Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 461: General Zhuge is mighty!


This word, although strange in the cultivation of the world, but everyone can understand the meaning of the word, Xu deficiency also made it very clear, is the conference to release new products!

This goods is so exaggerated, everyone feels that it is not necessary, anyway, the entire Imperial City is your home, you can't engage in the press conference, everyone knows what you sell!

But they don't know, Xu is not doing a lot of things, and never forgets a rule - loading!

It is a great and secretive thing to force this cause. It needs to be installed all the time, sleep to be loaded, sisters to install, and money to be loaded.

Think about it, it’s a wonderful thing to make money while you’re loading it.

So this day, Xu missed a bed and changed jeans, put on a high-necked black sweater, and brought a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to personally rush to the McDonald's scene!

This dress, placed on the earth, is to imitate the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs.

But in the field of cultivation, it is absolutely nondescript, but it has attracted enough attention.

Along the way, Xu lacked this dress, and earned a lot of forced value!

When he came to the McDonald's store, the whole street was already full of people, and it was a sea of ​​people, even more exaggerated than the most lively center of the market center!

Xu Xiao also appeared in the eyes of the public, turned into a shadow, crossed the crowd, appeared in the center of the stage already built.

In an instant, the audience was silent.

Everyone was dull and stunned, watching the lack of this "weird" dress.

Xu lacked a smile, and stood tall and waved to everyone!

"Hello everyone, welcome to the McDonald's and KFC joint press conference, I am the bomber to help Jobs!"

Everyone is once again.


This item has been renamed again?

Damn, how many names does he have?

But Rao is like this, and there are still people who join.

Three thousand Snow City troops have come, and the two dogs have received the wind. They arrived early in the morning and wanted to try new foods in the first place.

In order to avoid Xu Xiao continue to talk nonsense, the two dogs are very proud of the face of the face, and cheered up: "Good! Well said!"

"Yes, General Zhuge said it well!"


Three thousand Snow City troops also applauded immediately, and the scene suddenly applauded and thundered, and the atmosphere was suddenly brought up.

Xu lacked the attitude, redeemed a projector from the system mall, borrowed the energy of Lingshi, and started the projector.


The beam instantly hits the blank wall background behind the stage.

The scene suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked at the light on the wall, some awkward and curious.

At this time, Xu lacked an opening.

"Today, our first product is McDonald's wheat whirlwind!"

When the voice drops, the projector "clicks" and switches the projected picture.

Two photos of the wheat whirlwind ice cream appear on the wall in a flash, so beautiful, beautiful!


The two dogs immediately screamed, and the figure flashed instantly. The sky flew up and the tongue stretched out incomparably. The sprinkling of the sparkling water in the air rushed to the photo on the wall.


In a loud noise, the two dogs slammed into the wall, and the entire wall collapsed instantly. The gravel drowned the two dogs and the dust was on the scene.

Everyone has a mouthful.

Damn, this stupid dog, don't know if it is fake? Actually rushed up!

"Nothing is ok, don't be nervous, there is a wall to see photos here!"

At this time, Xu lacked the smile to change the projector, and the picture appeared again on a brand new wall.

“Look, the wheat whirlwind ice cream we launched this time has a total of two flavors. This is the whirlwind strawberry flavor. This one is the whirlwind Oreo flavor. Someone asked, is this something delicious? Haha, you have just seen it, even the dog can't help but rush to see the picture, can you eat it?" Xu lacks a smile and laughs, directly turning the two dog's farce into a propaganda point.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and the darkness was lacking. The dead could be said to be alive.

This is obviously the fact that the two dogs are too low in intelligence, and it can be said that the whirlwind is too attractive.

Xu Wei continued to preside over the overall situation and pointed to the photo:

"Well, the next thing to introduce is the effect of this wheat whirlwind. After taking it in the early stage, it can play the role of washing the ribs, but it can only be taken once a day. One course is seven days, and ten courses are taken continuously. It will be able to purify the roots and make the roots sublimate! Yes, you have not misunderstood, taking ten courses, you can achieve the same effect as the Haagen-Dazs ice cream, so that Linggen sublimates!"


For a moment, everyone in the audience was lost!

Followed by, there was a touch of excitement and excitement on the faces of everyone.

In addition to Haagen-Dazs ice cream, what kind of whirlwind ice cream can actually purify the roots?

"Well, General Zhuge is mighty!"

"Good job!"

"One treatment is seven days, ten treatments are seventy days, and seventy days let Linggen sublimate. This is worth it!"

"Yeah, we don't expect to be a new spiritual root. As long as we can make Linggen sublimate, everything is worth it!"

Everyone has boiled up.

Originally they thought that they had no chance to go to Linggen, but I didn’t expect that Xu’s first product launched today was related to Linggen’s sublimation, and everyone was excited!

"General Zhuge is mighty!"

Everyone shouted heartily, clapping and applauding.

“Low-key and low-key, let the whole world know!” Xu Xiaoxiao’s waving hand, “Next we are about to unveil the price of this wheat whirlwind!”


As soon as I heard the word, everyone was calm and calm!

Yes, such a magical thing, although you can buy it now without the Supreme Membership Card, but if the price is set too high, no one can afford it!

"How many Lingshi would it be? Come, let's watch the big screen together!"

Xu lacks to finish, manipulating the projector.

With a bang, there are a few more words on the screen - "One Thousand Spirits!"

Some people in the whole place are dumbfounded in an instant!

One million Lingshi?

Lying in the trough, right? Actually only a thousand Lingshi?

That seventy days add up to 700,000 Lingshi!

Fog grass, the sun hit the west side? When profiteers also have good things? What is the difference between this and white delivery?

Everyone is unbelievable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They thought it might be a million Lingshi, or maybe hundreds of thousands of Lingshi, but they didn’t expect it to be a thousand Lingshi, which is too much for Xu’s style. Like it.

"I said before, we are conscience enterprises. Since we have to make civilian products, we must lower the price so that everyone can enjoy the deliciousness of ice cream and make Linggen sublimate, so as to strengthen our water country. Young people are strong, then Guoqiang! Young people are rich, then the country is rich! Fried days help McDonald's, welcome everyone to see!" Xu lacks a face, right and powerful, said that the momentum is extraordinary.

Everyone was kneeling in the moment.

The young is strong, then the country is strong!

Young people are rich, then the country is rich!

It turned out that... everything that General Zhuge had done was for the Yuan Dynasty, for the people!

He is not a person who sees money and is profitable!

He is a great man, a person who thinks about the country for the people!

We all blame him!

"General Zhuge is mighty!"

"General Zhuge is mighty!"

For a moment, the whole audience boiled.

Everyone is shouting "General Zhuge Weiwei", everyone is full of tears, and was touched by Xu's actions and words!


On the same day, the news spread to the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce. Several of the big men were directly dumbfounded, and almost a blood spurted out.

"Mom, this kid is treacherous. He set such a low price. It is simply diverting the Fengtian Banda Plaza and transferring the market center. At that time, the price of the whole street is unimaginable!"



[Well, everyone is right, there is no need to care about those sprays, I should not only see the spray, but ignore the supporters who have been supporting me! thank you all! Happy New Year, everyone will be together in the Year of the Rooster! I continue to code the words, let's continue to force! 】

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