely saves the country. Everyone enjoys a high honor. Even when the female emperor returns, they can still accept the reward.

Everyone is glad to follow Xu’s lack of battle, which is completely lie to win!

When the night was quiet, Xu was sitting in a yard, and he was smoking.

The two dogs looked very sly and thought that it was a good thing. After a sudden death from Xu’s lack of it, he took a sip and almost didn’t die. He fell directly to the ground and stared at Xu’s lack of shock. .

"Kid, you are really changing-state! You can spit in this kind of thing!"

"Two dogs, are you owing? Hurry and go, don't bother me thinking!" Xu lacked the mind to talk to the two dogs, said with impatience, continue to smoke, thoughtful!

When the two dogs saw it, they could not help but ask: "What are you thinking about? Are you preparing to attack the other four countries?"

"What are you doing in attacking the other four countries? I was thinking about the generals during the day. Don't you think that something is wrong? Is the ice queen playing so easy to escape?"

Xu lacked an eyebrow and always had doubts about what the general said.

Of course, the words of the general are also from the mouth of the purple scorpion!

The Queen of Ice Condensed was wounded and fled back to the palace. She also met the purple cicada. She said that she was injured by the female emperor, and then she left. This always sounds wrong!

With the ambition of the Queen of Ice, there is no reason to give up so easily!

After listening to Xu’s doubts, the two dogs thought about it and nodded. “It’s really a bit wrong! It took me 50 years to get back with the ice armor. There is no reason to run away so easily!”

"Look, you can think of it even if you are stupid, others are not suspicious! I suspect that we are fooled!" Xu lacks a dignified way.

The two dogs nodded after listening, but they found it wrong. They found out that they were wrong. They immediately said: "Fart, how can this **** stupid be stupid? Those ordinary people can’t think it is normal, you think everyone is like this god. Smart?"

"You still have to shut up! I want to hit you as soon as you speak!" Xu missed his eyes and stood up.

The two dogs immediately rolled from the ground and flashed to the side. They warned: "Boy, what do you want?"

"I am afraid of what! I am not really hitting you. I am thinking, will the ice queen not go away, may still hide in the palace!" Xu frowned.

"The possibility is great!" The two dogs nodded again and again.

"It seems that I have to go to the Queen's bedroom to take a trip!" Xu said seriously.

The two dogs suddenly said: "When you find someone, look for someone, go to the female emperor's palace?"

After that, it suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: "I rely on, kid, you want to find an excuse to mix into the water palace to do it!"

"Fart, yelling at your dirty thoughts, isn't that kind of person? Can you think about it with wisdom? The safest place in the palace is only the water palace! In addition to the water emperor, the palace is rooted. No one dares to go in, so if the ice queen is in the palace, it must be hidden in the water palace!"

Xu lacks righteousness and is well-founded.

The two dogs opened their mouths, and they couldn’t refute them. They still felt quite reasonable.

Then, it suddenly sat on the ground, two dog legs crossed, and there was something to say: "Then go, this **** is here to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon!"

"I am, you are a lazy goods!" Xu lacks swearing.

In fact, he was not prepared to bring two dogs at all. He stunned and his body flashed and plunged out of the small yard.

The pattern of the palace in the Shuiyuan Kingdom is not complicated, and there are many pools. In some places, there are still a lot of water aura, like from the bottom!

This also led to the drifting of clouds throughout the palace. It is like a misty smog. If a mortal comes in, I am afraid that I will lose my way.

But for Xu deficiency, this aura cloud is nothing, after the eye catches a trace of real yuan, the cloud is like nothing, not affected by the darkness of the night, the vision is clear!

In his capacity, walking in the palace, no one dares to stop him!

Therefore, along the way, many eunuchs and palace ladies included guards. Even if they saw Xu deficiency, they also looked at him with respectful eyes. They respected him as a "General Zhuge" and others called him "General Xu."

Xu Wei did not want to be too eye-catching, nor could he be known that he was going to find the Queen’s Palace, fearing that he would be a snake, so he pretended to walk and hung in the palace.

"The big girl grabbed a few to grab a few... grab a few melons!"

He stared at the little song, and as a result, several guards who patrolled the patrol saw it and cast a strange look.

Xu lacked his eyes and shouted: "Look at what, I haven't seen people singing! Hurry up and patrol! 哟哟切克, one person, I am drunk, seven or eight little girls accompany me to sleep..."

In the eccentric eyes of several guards, Xu lacked a song to go.

Not long after, he finally found the Queen's Palace, just in the backyard.

The entire palace was dark and did not light, but there were several guards patrolling the door.

Xu missed it, and the figure sneaked into the dark corner, while the majestic spirit suddenly emerged, covering the entire palace in an instant.

He tried to find out if there was anyone in the palace.

The soul of the soul just touched the palace ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a terrible rebounding force, and his soul was shocked back.


Xu was suddenly surprised.

"Hey, detect the array method, can block the soul of the soul detection, whether it consumes 500 points to force the value crack?" The system prompt sound also immediately sounded in his mind.

"Cut, you can only block the soul of the soul. If you can't do it, you don't have to use the spirit of the gods. You forced the king to go in and see!" Xu lacked the system directly.

Breaking the garbage array has to be forced by five hundred points. Of course, he will not spend such money.

After all, attacking the ancient city in the past two days, Xu deficiency has spent more than 10,000 points to force the value, but only earned more than 8,000 points. In general, it has lost more than 4,000 yuan, but in order to The female emperor, he reluctantly accepted the loss.

However, for the system of profiteers, Xu lacks the need to resist, and must adhere to the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift!


Taking advantage of the moment when several patrols staggered, Xu lacked his body and immediately turned into a piece of willow leaf, disappeared from the place and penetrated into the palace.

The dark environment can't stop his sight.

When Xu Xiaoyi entered it, he immediately held his breath and converge on all the breath of his body, hiding himself.

Later, he looked at everything in the palace, and there was a faint scent between the noses. It was the taste of the female emperor.

"It seems to be the right one!" Xu's mouth is slightly raised.

But when he was preparing to move forward, a stream of light suddenly rushed out of the corner. With the terrible chill, the streamer turned into a half-bowl-shaped light curtain, instantly shrouded Xu and quickly turned into ice, forming a Ice prison!

Followed by, a graceful figure went out, full of playful smile: "The little guy is very smart, can actually find this, but you are too courageous, actually dare to swear Jiang Hongyan's palace?"

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