Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 585:

100,000 best spirit stone?

A **** that can penetrate the ancient stone and directly understand the situation in the stone, even sells only 100,000 Lingshi?

Is this guy going crazy?

Everyone in the audience suddenly opened their eyes, unbelievable!

Do not say anything else, just rely on the piece of bronze fragments that Xu just opened, you have to get tens of thousands of best spirits.

This is just one of the ancient stones. You must know that this guy just took away twenty-one ancient stones!

All of this is due to the merits of this fetish.

But now this guy actually wants to sell it out!

Selling and selling, you can at least have to open a reliable price, selling so cheap, we can hardly accept this is a fetish!

Many people are unbelievable about the price that Xu lacks, but some people will smile.

Xu lacks such a price, in fact, it does not make sense, whether it is 100,000 pieces of Lingshi or a spiritual stone, and ultimately the highest price.

With so many forces on the scene, the foundation is deep, and the final transaction price will definitely break through the sky.

But the problem has also come, and the power to get this thing will inevitably lead to the targeting of the rest.

If this thing is not exposed, it is baby, but now everyone knows it. Whoever gets it is equal to getting a harm!

Many people are immersed in meditation and hesitating!

Although they have a good position in their respective forces, they are faced with such a situation and it is difficult to make a decision at a time!

"Ginger old man, white old man, it is better to join hands with my Gong family, and jointly take this thing?" At this time, the strong man of Gong family moved his lips and spoke to the strongmen of Jiang and Baijia.


"no problem!"

The Jiang family and the white family's strongman almost did not hesitate to answer.

They also had this idea long ago. Like this kind of fetish, any of the three big families can never be swallowed up. This is more precious than the ancient stone they brought from the dry dragon cave.

Only the three major families join hands to hold this fetish together, and they can stand in the East, and there is no fear.

However, several large sects in the field have already discovered the eyes between the three old men and immediately guessed their minds.

The wind of the mirror flower water month turned all the way, looking at the strongest of the Tianji Pavilion and other martial art, and said: "Several people, why don't you join me and take this thing together?"

The old man of Tianji Pavilion looked calm and nodded quietly, agreeing!

The strong guy of the Eight-Year Qinglong School should say: "I have this intention!"

The old man of the Eight Wild White Tigers nodded: "So great!"

The strong man of the Eight-Dangerous Xuanwu School said: "We have several parties to join hands, and the three major families may not be able to win us."

The strongest of the Eight Skulls and Skulls smiled indifferently: "The Mirror Flower Water Moon School and the Tianji Pavilion, as well as our eight-year-old four-image team, the three families are really not afraid!"

All of a sudden, the big men present were divided into camps.

The three major families have joined forces, and several major sects are also joining forces, as are the other weak families or sects.

The strength of a family is better than that, then it will win in quantity. In front of the gods, no one will give in.

The atmosphere of the entire courtyard instantly became strange, no one took the lead in the price, but the smell of gunpowder was unprecedented.

"Little guy, are you giving them deliberately making a scorpion? But this way, you can't keep this fetish!" Liu Jingning looked at the situation and immediately guessed the meaning of Xu deficiency. .

She really can't figure it out. It is obvious that Xu lacks a kind of law that can be reduced to the size and instantly overlooked, but he refuses to display it. Instead, he must hand over these magical things.

"I am happy!" Xu's face is full of indifferent, no care.

Anyway, this "X-ray machine" is also rented. When the time comes, it will be taken back by the system, afraid of an egg!

But his performance, falling in Liu Jing's eyes, is another meaning!

With the intelligence of Liu Jingning, it is natural to guess the reason why Xu lacks to do so.

The first reaction, she felt that Xu lacked to let a few major forces fall into a battle, in order to reduce their focus on Jiang Hongyan, change the focus!

If so, then the price is too big, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Jingning looked at Xu’s gaze and suddenly became complicated.

She is envious and embarrassed, unbelievable, Xu deficiency can do this for Jiang Hongyan, even the precious things that can be so shocking can give up!

"Little friends, my Jiang family out of 200,000 best spirits, buy the things in your hands!" At this time, the Jiang family veterans on behalf of the three major families, as soon as the price increases directly doubled.

They have enough resources to give this terrible price.

Earlier, everyone took care of the ancient stone, so I didn't want to influence the ancient stone competition because of stinky tofu.

But now Xu is missing this "X-ray machine", the fool knows which is important, and now no matter what ancient stone, absolutely no such treasure is precious!

"Little friends, I have 300,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone!" The wind has no way to open, representing several big sects!

Followed by, the remaining forces alliances have also participated in: "Old 3,500 pieces of the best spiritual stone!"

"Hey, the old man is out of 350,000 pieces!"

"After the Japanese mother, a stone is also called out for export?"

"The Japanese family calls for a shrine, what do you want?"

"Oh, unreasonable!"

"Little friends, do not have to pay attention to these rough people, the old man out of 400,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone!"

"I have sent 500,000 pieces to Jinghua Shuiyue!"

The wind has no way to open again, it is very strong, and the "X-ray machine" for Xu's lack is determined to win!

On the other hand, the Jiang family and the Gong family have never spoken again.

But when they watched a few people with a light smile, they knew that they were disdain for a little bit of price hikes, and there was no fear, and they wanted to wait until the end.

But at this moment, Xu Xiao suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "I am going to help the king to tear the knives out of 800,000 pieces of the best stone!"


Suddenly, everyone in the audience was quiet.

Everyone is looking at Xu’s lack of time, and some of them are not responding at one time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Big Brother, what are you playing?

What do you want to sell yourself, and what is your own price?

And are you not called Chow Yun Fat? How did you change it to Wang Teng Cong?

"Hey, don't mind, don't you mind, the gang of our gang will pay me. If you want to sell this treasure, you have to call him a price. You can rest assured that he only said 800,000 best spirits, so definitely not Will increase the price again!" Xu Xiaoxiao explained.

Everyone was speechless, but they didn't care too much.

After all, this thing is almost invaluable in their hearts.

What is the 800,000 best stone in the district? So baby, a million of the best spiritual stone can not be overemphasized!

"Little friends, I have a million spirits in Jiang's family!" At this time, the old Jiang family opened their mouths again, with a calm smile on his face.

One million, the three big families only need to pay 300,000 each, for them, it is a slap in the face!

There is no way in the wind, but there is also a bite on it. Shen Sheng said: "I sent a hundred and twenty thousand yuan to the mirror!"

"The burning hill sent out 1.3 million!"

"The old man is out of 1.35 million!"

"I am out of 1.4 million!"

"My Qingyun Pavilion is out of 1.45 million!"


The screams are still fierce, and the competition is still fierce. Except for some weaker forces, most people still don't want to miss this fetish. Even if they invest more Lingshi now, they feel that they can recover the cost soon!

However, in this white-hot bidding stage, Xu lacked his hand again, and said loudly: "I have no shortage of two million elite stones!"


In an instant, the audience was quiet again!

Everyone turned their heads and glared at Xu.

Damn, isn’t it good to stop raising the price?

How can you say nothing?

Have you sold something like this?

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