Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 553: I don't have it!

Fried days to help Li Bai?

Teacher Cheng Yupi Duoye Jieyi teacher?

Xu lacked the name of this self-reported house, and all of them were stunned.

Because this name is too strange, no one has ever heard of any fried days, and no one has ever heard of any suede and many wild clothes!

After all, in the East China mainland, only those who are famous teachers will self-report, otherwise it will not be easily mentioned.

Therefore, several people suddenly judged that the boy named Li Bai should be the ignorant Tianjiao who had just stepped into the secular experience. With the side of his literary style, he suddenly felt that this guy was too tender.

However, Gong Yue stared at Xu and said: "I ask you, how can you have the smell of my Gong family? How can it be hidden?"

She is very strange. Generally speaking, this kind of breath is only owned by the Gong family, but if the outsiders have this kind of breath, it means that they have killed the Gong family!

But this breath is too weak, when the time is hidden, if the town of Gong Jiaxuan is killed, there is no reason to be so weak, and recently I have not heard of any brothers and sisters killed in the family, so she did not immediately shoot, but still Stop and ask Xu.

However, when Xu was missing the son of Gong, he suddenly became ill.

Of course, he knows what is going on in his body. After killing Gong Feng a few days ago, there was a red light rushing to himself when he explored the storage ring. He was beaten by two dogs, but there was still a small amount of it entering his body. , turned into a very weak atmosphere.

The second dog said that this is a kind of imprint, which proves to be the murderer's imprint, but the scope of the induction is very small, basically it has no effect.

Xu Xiao also forgot about this, but I did not expect that today, I happened to meet the Gong family so well, and I was so close to contact that it was found to be normal.

"Girl, in the bottom is a scholar, but I don't quite understand what you mean!" Xu lacks to start to be confused, looks ignorant, looks like a naive boy.

Gong Yue’s eyes were aggressive and he said: “Have you ever been in contact with my family?”

"No, I just went down from the teacher's door and went down the mountain. I went all the way to the Mingyue Building. I didn't meet the Gong family. Oh, right. When I came, I saw a very ugly old man. He was a little spiritual, he was excited to shake hands with me!" Xu said.

"Old man?" Gong Yue could not help but wonder.

But the next moment, a few people have changed their faces.

In particular, Gong Yue, angered on the spot, shouted: "Bold, do you dare to insult me ​​Gong family?"

She just asked if Xu was in contact with the Gong family. Xu said nothing, but later said that he was shaking hands with an ugly old man. Doesn't that mean that the old man is a Gong family?

Gong Jiatang Tang, a famous family, how could it be embarrassing? Is this not an insult?

Gong Yue’s fierce drink immediately caught the attention of the rest of the Tianyao in the Mingyue Building.

This is an occasion where Tianjiao gathers. Many Tianjiao gather here. Some people spend their days, some make friends, and some people trade here.

Gong Yue’s identity is extraordinary, and the nine-layer repair of the baby’s change period is also a famous presence in Tianjiao.

She suddenly screamed and screamed. Everyone was immediately attracted attention and focused on it. I wanted to see which one was a bad luck, and actually attracted the daughter of Tianjia of Gong family!

"Oh, it seems to be the boy who has changed the baby on the fourth floor. How did he get Gong Yue?"

"Haha, this guy is over!"

"To provoke Gong Yue, it is tantamount to provoke Gong and Jiang!"

"Can only blame this kid for bad luck. Today Jiang's Jiangshan also came to Mingyuelou. Recently, Gong Yue walked very close to him. He is one of the candidates for the future of the Jiang family!"

Many days of arrogance in the lobby have been discussed, and the face is full of gloating, and the look of the crowd is not too big.

Xu was very calm at this moment, but his heart was also speechless. He didn't want to do anything. He planned to investigate the female emperor's going to the female emperor, but I didn't expect so much trouble today.

This was the first day of the Eastern Wilderness. First, I met three women in the period of refining, and they finally got rid of them. They met a strong Korean on the street. Now they are good, and they directly hit the people of Gong and Jiang. .

It’s too evil, and today’s gas is not right!

Xu could not help but frown.

"You just said what name you are coming from, what is Lee? Do you know who we are?" At this time, a six-story boy with a baby changed out and looked at Xu Xiaoxi.

Xu Wei decided to continue to be confused, spared his head, and confused: "Who are you?"

"Oh, even we don't know who it is, and dare to come to the Mingyue Building to let it go?" The boy who had been on the sixth floor of the baby suddenly sneered.

A few people next to me also stared at Xu Xiao.

Only the man who had changed the ten-layer baby Jiang Shan, after swiftly swept Xu’s eyes, he didn’t look at him any more. His eyes fell on Gong Yuedao: “Small moon, let’s go ahead!”

Gong Yue nodded, did not hesitate, turned and went with Jiang Shan.

At this time, Jiang Shan back to Xu Wei and others, indifferent: "Mingyue Building is forbidden to fight, first drive him out, kill again, hands and feet clean, don't get dirty!"

When the voice fell, the boy who had changed his baby on the sixth floor, and several other people who had changed to the seventh floor of the baby, should have a voice of "yes", and then smiled and stared at Xu, full of banter.

Obviously, Jiang Shan is not only strong, but also among the few people who are very prestigious. Several people follow his words without hesitation.

Gong Yue is like this, and so is everyone else.

Xu’s face was suddenly gloomy. He didn’t want to do anything, but these people were too arrogant, especially the Jiangshan, who was forced to install it, and Xu was very annoyed.

It’s just that Xu’s lack of seizures is not obvious, but it’s a sigh of relief. “Don’t fear”: “No! It’s a scholar, but it’s not provoked you!”

If you want to kill these people, you must use a bit of acting to confuse the other party, reduce their vigilance, and then break them one by one.

Jiang Shan obviously didn't want to be hands-on, so he sent several infants to the six or seven-story people to deal with Xu.

This is also in line with the meaning of Xu deficiency, if these people join hands, Xu deficiency can only play and run.

But if it is separated, there will be no fear of Xu.

It’s just that this play still has to be in place. I’ll pretend to take a look. After I’m out, I’ll go through a few of the six or seven layers of this baby’s change, and I’ll be able to settle with Jiangshan and Gongyue.

"Oh, there is no kind of bag!" Several people who changed the six or seven floors suddenly laughed.

"Can such a person qualify for Tianjiao?"

"I'm not boring! I thought there would be a good show. The result is just a four-layered coward!" Those who are planning to watch the lively Tianjiao also shook their heads and laughed at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ lost interest.

"Below... let's say goodbye!" At this time, Xu was pretending to be a very scared look, and hurriedly turned to leave the Mingyue Building.

These people must be led out to have the opportunity to kill them.

And this run, he also followed the intention of a few infants to change the six or seven layers of Tianjiao, after all, Mingyue House is forbidden to fight, they also want Xu to miss out, so that he will kill him.

But at this time, Xu deficiency has not yet stepped out of the Mingyue Building, and a group of guards suddenly appeared at the door.

The first of them was a six-tiered **** captain with a sullen face. He said: "Who is Li Bai, give me a win in Korea!"


For a moment, the audience was quiet.

Many Tianjiao have been stunned, and even those who want to kill Xu are also staying.

Li Bai?

Isn't that the bag at the door?

How did he get the captain of the Tianluo City Guard?

"Brother, it is him! He is Li Bai, who beat me in the street, and spit me a mouthful of water, forcing me to change my name!" At this time, South Korea won a nose and a swollen face, close to the disfigured man, pointing to Xu Xiao.

The audience was once again stunned.

Li Bai? When the street hit South Korea to win the younger brother, spit him a saliva, but also forced people to change their names?

No, is this what a bag will do?

Xu lacks himself and is also a dumbfounded one. How can I hit myself with anything today? Is this too bad for me?

"You are Li Bai?" South Korea's winning eyes, immediately sweeping to Xu lack, murderous.

"White you are paralyzed, hey!"

Xu lacked a direct spray of water on the Korean body, followed by a sudden retreat of his body shape, suddenly holding a heavy weight in his hand, and a few Tianjiao shouted after the body: "Grass Nima, Laozi does not install, both Give me a roll, I have to play ten!"



[The third is sent! 】

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