Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 613: He has the law of the emperor

Bang -!

The virtual space suddenly burst into a loud noise, and the big scorpio was like torn open, and the Thunder slammed down from it. The aura in the burial fairy valley was madly rushing out, intertwined with the Thunder, and quickly condensed into a huge French seal in the air. !

The whole block is printed with thunder and condensed, and the upper end is a statue of a dragon statue, which emits a horrible momentum. It is like a ruling representing the heavens. It is suspended above the head of more than 700,000 Thunder Heavenly Soldiers!

"Give me broken!"

Xu lacked a sudden scream, and his palms swayed, just like the power of the Millennium!


In an instant, the whole piece of thunder was printed and directly slammed into the array of more than 700,000 Thunder Heavenly Soldiers, and a dazzling silver light burst on the spot!

Just a single print, more than 100,000 Thunder Heavenly Soldiers instantly turned into annihilation, scattered into a silver arc, under the influence of the lack of Pluto's prison, everyone arcs like a silver snake crazy into his body, the body is tempered, momentum Climbing up!

At this moment, the audience is silent!

Everyone is stunned, shocked, and his head is blank!

"This... what is this law?"

"Only two strokes have killed more than 300,000 soldiers!"

"When the yin and yang are in chaos, the blood of the devil is dyed in the sky, and the words are overbearing!"

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and it was unbelievable. It was also a shock to Xu’s words.

Everyone thought that Xu deficiency should be killed by more than 100,000 Thunder Heavenly Soldiers in the confrontation just now!

But no one thought that his ink-colored ruler smashed more than a hundred thousand Thunder Heavenly Soldiers, and instantly condensed such a terrible French-French print. With lightning speed, he killed more than 100,000 Thunder Heavenly Soldiers on the spot!

The whole process is only between the counts and the numbers, and the million soldiers have been killed more than a third!

"No...Impossible, how could he do this step!" Powerful Tianzong Mozong Son Xiao Muni, at this time a shocked face, involuntarily stepped back, can not believe this scene!

Even the peak of their refining period is very difficult to do, why is it that a baby in the district has changed its arrogance, so it can be so powerful!

"That is very simple, there is no trace of the truth, but there is such a god, it is probably a method of the emperor!" Qin Hua, the sacred girl of the Mirror Flower Moon, slowed down after God and his face was cold.

Only the law of the emperor can make a baby change the arrogance and exert such strength!

"He used the method of the Emperor to make up for the shortcomings in the realm! And our strength can also do this! Those Heavenly Soldiers are not real, but the power of the catastrophe is condensed, and the strength is limited. If I fully exert my efforts, It is possible to kill hundreds of thousands of Thunder Heavenly Soldiers in one stroke!" Xiao Taixuan, the son of the Eight-Year Qinglong School, whispered.

Although this is the case, his face is extremely dignified because there is a key reason!

Even if he can kill hundreds of thousands of Thunder Sky soldiers in one stroke, he must exhaust all the real elements, and even can't resist the large-scale lightning that was formed after the hundreds of thousands of soldiers were scattered.

They clearly feel that the lightning is terrible, and if they are hit on them, they will definitely be hit hard and even fall!

"No, the kid has the method of refining the body. All the lightning that was scattered is smashed on him, but it forms a kind of tempering and is absorbed by his body! The method of refining is absolutely extraordinary, it is probably ancient Lost for a long time, there are not many ways to be able to sanctify the body!" At this time, the elders of Jiang Jiasheng said with amazement.

He was wide-eyed, horrified, and there was a cold man’s glimpse through his eyes, a greedy ambition, and he began to move around!

"But even if it is tempering, it will cause heavy damage, and he just got rid of blood, but at this time the wounds are all recovered, is it..."

Suddenly, all the saints who were present reacted, and they widened their eyes and their breathing began to rush.

"Is it the law of immortality, the "immortal eternal life" created by the eternal emperor?" Some people exclaimed.

Only the rumored "Immortal Life" can only have such a rapid recovery speed. Once the law is cultivated, even if it is beaten into a **** fog, as long as it still contains a drop of blood, it can restore the body as it was. Said not to die!

Now, this legendary law has appeared in front of them, and it has been exhibited by a baby-changing arrogance. Some people are hot in the place!

So, who can not be tempted?

"The two methods of the emperor, one kind of gods are infinite, one is immortal, and there is an extraordinary method of refining, this...what is this guy?" At this time, a strong man of bliss , whispered and whispered.

They are very confused, why a baby will change the arrogance, why there is such a terrible foundation!

A few blissful old people turned their heads and looked at Liu Jingning. The meaning is self-evident. I want to get the origin of Xu deficiency from Liu Jingning!

Liu Jingning shook his head and whispered: "I don't know him, I only know that he knows Jiang Hongyan!"

At this moment, Liu Jingning’s heart is also shocked by the lack of Xu’s law, but she knows that this time must not be exposed to the origins of Xu deficiency, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

At this time, the two dogs came out again and laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha, that kid is the pet of the gods, and the law of the emperor is the inheritance of the gods, who wants You can worship the gods and devote yourself to playing the boy for decades!"

"Well? This dog..." Suddenly, Jiang and Gong, including some who participated in the meteorite conference, recognized the two dogs.

All of a sudden, many people realized that Xu deficiency is probably the guy who claimed to be Chow Yun Fat that night!

"Puppy, hand over the law!" At the same time, a light drink rang.

The white woman's holy woman Bai Lingru suddenly shot, accompanied by a piece of petals in the air, she quietly grabbed the two dogs.


An invisible giant palm slammed on the two dogs, but it was instantly smashed!

"Hey!" The two dogs were shocked. They turned and ran ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mom, dare to attack the gods, there is a kind of running, the gods are going to call people! "The two dogs are screaming at the same time, and the speed of escaping is extremely fast. It is comparable to the tens of thousands of thunderstorms that are missing from the peak.

But everyone in the field was shocked. A dog even had such a strong body. Even the white-hearted Saint Bai Lingrui’s blow could not cause any damage to it.

All of a sudden, many people have their eyes open, and they feel that the body of this dog may have the law of the emperor.


In an instant, many people have been unable to resist the shots, whether it is the saints or the powerful forces of all major forces, they choose to do it, and they will not miss it!

However, the speed of the two dogs is too fast, and the left flashes to the right and rushes out of the crowd, and rushes directly toward the fire-burning ghosts.

"Kid, help! Let's open the battle!" The two dogs shouted, and it only knew that it was playing, and regretted it.

Xu Xuan has not been able to take care of the two dogs, at this moment his body is silvery, Tian Lei Yin directly upgrade to 70% of the progress, the flesh is a huge transformation!

Although the uplifting armor and the negative cloak were ruined, now he feels that his body is already comparable to the previous equipment!

This unexpected harvest is what Xu did not expect!

"Haha, two dogs, the group below will be handed over to you, take them to a lap, I still have hundreds of thousands of soldiers to fight!" Xu lacked laughter, looking at the remaining 500,000 Tianbing, shouted: "A million soldiers are, let's collect debts, come, all together, I want to play 500,000!"



[My goodness, there are still people who say that I am water. In fact, I also thought about water. For example, I would write a chapter for a soldier and write two chapters. I can write a million chapters at this time, but I don't, why? Because I am handsome! 】

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