Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 455: Let you imitate!

The people of several big families are full of confidence and think that they can be successful, and they will be able to reach the step of Xu deficiency!

Many people in the Imperial City were attracted to the past and personally rushed to the door of the store opened by several major families to see this magical scene.

The major families also confidently burst into the store, letting everyone watch the strongman who used to be a royal chef and make burgers on the spot.

Bread, meat, vegetables, and even salad dressings are all there!

The strong man who used to be a royal chef is indeed a bit of a skill.

In less than half an hour, he made the burger step by step in the eyes of everyone, and made several pieces in succession!

Whether it is selling or smelling, it is exactly the same as the McDonald's burger in Xu's shop!

"You, Hamburg has been completed, and then we will try some young disciples in the family to break through the current realm!"

A family squatted out and smiled.

Later, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, several family disciples who had never eaten burgers stepped forward and picked up a burger, and the strongman who had served as a royal chef picked up the last one!

Several people took a deep breath and immediately opened their mouths, stuffing the burger into the mouth and taking a bite.

"It's delicious, so delicious!"

Several family disciples showed their expressions of satisfaction, gorging and sweeping the burgers in their hands.

The audience around the scene looked a bit stunned.

However, a burger was quickly eaten, and it was clean and there was no residue left!

But the numbers have passed, and the realm of all people has not changed at all.

A quarter of an hour passed, and everyone's cultivation was not even a little refined.

Nearly half an hour passed, or nothing changed!

At this moment, the audience is silent!

Obviously, this kind of ending is basically the same as failure!

"Impossible, it is impossible to do this! It is obviously the same taste and taste. Why hasn't the realm changed?" The strong man who had been a royal chef was shocked on the spot and couldn't figure out what was going on.

He did make the burger, and he did it very successfully.

But he did not know that Xu lacked the goods made by this product, as long as he passed the hand, it would be given the effect of the chef's ability, and the buff would definitely be the only one in the world. Others could not imitate it!

"How could this be?" The big family's big sister, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Tossing for a few days, spending so many Lingshi and manpower, actually failed?

Moreover, now it is more than just a loss, even the face will be lost.

They used to let Xu lack not be too conceited, but now it seems that the conceited people are a few of them!


However, at this time, Xu was still on the fire, and immediately sent a congratulatory message.

"General Zhuge represents the people of Huangcheng City, and sends a congratulatory message to Li Jia's Liu family and Majia, please mourn the change!" A Syracuse soldier rode on horseback and sent a wreath.

The big family's big cockroaches almost vomited blood.

Everyone in the room also smoked his mouth and was speechless.

This Zhuge general is too embarrassed.

Everyone has failed, and actually sent a wreath to come over. Isn’t this a clear-cut stone?

"Hey, you go back and talk to General Zhuge. We don't bother with the troubles of our big family, come and send customers!" A family yelled, his face was very ugly, and he wanted to catch the Syracuse soldier to leave.

But the Syracuse soldier sneered: "Wait a minute, General Zhuge also said that your Li Jia Liu family and Ma family, the three family's diamond membership cards, all were disqualified, and can not be done in the future, but also Can't go to McDonald's and Starbucks!"

When the words came out, the audience was suddenly lost.

I have spent tens of millions of diamond membership cards and have been disqualified?

And will not do the business of these big families in the future?

Hey, this downfall is simply too embarrassing!

The people of the three major families have also changed face suddenly, and they can't sit on the spot.

If the research fails, it will be lost. If you lose hundreds of millions of Lingshi, you can forget it. If you can't buy the two stores in the future, it will cause great losses to the future strength of their family!

"Why? We all spent the Diamond membership card bought by Lingshi, why was it disqualified?" Someone was angry.

The soldier who screamed for Xu’s words sneered and responded: “General Zhuge lets you see the words on the back of the membership card. It clearly states that the final interpretation of this membership card belongs to General Zhuge!”

"What do you mean?" Everyone suddenly forced!

The people of several big families were also busy taking out the diamond membership card, flipped over and looked at it, and almost blinded the eyes.

On the back of the card, there is really a line of words, and the font is so small that there are almost a few black dots left.

Damn, isn't this a bully?


At this time, the soldier smiled again: "In other words, we just want to cancel your qualifications for no reason, how can you do it? You are not angry? You are not angry? General Zhuge said, you are angry?"


The people of several big families are totally angry!

Full of anger, but did not dare to shoot the soldier in front of him.

Because they know that if they take the shot, then there will be a terrible ransom.


Everyone in the room also watched and shook his head!

No way, who makes the family a general Zhuge?

"Actually speaking, it is true that several major families are not kind, too arrogant!"

"Yeah, you said that you can imitate other people's burgers. It's still so arrogant. The light is shouting and the generals of Zhuge are not conceited. This is a provocation!"

"It makes sense, I still stand on the side of General Zhuge!"

"me too!"

"I will declare first that I also support General Zhuge!"

Many of the big names holding diamond membership cards have stood up and shouted.

Things quickly spread.

In just one day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost everyone in the Imperial City knows that several major families not only failed to imitate, but also were disqualified from Xu’s membership card.

The phrase "The final interpretation of this membership card belongs to General Zhuge", all of a sudden throughout the city.

Many people who have done the card immediately put away all kinds of careful thoughts, for fear of offending.

But at this time, another news of the blast was suddenly detonated in the Imperial City.

"What is the situation? General Zhuge is ready to open a third store?"

"Yeah, the shops are all renovated, I am afraid that they will open a shop today to do business!"

“Frying the sky to help Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop? I rely on, what is ice cream?”

"I heard that General Zhuge had previously made something called a popsicle in Syracuse, which can instantly restore the physical strength and spirit of the monk, very powerful!"

“Is ice cream the same effect?”

"Impossible, you see even the names are different!"

"Really been waiting!"


Everyone has set their sights on “Fengtian Gang Haages Ice Cream Shop”.

There are also a large number of people who have already prepared the Lingshi, always ready to run a membership card!

But this time, Xu lacked the card and did not follow the routine.

On the opening day of the Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop, a message was given at the door!

“This store only serves “Supreme Members”!”

“With just 100 million Lingshi, you can become a supreme member! The world is only 20 people! First come, first served! Every Supreme Member can get a free ice cream hot pot!”



[First five chapters, I wish you all a happy New Year, after the meal, continue to come, today as long as the earth does not explode, I will not stop writing! I hope that you can subscribe more, the local brothers, reward the walk, the monthly ticket will come up, the last day of this month, let us rush to the sales list to force it! Kill and kill! 】

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