Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 628: Is it like a coffin?

As the saying goes, I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air!

At this moment, the audience was silent, and more than 30 people in the refining period were stupid!

Xu lacked more than 20 million elite Lingshi, and the result was so dry and crisp, the whole process was flowing, so that everyone could not respond.

Originally, when everyone heard Xu’s opening and said “hai confidant, if the world is next to each other”, the heart is a glimpse of it, sighing that this young literary talent is extraordinary, and he is surprised that he wants to do this with everyone, and he has made a good deal!

But the next moment, Xu Wei said that he would be healed after a year, and then he dropped a sentence and did not change the long flowing green water, and he ran straight.

what is this?

What kind of?

"Ah..." Jiang Yuda's elder Jiang Yushu suddenly burst into a roar, and the roaring sounds earth-shattering.

He is going crazy, his eyes are red and bloodshot.

In order to grab this healing position, he took the Jiang family to kill, and he did not hesitate to offend other forces, and even lost two strong refining period.

It’s hard to win the quota. After I finished the millions of best spirits, I found out that I was pitted. This is not only a shame. The point is to vomit blood quickly, and even the demons almost rushed out.

"Shameless children, my Gong family must be born to die, ah ..." Gong Jiaqiang is also biting his teeth, roaring and roaring.

It was so hard to kill from more than a hundred people, and the result said that after a year of healing, this is to tease them.

With their strength and heritage, even if it is a heavy blow, it can be restored in two or three months, and it takes a year to wait for a fart!

"From now on, there is no place for him to stand in the East!" Bai Jingli, Bai Lingrui, said in a cold voice, suffocating and sulking, this time the loss is big, it is blood loss!

"He is looking for death!" Dong Genji blinked, and the cold flashes.

With a big hand, he led several geniuses of Xiaoyao Building and went straight to the ancient bronze temple.

The next moment, the rest of the people reacted and flew up and rushed over.

They know that Xu deficiency will definitely go there!

The crowd was scattered, leaving only the strong and disciples of the bliss, still stunned, with a slightly open mouth and a slap in the face.

"Spirit... It’s amazing, there are so shameless people in the world!" An old man stunned.

"He is too embarrassed and too unscrupulous. Actually, the major forces have played so badly. Fortunately, we did not participate in it, otherwise we really have to cry!" Another strong man has a lingering fear.

"The means of such a lack of morality can be compared with the notorious Duan Jiude. Wouldn't it be the second Duan Jiude?"

"Not the same, Duan Jiude is strong and arrogant, and he is old and disrespectful. No one can take him, but this boy has never grown up. He will be killed sooner or later!"

A few people talked about it, but they are still very jealous of Xu, if they do not follow Liu Jingning, at this moment they may suffer with other forces!

Xu lacked this hand to kill people, it looked very crude, but the effect was achieved.

He made it clear that everyone wants to kill each other, and the powerful forces of all major forces are also aware of his purpose, but who can bear in the face of the huge interest temptation of the ancient bronze hall? Who wouldn’t want to compete for prosperity in the past?

Therefore, even if they know that Xu lacks to kill people by knife, they are willing to become the knife and grab the wounds.

But no one expected that Xu lacked from the beginning to the end and did not want to help them heal, but also deceived more than two million best spirits, this wave is simply to let the major forces lose their wife and soldiers!


Two days later, it was deserted outside the city.

Many people have already rushed over.

From the funeral fairy valley to the deserted city, it takes three days. These people arrived in two days in order to seize the creation.

But after this, everyone did not dare to shake, even if they already knew that there was a change, but it was still shocked.

The whole deserted city rose from the ground, and the ground became a huge pothole. The deserted city also collapsed after it rose into the air. Now there is only one huge bronze ancient temple.

The ancient bronze temple reveals a strange atmosphere. Although it seems to be surrounded by the fog, there is a sigh of aura, but in fact, after the crowd arrives, the feeling of uneasiness is even stronger.

The entire ancient temple was cast from bronze, emitting a secluded green awn, some sullen.

On the surface of the bronze, there are countless dense inscriptions, like a sly rune. Each rune is vaguely accompanied by a kind of rhyme, which makes people want to rush to see it at a glance. If you are not careful, you may lose yourself.

"This ancient temple is very unusual, those strange runes, like from the ancient times!" Xiao Taixuan looked up at the bronze ancient temple, frowning said.

They are not rash, they are very taboo.

In addition to the strange characters, it is also because the current situation of the deserted city is very wrong.

They all know that there were many monks who stayed here, but now they came over, and even a figure was not seen. Even the body was not found, and it was a dead land.

"That is not the ancient text, or even ... is not the text of our world." At this time, Han Ying, the sacred woman of Tianji Pavilion, said that the look was very dignified and very shocking.

She read through countless ancient books and learned about ancient cultures, but she has never seen such runes.

"Not in our world? Could it be... is the fairy world?" The rest of the people suddenly became shocked, and the heartbeat could not help but speed up.

If this ancient temple comes from the fairyland, it must be impossible, and even cause the whole madness of the immortal world!

"It is very likely that it really comes from the fairyland. The aura of this area is too rich. It can be comparable to the fairy, it must have been emitted from the ancient temple!"

"Does the dog say that it is true, the owner of this ancient temple is the immortal buried in the fairy valley?" Some people were surprised.


At this time, a broken voice came from afar.

Xu lacked control of lightning, and Jiang Hongyan and others came.

After he moved the gods and walked the shackles, it happened to appear in the area dozens of miles outside the burial fairy valley. It also took two days to come.

As soon as he got close to the place, Xu felt that his scalp was numb and there was a strong sense of uneasiness.

Liu Jingning and the two dogs are also the same, the face is extremely dignified.

But Jiang Hongyan is moving again. If it is not a firm mind, it may be rushed directly to the ancient bronze temple.

"This place, I seem to have been here!" Jiang Hongyan whispered, his eyes were somewhat blurred and full of confusion.

She couldn't remember that she had seen this ancient temple, but she was very impressed. It really seemed to be here.

Along the way, the closer she is to the ancient temple, the deeper the feeling.

Xu Wei and Liu Jingning also listened to Jiang Hongyan on the road, but this time is not surprising, but also surprised.

"Don't be nervous, I will accompany you later, and I will take care of it. www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is not right, I will blow it up!" Xu lacked a cow.

With his strength, coupled with the dedication of the gods, there are indeed no taboos.

"Yes, a fairyland in the district, the gods can be smashed with a punch!" The two dogs also blew.

But Jiang Hongyan shook her head slightly: "You don't go up, I have a feeling that except for me, the rest will be dangerous!"

This is not her arrogance, but the inner heart is really inexplicably with this strong feeling, more true than the sixth sense!

"How come you only come over, other people?" At this time, Xiao Taixuan and others turned around and looked confused.

"They are still on the road, chasing and thanking me for healing them. Hey, why are you still not going up?" Xu blinked and smiled.

Xiao Taixuan and others stopped suddenly. When they saw Xu’s lack of smile, they felt that they were not right, because when Xu was missing them, it was such a smile.

"The ancient temple is very strange, there is no entrance!" Xiao Munan faint.

They have seen around the ancient temple, and one entrance has not been found!

"And there are thousands of monks in the deserted city, but now there is no one, I am afraid it is a lot of fierce!" Xiao Taixuan added, the look is very dignified, his eyes fell on the two dogs.

The previous two dogs mentioned the origin of this ancient temple, they think that the two dogs may know more.

But the two dogs did not speak, but Xu suddenly suddenly said: "Hey, have you discovered that this ancient temple looks... a bit like a huge coffin?"


Everyone stunned and looked around again, and they were moving.

Xu did not say that it was okay, but this mention, they found that this ancient bronze temple is indeed like a huge coffin!

If it is really a coffin, isn’t the entrance above?

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