Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 538: I heard that you are looking for me.

Shangling heard the words, his face finally eased, flat: "Little wind, you also know your brother's character, strong and mad, and lazy to do, I have been very clear about what happened these days, and that Zhuge Xiaoyou It was also with my consent that I only went to beat Wuer. The purpose was to make Wuer know how to be shameful! You must not be good people!"

"Oh, yes, I understand!" Gong Feng nodded, very calm.

"Well, that's fine! How is your mother doing?" Shangling was relieved and began to care about his sister's life overseas. After all, he hasn't seen each other for a long time.

Gong Feng smiled and said: "Mother has recently practiced retreat. After a while, there will be a hole in the mainland of Nanzhou. Gong will go to participate, and the mother wants to go..."

Afterwards, the group of people walked and talked, and finally entered the snow city!


However, after the evening, Shang Wu quietly came to Gong Feng’s room.

"Cousin, I have already heard, and after Zhuge Liang went to the Imperial City, he went straight into the palace and lived. Are we leaving now?" Shang Wu sneaked, for fear of being discovered by Shang Ling.

Gong Feng was very calm and nodded: "The quick fix, I also want to see, in this apocalyptic place, how a teenager is cultivated to the fourth floor of the baby!"

"Good!" Shang Wu was immediately ecstatic.

Under the cover of Gong Feng's spirit, the two brought a few other infants who were in the Gong family, and left the house quietly and quietly. They took the transfer array and rushed to the Imperial City!



At this time, Xu Yuan, who was far away from the Imperial City, had already mobilized three thousand Snow City troops to let them sort things out and set off to return to Syracuse for a special training.

"You can have a good training, and you will have the opportunity to become a member of the bombing gang in the future." Xu said to the crowd.

After all, the name of the bombing gang has long been a legend, full of mystery, and many people are envious and eager to join.

But the Syracuse Army has been in vain.

"General Zhuge, we are very eager to join the bombing gang, but if I return to Syracuse now, what should I do to help the Wanda Plaza?" Immediately, someone asked.

Because for such a period of time, the Lingshi they earned for Xu’s lack of time has long been an astronomical number, which is terrible.

"If we continue to operate, it is very likely that in just one year, we will become the most powerful chamber of commerce in the five countries! Is it too wasteful to give up now?"

"Waste? This is not there!" Xu smiled, "Lingshi has already earned enough, and I also decided to use this Lingshi as a training fund, and General Haishu agreed." You have to be clear that if you don't have the strength, it will be useless to earn more Lingshi, but if you have the strength, will we still lack Lingshi in the future?"

As soon as this was said, the Syracuse Army suddenly stopped talking.

When I think of Xu, I will lead them to copy their homes, and they will not take a single shot. Everyone will immediately understand the meaning of Xu.

With strength, there is no shortage of Lingshi! When is it missing, if you are too big, go to the house!

"Well, clean up, get ready to leave!" Xu missed the mobilization of everyone and joined the training as soon as possible.

Someone asked: "General Zhuge, how do we talk to other people? Especially those who have membership cards, and we have a very good business recently. Many people have booked burgers and ice cream!"

"This is not a bad thing. If you leave, the other ones will be handed over to me!" Xu missed a big hand and turned and left.

After a while, the night is getting dark.

In the Tiantian Wanda Plaza, the Syracuse Army has left and is surrounded by a quiet place.

Xu lacks a plaque and hangs directly at the gate, which reads: "There is a happy family, and it is suspended indefinitely!"

Subsequently, the goods ran directly.

He knows that the next day, there must be a frying pan, and it is wonderful to run first!

However, when he returned to the palace and was about to find two dogs to take the transmission array to leave, a majestic soul suddenly fell from the sky and scanned the entire palace.

"Well? The breath of the baby's change?" Xu Wei just stepped into the palace and suddenly frowned.

Because he has already felt it, the breath of this baby has more than one, and it is very powerful!

"It looks like it is the helper of Shang Wu's help!" Xu suddenly guessed the reason.

This big night, suddenly there are so many infants who are in the midst of sweeping the palace. Usually the locals will not do this kind of thing. Only the outsiders will do this. After all, this means provoke the water king!

However, the female emperor has already left, there are only two or three infants in the palace, and the generals of the Guards and Xu are not in town.

Several generals were completely alarmed and led the troops to rush out.

"Bold, who would dare to disrespect in the palace?" A general shouted loudly, but his forehead had already secreted cold sweat, because he had a feeling of suffocation under this spirit, and the people who came were absolutely powerful.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

In an instant, six figures swept from the palace and suddenly fell to the ground.

Five of them were all in the realm of infantry change, and there was only one person who was only in the Yuan Ying period, but it was very familiar!

The general immediately stunned: "Shang General, how are you?"

"Oh, why can't it be me? I suspect that Zhuge Liang confessed to the enemy and immediately let him out!" Shang Wu sneered, with five infants who were strong and blessed, he was full of enthusiasm and dared to sue a general of the Guards!

"You..." The general of the Guards was furious and was about to speak.

Suddenly, I only listened to the muffled sound of "砰", the whole general of the Guards General flew out, the chest was sagged on the spot, as if it suffered a heavy blow, and a blood suddenly spurted out in the mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly fell to the ground , coma in the past.

"Cousin, with these people nonsense will only lose identity!" Gong Feng said faintly.

At this time, all the talents in the audience found that the talking teenager was slowly lowering his arm.

Everyone reacted in an instant, and the heart was shocked.

Powerful as the generals of the Guards, the existence of the four layers of the baby's change, even did not touch even the collision, directly hit by the other side of the air, a fainting?

This... how is this possible?

You know, this talking teenager is only four years old! In the same realm, how is the difference in strength so great?

"The cousin is really one of the candidate sons of the Gong family, so strong, the future position of the Son, must be your income!" Shang Wu immediately praised, took a flattering.

Gong Feng smiled and shook his head: "The Tianjiao of the Gong family is not weak. This is the position of the Son. I am afraid that I will be qualified to fight if I set foot on the simplification period!"

Refining the virtual period?

The rest of the guards and generals in the palace, when they heard this, suddenly sweated.

What family is this Gong family? A position of the Son, is it necessary to succumb to the illusory period to qualify for competition?

"Well, don't waste time, kill these people, I don't believe that Zhuge Liang can't come out!" At this time, Gong Feng's face passed a trace of impatient, indifferent.

"Yes!" The remaining four infants and old men, immediately responded.

The figure is moving and is preparing to shoot.


Just then, a lightning flashed through the distance!

The next moment, the void behind Gong Feng suddenly opened up a burst of shackles, followed by a cold manly sword, suddenly on the throat of Gong Feng.

"Hey, I heard that you are looking for me!"

Xu’s figure gradually became clear behind Gong Feng’s body, with a naive smile on his face.



[Second more! 】

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