Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 435:

In the past few days, Xu’s lack of staying in the palace of the female emperor really lived as if she were a family.

No one dared to say him in the entire palace. Even after Ziyan got the news, he was so mad that he vomited blood and didn't want to talk to him.

Because she knows that there is no reason to talk about this kind of person with Xu!

This product is a rogue, do whatever you want, and will not care about the rules.

So when the female emperor came, the purple scorpion rushed out and complained.

The female emperor, who has always been calm and calm, once heard this, is also a reaction.

I have been alone for so many years, and the palace has already been like my own boudoir. Apart from myself, almost no one has ever stepped on it, but now I have only left for a few days, but I was occupied by the little guy!

"Sister, this time you really can't lightly excuse him, otherwise he will be proud of heaven!" Zi Yan was angry.

"Come with me!" The female emperor shook her head and smiled. After a cry, she walked to the palace.

In fact, she really can't take Xu's lack of way, because she understands Xu's character, it is indeed a very different little guy, who is unruly and does everything he likes, but he can do whatever he wants, but he can also make a big disaster. Can end.

Therefore, the female emperor is very valued for Xu deficiency, just as the elders appreciate a younger generation, even if this younger generation has done something too small, it can be ignored!

Therefore, after she heard Xu lacking her occupation of her palace, the first reaction was wrong, and immediately it was a smile, and there was no anger.

At the moment, she also made a decision. If she didn't say anything, let's see how the little guy would end.

However, things are still beyond her and the purple.

When the two returned to the palace, Xu was standing straight outside the palace, and looked sullen, like the guards in the palace, like guarding the palace.

When I saw the female emperor, Xu Xiaoyu was surprised again. I couldn’t help but be a woman who could be picked up by the gods. No matter how you look, how many times you will not get tired!

But at this moment, the female emperor smiled and looked at Xu deficiency, but did not speak. It was just laughing and not talking. Seeing Xu lacked some guilty feelings.

He was very busy and stretched his face, a serious saying: "Little girl, you can count back, these days I will help you to fight the water Yuanguo, and help you eradicate the anti-thief, and now for you to guard the palace, almost exhausted! ”

Keeping the palace?

As soon as the purple scorpion heard it, almost a shot of old blood spouted out.

She learned from some of the princes' eunuchs that after living in the palace, the guy was lying in bed and sleeping every day, singing and disturbing at night, and the palace was messed up by him, and his life was better than anyone else.

But now he actually said that he is guarding the palace for the water emperor?

Too shameless, it is simply shameless!

Thinking of this, Zi Yan could not help but say: "You are less nonsense, the palace is so guarded, why should my sister's palace be guarded?"

"Oh, this is not true. I caught a female thief in this palace two days ago. I also claimed to be the Queen of Ice, and I started to talk to her without saying anything!" .

Unexpectedly, the female emperor heard this, but she was slightly moved and surprised: "What about her? You didn't kill her?"

"My heart is soft, and even the ants can't bear to kill, so let her go." Xu Wei continued to brag.

After the female emperor finished listening, she was slightly relieved.

Xu lacked in his eyes and remembered what Liu Weijing said at the time. She said that she was a good friend with the female emperor. Now it seems that it is true!

"Purple, you go back first, I talk to Xu Shaoxia!" At this time, the female emperor looked at Zixiao.

"Sister, you have to teach him well!" Zi Yan nodded.

Immediately, I did not forget that Xu looked at it and turned away.

Xu's lack of it is not panic at all, anyway, the skin is thick to some extent, it is enough to be invincible.

But the female emperor said nothing, and directly pushed into the palace, it seems to want to see what his room was made by Xu.

Xu can be prepared early, and when he hears the return of the female emperor, he immediately picks up the house and cleans the palace, and then hides in the door and pretends to pretend to be in the palace.

However, after the female emperor walked in, there was no reaction. She walked calmly to a table and turned and sat down.

"How come suddenly to the water Yuanguo? Is it troublesome?" She looked at Xu Xiao, did not ask about Syracuse, and did not ask the three kings, so naturally and easy to smile.

This is probably her character, it will not be easily attracted to the rest of the matter, but concerned about whether Xu deficiency has caused any trouble!

Xu deficiency is also used to her character, shaking her head: "How can I be so modest? I will tell you the truth, it was originally for the Dragon Pulse, but now there is one more thing!"

"Need me to help?" The female emperor still smiled lightly.

Xu lacked his head again: "I don't need you to help, but you need me to help! Liu Yuning said, let me help you!"

When the female emperor heard it, it was only a slight glimpse, and immediately said with a smile: "Little guy, almost you are on the go! She can't say this!"

"How is it impossible! She told me that you are from Jiang, and the fate is not very good, so let me quickly improve my strength and help you through the difficulties!" Xu lacked to continue to sneak.

The female emperor smiled slightly: "If she really said these things to you, it must be that you should not help, because you can't help!"

"..." Xu suddenly missed the words!

Because as the female emperor said, Liu Yanjing was to let him not help, because he could not help!

However, this makes Xu deficiency more confused. What is the difficulty? Why are these two people determined that they can't help?

"What is going on? Tell me, I can help you!" Xu said seriously.

The female emperor shook her head: "You really can't help! Little guy, you need to concentrate on cultivation now, with your talent, there will be a bigger world waiting for you in the future!"

"You don't say, how do you know that I can't help? Little girl, don't be too confident. Maybe I will surpass you in the realm one day. Then you said that I can't help?" Xu refused to accept.

"I know that you are very strong, but even if your strength surpasses me, even if you reach the fit period, you can't help me! Some things are not what you should know now, it is not good for you!"

The female emperor smiled faintly and shouted: "And, don't kill people easily in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The life of too many creatures on your hands will be very bad for you in the future!"

"Who knows about the future, you don't want me to help you, but I also know that you have always been a helpful and helpful Lei Feng, so even if you don't say it now, I will help the end!" Xu lacked the words of the female emperor, but he was too lazy to ask and directly stated his determination.

Anyway, I will catch Liu Yuning next time, and I will get an answer after torture!

The female emperor smiled and did not care. She reached out and took out a strange jade card from the storage ring and handed it to Xu.

"What is this?" Xu lacked a plaque. This jade card has no aura fluctuations. It is crystal clear and blue, as if it is a jade made of water. It is very beautiful.

"Are you not coming for the Dragon's pulse? With this jade card, it will be convenient to enter the Imperial Tomb!" The female emperor smiled.

When Xu was suddenly absent, he was amazed. He said with a smile: "You don't worry about the impact of the National Games on the dragon's pulse."

He had planned it all, secretly sneaked into the imperial tomb, and after picking up the water from the beginning of the water, he would find a new dragon vein for the water Yuan, even if it could not match the current dragon vein, it would not have much impact on the national movement.

But he did not expect that the female emperor was so simple, directly took the jade card into the emperor to him!

"Do not affect, although the Dragon Pulse is closely related to the national transport, but whether a country can last forever, ultimately depends on man-made!" said the female emperor.

She does not care if there is a dragon pulse, because she is very clear that if the people who govern the country are indefinite, the dragons are no better, and it is impossible for the country to exist for a long time.

Xu lacks not too polite, directly received the token, and said: "Do not worry, I will help the water Yuanguo to find more dragons, changed into a new imperial tomb, has little effect on the water Yuanguo! But before this I want to ask you about yourself!"


"Duan Jiude!"

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