Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 448: This Nima is a black shop?

"Hey, have you heard that? General Zhuge Yi Rong went to the auction of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce, and he took more than seven billion Lingshi things!"

"I heard that, this number is too scary!"

"But it seems that it is not enough to pay the bills, it has already run!"

"Running the wool, this goods ran to open a shop, what is the name of the day to help McDonald's!"

"I rely, no, the guy opens the door to do business? Who dares to go?"

"That is to say, but unfortunately it has not been sold yet, and I don't know what to sell!"

"I heard that it is selling dog meat, and his dog seems to be sacrificed!"

"No, I heard that it is a female branch!"


Early in the morning, the topic of everyone in the Imperial City was in the discussion.

After Xu's lack of decoration of the store, he directly closed the door, so that the people on the outside were curious to die.

In the palace, the female emperor and others also received news.

When I heard Xu’s lack of name, Wang Tiao Cong, when the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce photographed such a large amount of Lingshi things, the first reaction of the female emperor was stunned.

Apparently, she did not expect Xu to have so many Lingshi, no matter how good enough, he at least took out more than 5 billion Lingshi, this figure is simply too big!

"This little guy is really too tossed!" The female emperor could only shake her head and smile.

Later, she gently waved her hand and called a maid, whispering: "You go to the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce and tell them that the other two billion don't need to find him. The fee can be deducted from the proceeds." !"

The palace lady sighed and said: "Return to His Royal Highness. I heard that General Zhuge has already made an appointment with the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce. After seven days, he will pay back the money. Now he has opened a shop in the Imperial City. It seems to be doing business. !"

"He opened the store?" The female emperor stopped again.

"Yeah, it is said that it is called Madden McDonald's, which attracts a lot of people, but I haven't opened the door yet, I don't know what business I am going to do!"

The female emperor shook her head and laughed awkwardly: "This little guy is really whimsical. Is there really a business in the world that can get more than two billion Lingshi in seven days?"

"Yes, so many people in the city are waiting to see him jokes."

The female emperor smiled again: "This is not necessarily!"

"Ah?" The palace lady suddenly stayed. "His Royal Highness, don't you also say that he is whimsical?"

"Oh, it means that his thoughts are different from ordinary people! What ordinary people think is impossible to do. After the little guys are whimsical, they often do it!" The female emperor smiled.

The palace lady looked puzzled: "So... then the slaves have to go to the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce to take a trip?"

"No, don't look back after seven days!"

The palace lady was even more confused.

In her opinion, it is absolutely impossible to make more than two billion Lingshi in seven days, even if there is no way for His Royal Highness.

But how did His Royal Highness have such confidence in General Zhuge?


In the Imperial City, an inn!

A group of powerful children are sitting in the private room drinking, smiling.

"Haha, what Wang Tiao Cong, it turned out that Zhuge Liang was posing, this time he lost his face and lost!"

"I thought it was running home to take Lingshi, I didn't expect to actually open the store!"

"It's too naive. Does he really think he is all-powerful? It's awesome to fight, it doesn't mean doing business is great!"

"It’s really a delusion to make more than two billion in seven days!"

"I am afraid that even the experienced old merchants are not sure that they will earn 100 million Lingshi in seven days. He actually has to earn more than two billion!"

"Oh, don't bother, anyway, watching him jokes after seven days is all right!"

"Yes, you all use a point relationship, no matter what he sells, let everyone do not care, haha, when he is really ugly!"

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a big laugh in the room.


At this time, Xu Xiao has already screened out more than a dozen people who have the basis of cooking from the Sanchi Snow City Army, and taught them how to use those new technology products, one-on-one training.

Moreover, McDonald's is not difficult to do, as long as the raw materials are ready, everything is made like a assembly line.

Xu deficiency only needs to rely on his own chef's identity ability to deal with the last level, which can increase the effect of food.

Of course, he must try it out before opening the store and test the effects of each food.

Finally, write it on the billboard for the guests to choose.

After a busy morning, more than a dozen people finally got used to the light, and those machines that could be exchanged for the lack of Xu were excited to invest in the work.

Some people have French fries, some have fried chicken, some are responsible for ordering food, and some are responsible for collecting Lingshi.

Everything is ready.

"Well, brothers, let's set a small goal, and strive to open the door for the first day of business, earning him a billion Lingshi!" Xu Wei began to mobilize morale and shouted.

When a dozen people heard it, they were terrified!

On the first day, I have to earn ten billion Lingshi?

This... How is this possible?

“Is there any confidence?” Xu asked loudly.

Everyone: "Hey..."

Xu Wei: "The military law without confidence!"

Everyone immediately shouted: "I have confidence!"

Xu lacked the satisfaction and nodded. No matter whether others had confidence or not, he was confident in anyway.

Because of these foods, after the blessing of his chef's identity, the effects that have been added have already exceeded the various three or four-star medicinal herbs.

There are even some foods that increase the effect, but many remedies can't do it!

"General Zhuge, the two dogs dug a hole from the back door, want to come in and steal!" At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A Syracuse soldier rushed into the road.

"If you don't want to be strangled by it, you will go back to the palace honestly. At night, there will be a world-famous food reward for it!" Xu lacked his hand.

Immediately turned to look at the gate, a big hand waved, shouted: "All the military orders, let's open the door!"

"Yes!" Everyone was very eager and vocal.

At the same time, outside the shop where Xu is missing, people are already surrounded by people who are curious.

Many people are talking about what Xu will sell. After all, this store decoration is too novel, and everyone has never seen it.

Some people are also holding the jokes of jokes. I want to see if Xu is out of business on the first day of business.


At this moment, Xu Xiao finally let people open the gate.

The crowd was shocked and stared at the store.

And with the rise of the gate, a thick "McDonald's" special decoration style appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned and looked blank.

"Beautiful, so beautiful!"

"After looking at it, there is a feeling of bright eyes!"

"Crap, this world has never seen this style of decoration, of course, it shines!"

"Hey, look, it seems like selling food!"

"I rely, no, sell food in the Imperial City, who will use Lingshi to buy food, this is too pit!"

Everyone shook their heads, and at the same time, their eyes turned to the billboard menu hanging on the ordering table.

The next moment, everyone was forced, and the eyes almost fell out.

"Mom, this...this Nima is called food?"

"Frying the sizzling sizzling chicken burger, one selling fifty thousand Lingshi?"

"The trough, the fried days help the golden French fries, one sells ten thousand Lingshi?"

"My Scorpio, is this Nima a black shop?"

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