Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 451: Man and sea

membership card?

All of a sudden, everyone was stupid in the same place.

Xu lacked a face and said warmly: "You are lucky today, we open a new store promotion, only 10 million Lingshi can apply for a membership card, do a membership card, is our guest of the day to help McDonald's, you can enjoy special The channel is ready to order at any time, and there is no rest for you at 12 o'clock!"


Everyone almost burst out of old blood!

Nima, do you want to have a million members of the membership card?

Are you not robbing?

You are not the kind of unscrupulous profiteer who raises the price?

Do you pay attention to a letter when you do business?

Trusted you evil!

You are totally embarrassed by the unscrupulous profiteers who chase the price!

Everyone is speechless.

In the previous second, Xu was still screaming at the chest and shouting a conscience enterprise. The next second said that he had to run a membership card to buy a burger at any time. What is even more awful is that this membership card actually costs 10 million!

Damn, this is simply selling cards in disguise!

"Don't hesitate, the heart is not as good as action!"

Xu lacks a shit.

Everyone has a black line.

Hesitate your sister!

Heartbeat your sister!

A card is 10 million, the ghost is heart!

"Our membership card is limited to sell, I will not have to do it tomorrow!" Xu lacked and reminded me!

When the words came out, some people were really tempted!

In particular, the Liu family owner, with years of experience in business, suddenly smelled the benefits!

With the effect of this burger, it is foreseeable how hot the business will be after tomorrow. If the membership card is limited, and you can buy burgers preferentially through others through special channels, you can purchase them in large quantities and sell them to others. Nobody buys it!

"Well, the weather is not too early, the membership card processing began to enter the countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven..." Xu lacked to enter the countdown.

During the time, many people were anxious and immediately shouted: "Wait, I have to do the card!"

"I also want!"

"I will shout first, I will do it first, and ten million Lingshi is here!"

"General Zhuge, wait a minute, I am now asking people to send Lingshi!"


All of a sudden, several people left, some ran back to the store, on the spot to do the card, and some anxiously ran back to take Lingshi.

But most people can only look at it and look envious.

Ten million members, they can't afford it, they can only wait for tomorrow to buy a burger!

Xu Xuan created an opportunity to sell only one burger, but through the membership card, on the spot received hundreds of millions of Lingshi!

Then the dozens of people with membership cards immediately bought burgers, and some people bought French fries, and the business began to get hot!

It wasn't until the night that the fried days helped McDonald's really fight!

Xu lacked the store door, with more than 100 million under the Lingshi, and walked to other shops around.

It is not difficult to rely on a McDonald's to earn more than two billion.

But to complete this task within the remaining five days, the difficulty is great.

But all of this is in the grasp of Xu Xiaoyu. From the beginning, he did not intend to make money from this store alone.

What he wants to build is a fast-growing business kingdom, and even if the name is all right, it is called "Fengtian Bang Wanda Plaza"!



It was night, on the quiet street, there was a burst of knocking on the door!

"Fellow, open the door, I am checking the water meter... Oh, no, I am going to buy a store, can you sell it?"



"Family, open the door, rest assured, not to check the water meter, your store to sell? Sky price acquisition!"


"Fellow, shop selling? Sky price!"


"Fellow, sell?"


All night, Xu was not idle, carrying more than 100 million Lingshi, and walked the entire street again.

In the end, he acquired dozens of shops and spent all of his billions of Lingshi!

Each store is purchased for almost two million yuan, some of which are used to open up the expansion area, ready to open new stores, and some are purely investment real estate!

Compared with the people who cultivated the world, Xu lacks this pit goods from the earth. It is clear that real estate is the most profitable!

He knows that as long as he builds this street, the house price will go up like a rocket!


Xu was not satisfied with the ran back to sleep in the palace, did not disturb anyone!

Of course, he also took a burger with the leftovers and threw it next to the two dogs.

The two dogs were awake by the scent of the burger, and they were moved to tears on the spot. They patted the chest and the lack of Xu to ensure that they had the same blessings. Then they swallowed the burger, and the gorging looked like it was scared. Will be like it!

"Nothing!" Xu lacked his eyes and turned to the room, and went to sleep!


The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and there was a strange scene in the Imperial City!

The fried sky helped McDonald’s door, and it was full of people.

Just overnight, the hamburger fries in McDonald's directly alarmed countless dignitaries, and even some of the nearby sects received news and rushed to the queue overnight.

The team is getting longer and longer, and finally it is directly filled with the whole street!

There are people who have high prices and want to buy the front row, but no one is willing to sell!

"What's the situation? What's happening here? So many strong people are queuing here?" Some unsuspecting people went out early in the morning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this scene, suddenly shocked.

"You don't know? All are waiting for the store of General Zhuge to open the door!"

"I rely, what is going on?"

"This time is a big deal. You know the owner of the Liu family? It has been in the second floor of the baby's change for 30 years. After eating the burger in the general store of Zhuge, it instantly improved a small realm and a burger. Only sell 500,000 Lingshi!"

"Oh, no? There is such a magical thing in the world?"

"Of course, you see where the team is going!"

"No, I have to go back and tell us the door!"


A similar situation continues to emerge. In addition to the Imperial City, more and more people are aware of this matter. One pass is ten, ten is passed on, and finally the entire Imperial City is almost overcrowded!


On the third day of the day, the Syracuse soldiers who were in the store woke up and just opened the store door and suddenly jumped!

"Mom, what do you want to do? This is the shop of General Zhuge. Do you bring so many people to rob?" Syracuse soldiers angered.

But everyone immediately piled up a smile and shouted: "Big brother, don't misunderstand! We are coming to line up to buy burgers!"

"Yeah, I am going to buy French fries!"

"I want a sizzling chicken leg burger!"

"I want three copies!"

"Big Brother, I beg you, I have a small old man, sell me a burger!"


The Syracuse soldiers listened to the shouts of the crowd, and they sighed and smiled. "Everyone lined up, slowly, who dares to mess, we immediately close the store!"

The crowd immediately responded: "Big brother assured, this is the store of General Zhuge, who dares to mess?"

"Yeah, who dares to mess, we are the first to kill him!"

"Yes! Direct kill!"


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