Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 653: Terrible monk


Liu Jing’s mouth swelled at the corner of his mouth, revealing a charming and charming smile.

She is too familiar with the character and style of Xu Xiao and the two dogs. The two goods are open together, and they are so arrogant, that is definitely a way.

Moreover, she just saw that the two guys were discussing what was going on, and then revealed a sly smile, which made her guess that Xu could have a way to enter the mountain, so she chased it.

"Small lack, you are not honest, want to lie to your sister?" Liu Jing stunned the beautiful, the voice became charming, and her delicate and beautiful appearance, it is absolutely enough to make the world man hang three feet, for Crazy!

"Big sister, you wake up, don't you be so good? Hold it!" Xu almost collapsed, this witch picked up people, just want to get out of the fire!

The two dogs also patted Xu’s shoulders and shouted: “Kid, you wake up, don’t be tempted!”

"Ah! This witch is poisonous!" Xu shouted, and quickly stepped forward to move forward, trying to stay away from Liu Jingning.

It is not that his self-control is not enough. It is really the charm of Liu Jingning that is terrible. Anyone can hardly resist it. If there is, it may not be lifted!

"Small gaps, don't go so fast, wait for people to be good..." Liu Jing's charming voice came again, this time with a hint of voice in the spoiled!

Xu lacked scalp and numb, and quickly stepped up and ran directly!

"Kid, let the body come out and take us to fly!" the two dogs shouted.

Xu Xiao also remembered, and when he was in a hurry, he was ready to call out the Tao.


But at this moment, Liu Jingning's figure with a faint fragrance directly fell in front of him, blocking his way again.

"Tao?" Liu Jing was suspicious and looked at Xu. "Little guy, the person who just flew out of you, is your body?"

"Don't listen to the two dogs, that is my big cousin Li Xiaoyao, who came to see me from Yuhang County!" Xu lacked a serious response.

However, with the intelligence of Liu Jingning, it is natural to see that Xu deficiency is nonsense.

It’s just that she was shocked and condensed in this kind of thing. Some ancient books that have been handed down in ancient times have been mentioned. Countless people have said that it is a fake. It is impossible for a cultivator to condense his body outside the body, unless it is ascending into a fairy. Xian talent can do it!

But now, Xu may have a body in his body, and the breath of the white-haired person is really familiar, and is too similar to the previous Xu deficiency!

"Small gaps, you are not jealous, if you haven't seen it for more than half a year, have you sown so many lies to me?"

Liu Jing condensed the water of the beautiful beauty, looked at Xu deficiency, like a small grievance.

"Ah! Enough, don't make trouble, just can't do it. I do have a body, and there are ways to get into the mountains!" Xu missed his teeth.

I really can't stand the swearing technique of this witch. If an ordinary woman is so arrogant, he estimates that he will turn away directly.

Liu Jingning is not the same. This woman is born with a charming temperament, plus many years of cultivation, more attractive, and the status is also detached, so in front of him stunned, lethality is simply a terrorist bombing of the atomic bomb !

And because Xu is now only the body of mortals, Liu Jingning dared to do so in spite of the lack of consequences.

If she is replaced by Xu, she will dare to do so. Xu will definitely give her unceremoniously, and realize the original words - grass crying you!

"Is there really a Tao?" Liu Jingning also stunned at this moment. He did not expect that Xu’s lack of means was so bad, and he became a mortal.

Now it seems that this guy is clearly passing all the repairs to the Taoist body, it is not a self-destruction!

Too sinister, no wonder no one can move him!

"You are really bad, you have deceived everyone!" Liu Jingning looked at Xu.

"Do not talk nonsense, hurry on the road!"

Xu lacked to turn over and white eyes, now it is imperative to hurry to the back of the giant mountain, otherwise the same period of nine-dead old **** broke open the prohibition is late!

"Small gap, are you angry?"

Suddenly, Liu Jingning’s whole person leaned against Xu’s lack, and the pair of slender whites clung to him, one of which was slightly lifted up, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, gently rubbing the thigh’s thigh, and looking at Xu’s watery look. Lack, oh yeah.

"If people are wrong, it won't work! Don't be angry, okay..."

I rely on!

Xu’s shortcomings couldn’t hold a wish, and the heart was volcanic eruption.

Is it a man who can bear this kind of time?

"You are finished!" Xu lacks Shen Sheng said, the mind will move, immediately call out the Taoist body, hold the witch also, and then grab the grass in the field.

But Liu Jinging smiled, but she still didn't wait for Xu's lack of shots. Her whole person floated out lightly and smirked. "Laughter, just kidding, don't be so real. We are going to find a way to enter the mountain. Something is really important to me!"

"You are so jealous of me, just want me to help you?" Xu asked with a black face.

"Of course not!" Liu Jing said with a smile.

Her tone is very calm, and she is telling the truth, because she knows that if she needs help, she will definitely help her with her lack of character!

"Oh, don't make trouble, you come to lead the way, go behind the mountain, don't be found!" Xu nodded his face, and he was too lazy to go with Liu Jingning.

Originally, he wanted to go into the mountains to grab things.

Now that Liu Jingning needs help, it must help. After all, people have temperament and temperament... No, after all, people have helped themselves before, and they are worried that they will be dangerous after they have been repaired. This is a very hard idea!

"Well! Let's go!"

Liu Jing Ning nodded, and then no more jokes, a handful of waves, suddenly condensed the majestic real yuan, a black mist under the feet, holding her whole person off the ground.

Xu Wei and the two dogs stood up, and the black fog suddenly carried them across the sky, circling a large circle and rushing to the giant mountain.

Along the way, Xu Wei also told Liu Jingning how to enter the mountain, that is, the prohibition of the two dogs is invalid for mortals, so he can only go in alone.

Liu Jingning was also wrong when she heard it. She really didn't know that there were such rules in the prohibition.

"What I need is a humanoid fruit! It is the main medicine for refining the body Dan, which can help me quickly break through the bottleneck and reach the fit period!" Liu Jingning said what she needed, which is the only thing she entered into the secret. purpose!

Xu lacks sorrow, but I did not expect that Liu Jingning had such ambition and foresight. Other saints and saints are still vying for the first person. She has already turned her eyes to a higher realm and wants to refine her body. Fitted with Dan, break through to the fit period.

In this way, her status can be equated with the ancestors of some big forces, extraordinary!

However, Xu lacked doubts and shook his head. "You haven't entered the mountain yet. How do you know that someone is there?"

"One of my ancestors had left a broken map, which is a partial area of ​​the Taiyuan secret layer. The mountain was painted inside, marking that it is a medicine garden, and there are planting people!" Liu Jing condensed.

"What was the thing that caused the loud noise before? The old Huazi said that the flowering result, is it true that it is a fairy medicine?" Xu asked curiosity.

Liu Jing condensed his head and shook his head: "I don't know this. As long as it is a medicine, once the year of growth and the aura absorbed are enough, it is possible to turn into a fairy medicine!"

"Well, I will go in and see, first help you find people shape!" Xu's shortcomings, did not ask more, since promised to help, just help.

Soon, after an hour, they succeeded in a circle and came to the back of the mountain and landed on the ground.

"Kid, remember, get things out immediately, don't practice in it, or you will be out if you have a cultivation, even if it is a training period," the two dogs open their mouths and look. Very serious.

"Know, do you think I am like you?" Xu lacked a voice, waved his hand and walked up the hill.

He ignored the prohibition of the Golden Mang, and passed through the mountain road smoothly.

Only after this step was taken, the surrounding aura instantly became rich and the environment changed. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was not like what they saw outside the ban.

It is no longer a mountain, but a vast expanse of medicine garden!

Xu lacked his eyes and was unbelievable.

This medicine garden is too big, and all eyes are full of all kinds of elixir, dazzling, the air is filled with the scent of the heart, whether it is flowers and leaves, shining in the sun, like a spar!

What is even more shocking to him is that there is a small stone house in the center of the medicine garden. There are sheds outside the house. There are many wooden frames in the shed, like medicinal herbs!

“How is there a strange feeling?”

Xu lacked the inexplicable self-speaking road, and went suspiciously to the small stone house.

However, when he was approaching the house, he finally found out that something was wrong. The wooden frame outside the stone house was actually full of elixir, and some of them were still new drugs, as if they had just been picked.

"I rely on it, will not live in it?"

Xu lacks amazement, the ban on this place has not been broken, and the mortal can be left in addition to the mortal!

With suspiciousness and curiosity, Xu lacks to move on.

He walked cautiously, did not step on the elixir, while observing the stone house, while also looking for the humanoid fruit that Liu Jingning said!

And his mind became more and more confused.

Previously, this mountain had been shaken and made a loud noise. It was clearly spread out here, but why is there only an endless medicine field in front of it, and there is nothing that can be seen at any time!


Just then, in the chimney on the stone house, there was a sudden smoke, and it rose!

Xu lacked a footstep on the spot, stuck in place and was stunned.

There are still people in this place!



[Yeah, the sky is very bright, I will ask you to see the city at five in the morning? I have seen! 】

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