Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 441: Who can't beat me?

Are you contracted at the auction?

After listening to the audience, suddenly sneer again and again.

Who will have this kind of strength when contracting the entire auction?

I am afraid that no one of the five emperors can do anything. After all, the last few things in the auction are often a high price!

"Wang Gongzi said with a smile, then continue to the fifth lottery today!" The palace dress woman smiled slightly and solved the embarrassing atmosphere of the scene for Xu Xiao, and continued to host the auction!

The new jade plate was immediately sent to the center platform, and the red cloth was opened. It was also a ritual device and belonged to the hidden weapon.

"This hidden weapon is a Samsung-level implement. It was used by His Royal Highness when he was young. The reserve price is..."


"I am out of a million!" Xu lacked the ringing of the copper bell and shouted.

But this hidden weapon seems to be very popular, and it is Samsung's level, the price of one million lower spirits, not too high!

Soon, someone in the hall immediately raised his hand and grabbed the price: "I am out of 101 million!"

"One hundred and twenty thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"I am out of one hundred and one hundred thousand!"


Many people began to fight for it, and they must win the hidden weapon!

But at this time, Xu Xiao in the upstairs ringed the bell!


"Don't argue, it's boring, my king tears out 10 million, is there a higher one?"


The time was full and the audience was quiet.

Everyone is looking up and glaring at Xu, and he is not angry!

Another million?

Damn, is this guy really going to do something?

Why do you spend a million yuan to buy a Samsung-level hidden weapon? Is it stupid? Is it really money to have no place to spend?

However, Xu lacks the voice of these people, otherwise he will definitely say "Yes, brother is more money"!


In the end, with the death of a woman in the palace, Xu Xiao succeeded in spending 10 million yuan of Lingshi, and bought a Samsung hidden weapon!

Everyone can only help but look at it. After all, they don’t have the power to make such a “man’s stupid money”!

Soon, the auction will continue.

Palace women: "Next auction of the sixth auction item..."

Xu Wei: "My king tears out 10 million!"

Palace women: "The next auction is..."

Xu lacks: "I have a special 10 million!"

Palace woman: "Next..."

Xu lack: "10 million! Who else? I will ask who else?"

The scene is completely ruined!

Everyone can only squint and look at Xu's high price of 10 million pieces of Lingshi, and take a piece of auction!

In the end, even Xu lacked himself to forget how many Lingshi he had spent. Anyway, he did not deliberately count it, and he would not consider it enough to be enough. In any case, he screamed, and one of them shouted!

In total, Xu lacked nearly ten pieces of instruments, plus a dozen of the law, and a few bottles of medicinal herbs, most of which were auctioned by the female emperor!

Therefore, most of the spiritual stones that Xu lacks to go out will go to the female emperor.


Everyone in the room has been numb.

They can hardly imagine how strong the young man's body on the second floor is, and the spiritual stone spent on photographing these things today is comparable to all the factions of several big factions!

Even the people of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce can't help but feel doubt again. I don't believe that Xu Xiaozhen really has so many Lingshi!

After all, Xu lacked the screaming to the present, and the number of spiritual stones accumulated has exceeded one billion.

This figure has also broken the record of all the auctions held by the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce, which is terrible!

However, when Xu lacked thousands of fast-spirited stone, piled up on the table as a building block, everyone had a sigh of relief and a sigh of relief.

The people of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce have closed their mouths directly!

Thousands of fast and good spirits, this can be directly equal to billions of products!

Where did this guy come from so many Lingshi?

And still piled up on the table to play with? Could it be that in his eyes, these Lingshi are just small things?

It’s terrible!


“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’, and it’s a success, and it’s worth three hundred and ten points!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’, and it’s a success, and it’s worth three hundred and thirty points!”


Xu lacked the mind to force the success of the reward tone, and then sounded, and forced to earn a lot of money.

He suddenly looked up and looked at the ceiling. He sighed with a sigh of relief: "Hey! I bought so many things, and I spent so little astrology. What can I do? Do you have more expensive things?"

Xu lacked his head and looked at the palace woman downstairs. He said: "Get out the more expensive things, or I will not go home. Why? Because I open the door, I am afraid that I will be at home. Lingshi drowned!

Hey, even on the latrine, I don’t dare to wipe the fart-shares. Why? Because I use the stone to rub the fart - the stock is too panic! ”

Xu lacked a word, and everyone in the whole place was dumbfounded!

Do you dare to love your home?

Do you live in a spiritual stone house?

Also use the Lingshi to wipe the fart-shares, don't you just wipe the brush to wipe it?


The woman in the palace also had a stiff expression, and smiled bitterly: "You are in a hurry, and then the last three pieces are left, and today's finale!"

She announced that the auction was in the final moment, and everyone was once again seated and excited.

After all, in addition to those young people, there are also many big people on the scene, which are directed at today's finale.

The three rooms, including the opposite side of Xu or the next door, were all brought in by the jade post. They didn't look at the previous things, so they didn't take the shot.

But now, three pieces of finale treasures are finally coming out, and the real dragon fight is just coming!

At this time, a woman also held a jade box and slowly walked over to the palace dress woman.

As soon as the jade box opened, there was a burst of fragrance coming out, and it was refreshing!

Then, a light blue glory like a stream of water, such as a light smoke, rising up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ formed a small river on the jade box!

Some people in the whole place suddenly widened their eyes.

The palace dress woman also began to explain: "The first piece of the finale is the six-star medicinal medicine provided by His Royal Highness, named Taiqing Bishui Dan. This medicinal medicine is a baby-changing monk in the bottleneck. It has extraordinary effects. I think you have already learned about it. The base price of this bottle of medicinal herbs is 10 million yuan of the next product. Every time you bid, it must be no less than 100,000 Lingshi!"

The voice fell, everyone's gaze, the first time looked at the lack of upstairs Xu.

Since the curtain was opened, it was not pulled again, and the whole process was loading!

Now that everyone's eyes are gathered, he still keeps a cold expression, and he will reach the copper bell on the table.


However, the copper bell rang, but it was not Xu’s missing, but the big man in his next room, taking the lead.

Followed by, an old and old voice came from the next room.

"Old 20 million Lingshi!"


Suddenly, some people in the whole place took a breath.

what is it today?

Are you crazy?

A price increase is tens of millions of Lingshi?

Are we participating in a fake auction?

But soon, everyone is relieved!

After all, it is a six-star medicinal herb, and it is still "Tai Qing Bi Shui Dan", which can help the infants change the bottleneck.

This kind of medicinal herbs has always been valuable and market-free, and there are no spiritual stones to buy.

If you buy 20 million Lingshi now, it is definitely worthwhile for a baby to be a strong player!

However, Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and shook his head slightly.

Twenty million yuan of the next product, only the king!

Today I will see who can win me!

Thinking of this, he reached out again and knocked directly at the bronze bell.

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