Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 600: Strong gathering

Although the deserted city is the oldest city closest to the funeral valley, it still takes three or five days to travel from the ancient city.

On this road, Xu Wei also learned about the nine Jedi from Liu Jing's mouth.

It is said that the nine great Jedi have existed since ancient times, and have always been fierce, degrading countless ancient strongmen, and there are still many rumors in the nine great places.

For example, Ganlong Cave is said to be a place of sitting in the ancient dragon.

For example, in the buried fairy valley, a fairy was buried.

But the two dogs even shook their heads and said: "That is a rumor. In fact, Ganlong Cave is just a strong person of my magic dragon family. I used to sleep in a place where I was so powerful. I only slept. However, the breath has been passed down to this day, still fierce! As for the funeral fairy valley, one listens to a certain garbage fairy who died there. If it is a powerful immortal, it is also dead in the fairy world, how can it die in the East, if it is the **** Going in, absolutely dig out the body of the immortal man and punch it! How can the district be buried in the Valley of the Dragons?"

The two dogs are arrogant, and it seems that there is a dragon in the dry dragon cave, which makes it very proud.

When Xu missed it, he knew that the goods were bragging again. He said with a sigh of relief: "Don't you say that you were buried in the Seven Valleys and Sevens?"

"Is there?" The two dogs suddenly stunned, and this thought just seemed to have boasted about it. Some of the faces on the horse could not be hanged, but they insisted: "The gods have never said it, you have got it wrong. If there is, the funeral valley will no longer exist!"

"Hey, this stupid dog!" Xu lacked his head and sighed.

Liu Jingning heard a surprise. Originally, she felt that the two dogs were just an ordinary monster. But the strange thing is that this dog seems to have no realm, but has wisdom and can speak out.

But now the dog is still a big talk, saying that he is an ancient magic dragon family, which makes Liu Jingning a little confused.

How can dogs and demon dragons get together?

"Look at what you see, this **** is so honorable, can you just look at it?" The two dogs perceive Liu Jing's eccentric gaze, and immediately stunned his body and looked sullen.

When Liu Jing’s eyes suddenly picked up, the momentum of the smoldering period suddenly swept and pressed against the two dogs.

The sacred sacred sacred woman, in the East, the status of the high, can you tolerate a dog disrespect to her?

Xu deficiency is the same thing about her rudeness, but it does not mean that anyone or even a monster can have this attitude towards her.

"Hey, kid boy, fast control your woman, this witch is crazy, want to kill this god!" Two dogs handsome but three seconds, was pressured by Liu Jingning's momentum, immediately frightened, and suddenly lacked help.

"Let you be honest, you don't listen. People are also holy women. You are so rude to her. Do you think you can eat with me like you? If you don't have my handsome, you have to be low-key. "Xu lacks a face to hate iron and does not become a steel."

Liu Jingning originally listened to a half sentence, and my heart was still well received. At least I knew that Xu was still very respectful of her.

I can hear the latter half of the sentence, almost sulking in the air.

Sure enough, the dog must have its owner!

This pet dog is so shameless, how can people get up on the average eye, it is estimated that only Xu lack of such a brazen guy, will raise such a dog to take around, after all, all the way.

"Small gaps, see Jiang Hongyan later, I must tell her, you are bullying people on the road!" Liu Jingning looked like a wronged, said pitifully.

Looks like that, it’s like Xu’s lack of her.

"I advise you to play this kind of bad idea less. I am very clear that I am just a good man, and I am a gentleman who is not chaotic, and you are better than me. How can I be bullied?" Xu lacks sneer.

However, he still has no bottom in his heart, and even has a dim sum. It is really afraid that Liu Jingning will go to Jiang Hongyan to talk about it and lead to misunderstanding.

After all, when he was in the Yuan Dynasty, Jiang Hongyan was very aware of the things between him and Mrs. Ya!

"How is it better to be better than you? People are attracted by your handsome and exquisite temperament. When you are confused, you are allowed to bully. Whoever thought that you would end up in a mess and turn your face, you will not recognize people." People are wronged..." Liu Jingning said that he crossed the fire and his face was clearly smiling, but the voice really looked like a small woman who was abandoned.

Xu lacked the horse and immediately smashed it. I haven’t touched you before. I’ve hit a little **** at most, but I’m not rude with you.

"Come here, you are attracted to me, righteously, I bully you, then I will bully me again!" Xu said, and really reached out to grab Liu Jingning's chest.

Liu Jingning's understatement floated backwards and escaped the claws of Xu's lack of sorrow. He smiled and said: "There is a lack of space, you can't touch it here!"

"I don't touch, just catch!" Xu lacked his eyes and turned his eyes. He didn't bother to talk to Liu Jingling again, and continued to rush to the direction of Xiangu.

He is not worried about what Liu Jingning will say in front of Jiang Hongyan. This woman's temperament, Jiang Hongyan should know more than him, and she will not believe her nonsense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the two really happen, Liu Jingning will not dare to speak in front of Jiang Hongyan.

"Hey, little guy, actually so shameless, don't touch it, just say this!" Looking at Xu Xiaofei, Liu Jing was secretly screaming, and immediately followed up again.

Two people and one dog continue to hurry.

For two days, Xu was still suffering from lightning and injured the passing monks.

And those monks seem to have heard the bad deeds of Xu deficiency, and when they saw the lightning, they suddenly angered and shouted: "Well, you are a lightning thief, even dare to appear, kill!"

"Roll!" Xu lacked annoyed fire, and a sneak shot back, and a large group of people were immediately blasted.

He continued to hurry, but Liu Jingning could not help but smile: "Lightning thief, it seems that they gave you a nickname!"

"Oh, this group of silly hats, I will let them see what is the Flashman in the next day!" Xu lacked the nickname of this nickname, and the nickname of the lightning thief came out.

However, he did not feel that he had ever had it. Anyway, this group of people came to kill Jiang Hongyan. Now he is being smashed by lightning. At most, it is a bit of interest. When he turns back to the funeral valley, this group of people still dare to chase. He doesn't mind that he is all gone.

However, when they rushed for three days, they stopped in the area that was hundreds of miles away from the funeral fairy valley.

It’s not that I saw Jiang Hongyan, but this area has gathered thousands of monks, more than those in the deserted city.

What is even more frightening is that there are hundreds of people in the tens of thousands of people who have been in the tens of thousands of people, and they are divided into different camps, all of which are gathered here.

Both Xu and Liu Jingning had to stop and look dignified.

"What happened? How could they be earlier than us?" Xu lacked his brows and thought that he was the first to know that Jiang Hongyan was buried in Xiangu, but now there are countless people who have come here first.

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