Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 498:

Early the next morning, Xu lacked his eyes and woke up.

I found myself lying alone in bed, he was annoyed!

I am so angry!

I fell asleep last night, I really fell asleep, didn't do anything!

Is that human being? The beast is not as good!

I only blame those slender long legs that are too comfortable, and can't help but fall asleep!


With a full regret, Xu sighed, and finally climbed out of the bed and opened the door and went out.

Today he is about to leave, leading many aliens to the Imperial City to complete a race rescue plan.

This is not difficult for him!

The aliens are already ready, and under the leadership of Su Linger, a group of people have been waiting for a long time on the first floor.

When Xu lacked to go down, everyone shouted a "Lemon Emperor" in unison, almost let Xu lack of tears on the spot, remembered the regret that I missed last night!

"Is it good to sleep last night?" Su Linger came forward and asked with a smile.

"Not good!" Xu did not hesitate to answer.

Su Linger suddenly said: "Why?"

She clearly saw that Xu lacked a good night's sleep, so she left with peace of mind.

Xu Wei said: "I am afraid of black, a person will be afraid to sleep!"

"Hello, hahaha!"

This words to the next Su Xiaoqi heard, suddenly burst into laughter, very contemptuous look at Xu missing: "You are too shameful, I dare to sleep alone when I was thirteen!"

"You are amazing!" Xu lacked a faceless speech.

"Of course!" Su Xiaoqi is like a small **** that wins the battle, and stands tall and proudly walks away.

Su Linger was flushed and seemed to have just reacted to Xu’s lack of the meaning of the sentence.

Don't dare to sleep alone?

Wouldn't that want her to sleep together?

This guy is too bad, always saying these things are not serious!

At this time, Xu’s lack of time is almost the same. It’s time to go on the road and turn to look at Su Linger’s words: “Linger, can...”

After the words were not finished, Su Linger hurriedly said: "No, no! I... I am not ready yet!"

After that, Su Linger’s face flushed and left, very hurried.

Xu lacks an instant!

If you are not ready, you are not ready. Is it necessary to be so shy?

Really, people who don’t know think I was asking if you can sleep together!

This world is so dirty, how can I live pure and innocent?

Xu lacked a sigh of sigh and looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.



At this time, a stranger suddenly hurried back, anxiously said: "The deceit of the demon emperor, a dog outside the city, sneaky look, must be the spies sent by the demon orcs!"

"A dog?" Xu lacked a glimpse, only to think of the two dogs seem to have lost.

In yesterday's World War I, he asked Su Linger to eat no dog meat, and scared the two dogs to run away. If this alien race came to sue, he almost forgot a dog!

"It's okay, it's the dog that I received as a pet. You can call it two dogs!" Xu lacked comfort.

"But after the dog was discovered by us, we yelled outside and said that we should single out!" The alien was right.

Xu lacked his hand: "It's a bit of a problem in your head, you don't bother to do it. The time is not early, everyone is ready, go right away!"

"Yes!" Many aliens should answer!


Outside the Imperial City of the Fire, the sun sets in the sky, and the evening wind gently blew the flowers and plants, and the fragrance is scattered around.

A team of dozens of aliens is heading for the Imperial City.

Xu Xiao led the group to take the transmission array, rushed for three days, and finally came outside the Imperial City.

It’s just that the appearance of this alien is really eye-catching. Many people on the road have been scared to turn and run.

There are also a few people who are accompanied by dozens of people. When they meet them, they immediately draw their swords.

Xu deficiency has already evoked the thunder illusion, followed the appearance of the Terran. When he was in trouble, he immediately uttered a remark: "Bold, I am a day to help Li Bai, travel with friends, and you dare to bother?" ”

When people heard the words "Fried Tianbang", they heard the name of Li Bai and immediately turned and ran.

Since Xu’s lack of murder of the Emperor of Fire, and the killing of the old gods of the Scorpio, the people of the Fire Yuanguo were simply stunned by the bombing of the heavens, and they did not dare to offend.

So Xu deficiency has not yet reached the Imperial City, the entire Imperial City has spread the news.

"Have you heard that? The day of the bombing, Li Baigong is back!"

"Of course I know, it is said that I have brought a group of half-man and half-devil aliens, and I don’t know what I want to do!"

"Is not going to attack the Imperial City?"

"Are you stupid? Isn't the Imperial City now a blasting gang?"

"Yes! Although the Imperial City is now in power by Mrs. Ya, who does not know that Mrs. Ya is the woman of Li Baigongzi!"

"At the beginning of Xu’s absence, I still let go of it. Who dares to bully Mrs. Ya, is not able to help with the bombing!”

"I rely, that's not right. A few days ago, I heard a few young people talking about Mrs. Ya at the inn. One of them was still talking, and wanted to spend a night with Mrs. Ya!"

"I have heard about this, but the young people are not too small, my identity is mysterious!"

"It is estimated that it is from overseas, otherwise it is impossible to dare to ignore the bombing!"

"It seems that the Imperial City has not been calm recently!"


At the same time, in the palace of the Fire Yuanguo.

Mrs. Ya is sitting in the wing, holding a portrait in her hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to see God.

On the portrait is a white boy, handsome, leaning against the door frame, looking at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, still holding a cigarette in his hand, there is no chic and handsome.

There are also two poems next to the portrait--"Hands holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars, there is no such person in the world!"


Mrs. Ya sighed, and the eyebrows were full of sadness and sorrow!

The Li Baigong, who is in her mind, has left the Imperial City for more than a year. Of course, she already knows that Li Bai is actually Xu. This is in the Imperial City. Most people know it, but there are also a few. People think that Li Bai and Xu are not the same person.

The reason is that Xu's lack of exports is swearing, and Li Bai is not the same, although arrogant and arrogant, can be extraordinary.


At this time, someone knocked on the door.

A palace lady was squatting outside, and she was slightly flustered: "I told the lady, the teenagers came to see him again, he... they said, this is the last warning!"

"Oh, no see!" Mrs. Ya put down her portrait and whispered coldly.

"But...but, madam, there are spies to report, those few people are extraordinary, it is said to come from overseas, the strength is very strong!"

"How about that? When they first came to the Imperial City, the palace was already a good reception, but they were too much, and they were not too good. Don't know what they want to do. This palace will die if it is dead!" People are cold and screaming, and there is a pressure on the body, which is obviously really angry.

The woman outside the palace was shocked. She was busy and ran away.


Not long after, another knock on the door came.

Mrs. Ya’s eyebrows screamed and said: “What’s the matter?”

However, this time I came to an **** who stumbled outside the door and was excited: "Mrs. Li, Li...Li Baigongzi is back!"

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