Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 536: Ancient transmission array

Syracuse is located in the frontier of Shuiyuan, far away from the Imperial City.

Even though Xu Xiao and the two dogs are riding the transmitter, they have to transfer to other ancient cities in the middle of the road, and they have been driving all day long, and finally arrived at the Imperial City in the early morning of the next day!

"Haha, finally arrived! Kid, this time you can play that martial arts to death, this **** can only send you a word, amazing!" Just landing, the two dogs excited, all along the way it said Xu lacks this thing to do beautiful!

"This Nima is two words! OK, don't talk nonsense, hurry to the palace to find the red face, see when to start!" Xu missed the dog head of the two dogs, and immediately rushed to the palace.

He needs an exact departure time, and then he has to improve his strength. For example, the newly bought murder book and the killing sword must be brushed to the full layer, and it is guaranteed to go overseas!

However, when one person and one dog rushed back to the palace, they found that the situation was not as smooth as expected!

"What is the situation? Hongyan actually left first, isn't it good to wait for me?" Xu lacked a look of horror and looked at Zi Yan.

He and the two dogs came to the palace, but did not find the female emperor, but Zi Yan came to inform them that the female emperor had left half a month ago and rushed overseas.

"The surname Xu, do not allow my sister's name to be called directly! She has important things to leave in advance, you can only blame yourself if you don't catch up, the good end must run back to Huoyuan, to see that Yafu People are right?" Purple sly and screaming Xu is missing.

When she was killed on the spot, she was also present, knowing that the so-called Li Bai was Xu’s lack of appearance, so it was clear that Xu’s relationship with Mrs. Ya.

However, Xu lacked a serious shook his head, righteous and strict words: "What kind of joke, I am the kind of person? You say this, the conscience will not hurt? Come here, come over, take your Conscience gives me a touch!"

"Hey, I won't pass! Anyway, my sister said before leaving. After you come back, you can take the ancient transfer line and you can leave a letter to you!" Zi Yan said, from the Chu A paper letter was taken out of the ring!

Xu missed the paper letter and did not open it immediately. Instead, he asked: "What ancient transmission array?"

"Hey, you don't know this?" Zi Yan suddenly passed a trace of sorrow and said: "Our five countries seem to be very big. In fact, they are isolated islands in an endless sea. The mainland and other places have to cross the vast sea area! It is impossible to cross the past by relying on ordinary transmission arrays or Yujian flying!"

"Oh, this way! You know so much!" Xu lacks words, these he already knew.

"Of course!" Zi Yan thought that Xu lacked to know these, still proud of the smile, after all, these things, ordinary people are really difficult to reach!

"Then you are awesome! But what I asked is, what happened to the ancient transmission array?" Xu lacked helplessness.

"I just didn't say it. The ordinary transmission array can't cross the sea area. Even the strong infants have tried the Yujian flight. The result is hundreds of years. In the end, it is still impossible to find the mainland. Returning from the original road, it has been gone for hundreds of years! The ancient transmission array is different. It is said that it was passed down from ancient times and is enough to cross the sea. Among the five countries, except for some sects, we only have our water yuan. The country has an ancient transmission array, and few people know about it!” Zi Yan explained that his face is full of pride and pride!

When the two dogs next to him heard it, they immediately refused to accept it. They dismissed: "Cut, don't you transfer a high-level point? What is the ancient transmission array! And it is not that no one can cross the sea, but the people of Wuxing Mountain It’s too low to fly, and the Five Elements Mountain is too small. Those overseas who want to find this are no different from the needles in the haystack, so they didn’t fly too!”

It’s no wonder that Xu’s lack of it is no wonder that there are no overseas monks coming here. There is no strong person here to go overseas. In the final analysis, the traffic is not convenient enough!

However, it seems that the Danyang faction is really not simple. They probably also have an ancient transmission array. Otherwise, how does the aunt's aunt go overseas? How did Shangwu’s goods come from overseas to rescue the soldiers?

"Oh, then I am right! I don't tell you, the surname Xu, my sister has something to tell you, all in the letter, you see it yourself." Zi Yan was said by the two dogs. Suddenly, I felt a little bit no face, and hurriedly turned and left.

The two dogs are full of smug moments, like the **** that wins the battle, and the waist and neck are quite straight.

Xu lacked a horse and said: "Two dogs, I don't want to say you, you are too wicked! People are so cute, can't you pretend that you can't give someone a face?"

"I rely on, kid, you are not qualified to say this!" The two dogs suddenly squinted.

Xu lacks sneer: "You haven't cleaned up for a long time, owe it?"

The two dogs instantly felt that their neck was cold, and they shouted: "Don't care about these details. Quickly, take a quick look at what the female emperor wrote to you, maybe a love letter!"

love letter? Love your sister! Transfer the topic without you turning around!

When Xu was absent, his mouth was pumping, and the two dogs were too owed.

With the character of Jiang Hongyan, if the love letter will be written, the sun will come out to the west!

However, he still opened the letter and wanted to see what the female emperor had left.


But after a while, Xu lacked the letter and sighed slightly.

Sure enough, it is not a love letter!

There are not many words left by the female emperor, but it is also very crucial!

After all, Xu was not familiar with overseas life. The female emperor said that she suddenly had an urgent need to leave one step and let Xu Xiao alone go to the ancient transmission array.

The ancient transmission array can only reach the East China mainland, so after going there, I will find a hotel called "Mingyuelou" to stay there, and wait for her. When she finishes the matter, she will come to pick up Xu, and go to Nanzhou mainland. Looking for Duan Jiude!

The words behind the letter are nothing more than a lack of it. After going there, you must keep a low profile. Don't provoke a curse.

Because the five elements of the mountain are banned, the power of people is imprisoned, and the aura is lacking, so the monks are generally not strong!

The overseas monk law is complete ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and most people have tempered the flesh, the strength is extraordinary, in case of provokes people with background forces, it is easy to attract a large group of people to pursue, even Will be amazed by some super strong people in the simplification period, or the old monsters in the fit period!

Xu deficiency has already known this, and the elephants of the Hai people have already said these words.

But now he suddenly remembered it. No wonder that the strength of the female emperor was always incomprehensible. It turned out that she came from overseas, but after coming to the Five Elements Mountain, her strength was suppressed!

So in comparison, the strength of the integrated Hai people, Xu lacked to understand one thing!

Your own strength, placed in the Five Elements Mountain, may be invincible!

But if you go overseas, you may be in the same stage. If you are at most above average, you may be able to take the lead.

But if you want to continue to kill the same-level opponents, even the more orderly killers, it is hard to do without the help of foreign objects!

"Hey, for a long time, this king has been smashing the enemy with crushing power, and unconsciously slacked off, forgetting to continue to improve his strength!" Xu lacked his head and sighed, rarely so serious. Introspection once!

The two dogs patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Kid, don't be arrogant, this **** has lived for so long, and I have seen a lot of geniuses. You can barely get into the top ten! But on the stink No shame, you are definitely the first, who is fighting!"


In an instant, Xu missed a slap and went to the second dog's head!

"Two dogs, you better shut up, otherwise I will leave you here! Hey, Hongyan said in the letter, the ancient transmission array is in her palace, Daisy, we are going to search... Oh, we are going to see Look!"



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