Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 608: Ginger of Jiang Hongyan!

Throughout the night, Xu lacked almost no pause, constantly picking up a blossoming three-color fire lotus, and throwing it into the storage ring between the critical points of its explosion!

Seeing a piece of storage or landing, Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan are speechless, and the complexion is extremely dignified!

This kind of whimsy is almost unprecedented, and no one has ever done this kind of thing, and even put the power of such a violent law into the storage ring!

Both Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan were shocked. They knew that if they wanted to do this, they would have to control the law to reach the peak of the peak, and even the demand for the soul is terrible.

Even if they are, they can't do it.

Perhaps the strongest of the fit period can do this, but if it is really in the fit period, it is impossible to do this kind of thing, but it will be extremely shameful!

However, the problem has come. Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan are both puzzled. Xu lacks so many three-color fire lotuses into the storage ring. What is the use?

If you take the initiative to throw it out and detonate it, the vigilance of those people will definitely be the first time to be vigilant and incite the defensive law. The power of the three-color fire lotus will be greatly reduced.

However, Xu was still immersed in the state of the fire lotus at this time, the excitement of the face became more and more intense, and the goods also opened the automatic repair function, there would be no fatigue at all, the real power and the fire Not to exhaust.

Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan were shocked. Even though they were so confused, they could not ask.

After the two dogs felt safe, they also walked forward and shook their heads. "This kid is absolutely crazy. With so many storage rings thrown out, this **** will not believe which silly goods will be recruited!"


As the sky gradually cools, there are more and more monks outside the funeral valley.

Eventually, at the moment the sun rises, a crowd of black people, like a black cloud, flies from a distance.

Thousands of monks, gathered together, took the wind and the sword, and spewed the horrible weather. At first glance, it was like a million days of soldiers.

In front of the crowd, the first is the old man of the refining period of many forces, and his status is detached.

However, when they saw the funeral fairy valley, when the black fire and the sky were extraordinary, they suddenly became shocked.

The whole array is full of brilliance, and the light curtain is skyrocketing. It is blocked at the entrance of the buried fairy valley. There is a black sea of ​​fire inside. There are countless ghosts of black fire, which are moving, but the situation behind the array is invisible.

"This... is this a high-order array?" Jiang Jiada’s elder Jiang Yushu is incomparably awkward.

"Which people did it? Actually laid a high-order array here, it is really violent, and there is such a reason!" Gong's strong man also frowned.

"The people in the array are simply mad!"

"Isn't this a full meal? A high-order array is actually wasted here!"

"Mom, even my Epee has no high-order formation."

"Isn't it going to be under Jiang Hongyan? But how could she have such a picture?"

The rear crowd also talked a lot, and was shocked by the high-order array outside the funeral valley, and it was also a great pity!

But very quickly, hundreds of monks who had been sent to stare at Jiang Hongyan had immediately reported the news to the major forces.

Then everyone was shocked again.

It turned out that Tianjiao, a baby-changing period, was here, and it was clear that it was to help Jiang Hongyan.

"Is this thing true?" Several powerful people were shocked. What is the high-order formation of a baby who changes his arrogance? Even the Son can't get it!

"That is true, the man and the owner of the Happy Building, Dong Genji, have spoken, claiming to be the tyrants to help the king to tear the Confucius!"

"Frying the sky to help? It is also a blasting gang!" Several powerful powers who participated in the meteorite conference suddenly frowned.

"There is another thing, Liu Jingning, the sacred woman of the bliss, is not out in the battle!"

"What?" This, the four blitz period of the bliss, can not sit still.

They knew that Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan were friends, but now Liu Jingning is still in the law, which will cause the bliss to suffer!

Immediately, a veteran of the refining period stepped out and looked at the squad. He shook his voice: "The saint, are you going to betray the sect?"


Behind the array, Xu Xiao has already stopped. After a night of hard work, he succeeded in making hundreds of three-color fire lotuses and hid them in hundreds of storage rings.

If it is not the strong momentum that senses the outside, he has not planned to stop.

The bliss of the bliss of the outside was also shocked and passed in.

Liu Jingning smiled slightly: "I should go out!"

If it is ok, she does not mind staying to help Jiang Hongyan, but she is carrying the entire bliss, can not be Hu, or the bliss will be affected, after all, this time is the big force of the entire East wants to kill Jiang Hongyan.

"Go, my catastrophe is coming, you shouldn't stay here!" Jiang Hongyan said, his voice was very calm, and his eyes looked at Xu.

Her words are actually talking about Xu Xiao, I hope he will leave, do not get involved here.

"Yeah, you two have heard it, go out soon, this is not the place you should stay!" Xu lacks direct confusion, looks at the two dogs and Liu Jing condensate, but also takes out the flag, ready to open the array Send them both out.

"This word God agrees!" Two dogs immediately said.

Liu Jing Ning smiled and looked at Jiang Hongyan with deep meaning. This is self-evident. I want to see what Jiang Hongyan will use to let Xu leave.

However, it is not yet waiting for Jiang Hongyan to open her mouth. Xu Wei took the initiative to open the door: "Don't persuade me, I have decided on this matter today, and... I have never done anything unsure, don't you believe me?"

He looked at Jiang Hongyan.

Jiang Hongyan gave a slight glimpse, and looked at Xu for a long time. At the end, he sighed: "If the law is broken, you must leave!"

She knows that Xu lacks a kind of symbol that is similar to shrinking the ground, enough to avoid the pursuit of the strong period of the refining period!

Xu lacked a false look and nodded, pretending to promise Jiang Hongyan, but licking his guilty eyes, he knew that even if the law was broken, he could not go.

Jiang Hongyan did not insist on it any more. She looked dignified and looked up at Tianzhu. She had already sensed that the robbery was coming soon!

Xu lacked a smile, sacrificed a flag, prepared to open the gap, let Liu Jingning and the two dogs go out.

After all, the two dogs are not expected, and Liu Jingning is not useful, and it will not be necessary for her sect.

But at this time, there was a crisp and murmur in his ear.

"Small gap, you can not die! I know that you will definitely run away in the end, but if Jiang Hongyan does not run, don't be stupid to follow her!"

Xu lacked his head and looked at it. Liu Jingning looked at him with a smile.

Xu lacked his eyes and turned his eyes. This woman is clearly ridiculing herself. She said that she should not follow Jiang Hongyan’s life. In fact, she hinted that she might not run Jiang Yanyan, so she must take her away.

Bang -!

At this time, on the top of the sky, a sudden muffled sound came.

Followed by a majestic momentum, suddenly falling from the sky, such as an invisible giant hand pressed down, actually makes people feel a suffocation!

"Quickly go out!" Jiang Hongyan slightly moved, hurriedly said a word ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ swaying, elegant and light.

The aura of her feet turned into a stream of water, gathered into a river bridge, and continued to extend, Jiang Hongyan walked into the air, as the river bridge advanced, fell to a mountain peak beside the entrance to the funeral valley, ready to rob!

"Okay, you should go out first, no matter what happens, don't come in later, hide as far as possible!" Xu Xiao also rushed to sacrifice the flag, opened a gap in a secret corner, by the way One sentence.

"Little guy, remember, don't die!" Liu Jingning smiled slightly, and when the eyes were like the autumn wave, he gave Xu Xiaoshou a flirtatious look, and lived and seduce, and then turned and floated away.

"Hey, this grinning little goblin... is not right, it is enchanting!" Xu lacked the scalp and numb, this woman's ability to swear is too powerful.

"Two dogs, you are also hurrying out..." Xu shook his head and shook his head, sweeping his eyes to the two dogs, and was preparing to urge the two dogs to go out.

But when I didn't finish it, Xu lacked straight eyes. Where are the two dogs around? As early as the first time the gap was opened, the shameless dog had already rushed out, and took a step ahead of Liu Jingning!

"Mom, this escape speed is simply!"

Xu lacked a faceless speech, and after seeing the two dogs and Liu Jingning leave, they waved their hands and the flag fell, closing the array!

Bang -!

At the same time, the sky is already covered with clouds, and the Thunder is constantly flashing in the clouds, like a lightning dragon, shuttled inside.

Xu lacked to look at it, Jiang Hongyan has already sat on the top of the mountain, surrounded by a reiki, turned into a water curtain, shrouded her in it!

Almost at the same time, outside the array.

When everyone saw the thunderclouds of the Scorpio, they fell in love.

Jiang Yushu glared at him, and screamed and shouted: "The day has been robbed, Jiang Hongyan has nowhere to escape, and you will break with me!"

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