Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 658: Countercurrent sea

Going to the sea?

Liu Jingning and the two dogs at the same time, followed closely, suddenly shocked.

"You want to participate in this fight?" Liu Jinging surprised.

Xu lacked a smile: "I originally wanted to go straight to grab it, but since there are arrangements for the competition, it is OK to participate. After all, I am a good boy who abides by the rules!"

Liu Jingning directly ignored Xu’s boastfulness and said with a sigh of relief: “If you want to participate in the fight, I’m afraid it’s too late. Where can I find a suitable boat now? And even if I help you, our number is not enough. Support to the island!"

It is absolutely simple for a monk to want to be a boat.

But this piece of sea is unusual, the ordinary wooden boat is put down, and it is estimated that the waves will be broken into pieces in an instant.

Therefore, all the major forces came to participate in the fight. The ships prepared were almost all refining instruments. The materials were the hardest woods, and the bans and formations were all over, and each ship had several refinings. The master of the virtual period is in control, and constantly strengthens the real power for the formation, and has to be responsible for paddling and sprinting!

Xu’s current situation is that there is no ship, no one, no one, no one to talk about.

"Oh, if you want to participate in this fight?" At this moment, a joke of laughter came.

Dong Genji and several geniuses of Xiaoyaoge are coming over, looking at Xu Xiao with a sneer, full of sarcasm.

Originally, Dong Genji was still very jealous of Xu, but later he could see that Duan Jiude’s relationship with Xu was not what he thought, but he was completely relieved.

At this moment, I was here to hear Xu’s lack of desire to participate in the fight. He almost laughed.

A mortal in the district, dare to go down the sea, what is the difference between looking for death?

"Hey, a mortal, how can I get here?"

At this time, another scream came.

I saw a tall man with two horns on his head coming and coming out, spreading a strong and overbearing atmosphere. He was followed by a few semi-demons and half-human women, and he was curious to look at Xu.

They are all very surprised that a mortal actually appears here, which is too unreasonable.

"Niu brother, this is not a mortal, accurate, it should be a waste!" Dong Genji seems to know the man with a long horn on his head, said with a smile.

The long-horned man suddenly stunned: "What is the answer?"

"You may not believe it when you say it. This Xu is not a man. It was a baby who changed his arrogance. The result is that because he can't repair the rhyme, he ran away from the waste!" Dong Genji joked.

He is now hating the lack of Xu and the two dogs. As long as there is a chance to taunt the killer, he will never miss it.

"Donglou landlord, are you too much too much?" Liu Jingning couldn't listen, and his eyebrows were slightly stunned.

"Liu Sheng, a waste man, why should you maintain him like this?" Dong Genji laughed.

When Liu Jing’s face suddenly sank, he was about to say something. The man with a long horn on his head looked happy and walked toward Liu Jing’s body. He said, “Liu Sheng, I haven’t seen it for a long time! Take care!"

He directly ignored the existence of Xu deficiency, and talked with Liu Jingning, the unscrupulous greed in the eyelids, and stared at Liu Jingning's body.

Liu Jingning's face is also more difficult to look at in an instant. In the past, if someone dares to be so powerless to her, she will definitely not hesitate to kill.

But this man, but she is very jealous, not only the strength of the other side, but also the power behind the other side, are stronger than her and bliss, can not afford to offend!

"Niudaoyou don't make fun of our bliss, I am afraid that this time, the cattle family can at least win the top three!" Liu Jing condensed the cold channel.

The man with a long horn on his head suddenly passed a trace of pride. He smiled slightly: "If Liu Sheng, don't mind, our cattle family is willing to cooperate with bliss!"


Liu Jing condensed, and there was some faint heart.

But when she saw the deep smile on the man's face, she calmed down.

This so-called cooperation, I am afraid there is a big price!

"Yes, it is cooperation, Liu Sheng, there are too many miscellaneous people here. It is better to sit down with the Donglou to the territory of my cattle house and talk about it!" The man with a long horn on his head nodded and smiled.

Liu Jingning did not think about it, Zhangkou wanted to refuse.

But at this time, Xu lacked and stood up with the two dogs, looking at the man with a long horn on his head.

"This cow brother, may you ask if you are a cow?" Xu asked and asked, his eyes were always on the man's body, as if admiring a beautiful woman.

The man suddenly frowned, and he felt very uncomfortable with Xu’s lack of such eyes. He couldn’t help but have a goose bump.

Just looking at Liu Jingning's share, he still screamed: "I am the Nanzhou Tianjiao cattle family, with the blood of the ancient **** cow!"

"I rely, really is a cow!" The two dogs suddenly screamed, and their eyes were straight and the mouth couldn't help but flow out a slobber!

"It's a horned cow!" The man's face was a little disappointing, and the voice corrected.

The difference between cows and horns is far worse!

And Liu Jingning looked at the lack of Xu and the expression of the two dogs, it was not easy to say that the two goods must be doing things!

"Xu deficiency, I think there is still something to go to the territory of the bliss, you go with me!"

Liu Jingning immediately began to open the road, did not hesitate to pull up the arms of Xu, turned and walked to the rear, for fear that Xu deficiency really wandered here.

After all, the power of the Niujia people in Nanzhou is quite small, which is comparable to those of the Jiang family, but it is also important that the Tianjiao cattle have a great appeal here. Once they offend them, it is almost no different from offending the entire South Island!

And as they walked, the man's face of the Tianniu cattle family suddenly became dark and his eyes became cloudy.

Dong Genji smiled and seemed to be very satisfied with the situation at hand.

However, at this moment, there was a vague conversation between Xu and the two dogs in their ears!

"Kid, have you seen it, it’s really a cow!"

"I saw it!"

"This **** respects those beef balls!"

"Me too! There are black pepper steaks, and suddenly I want to eat!"

"What is the steak? This **** has not eaten!"

"Crap, of course you have not eaten, but it is Western food! What mignon steak, sirloin steak, secret beef ribs, fried to five mature, poured black pepper juice, delicious to explode, ah! No The more hungry, the more we go back?"

"Okay, okay! 666!" The two dogs spoke with a big mouthful of water and nodded their heads.


Liu Jingning directly knocked on the head of the two dogs, and looked at the black line: "Can you both stop and stop, don't make trouble!"

She is too speechless, and the two guys are actually discussing the horns!

The man of the Tianjiao cattle family has already heard the dialogue between Xu and the two dogs, and his face is full of anger and tremble.

"Looking for death!" He gnawed his teeth and murdered.

"Niu brother, don't be angry, wait until the countercurrent sea, they can't escape!" Dong Genji smiled and said, the eyes were full of banter.

He is not safe enough to kill Xu here.

In his view, Xu lacks the possibility to come to this place without any preparation. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Definitely rely on it, and even escape with the symbol.

But once in the counter-current sea, all space areas will be imprisoned, and it is absolutely impossible to escape. When he is shot with the people of the Tianjiao cattle, he will certainly be able to kill Xu deficiency!

"Hey, tomorrow is the beginning of the fight, it is your death!" Looking at Xu's back and Liu Jingning's back, the shadow of Dong Genji's eyes flashed.


At this time, Liu Jingning did not dare to bring Xu deficiency to the territory of the bliss, even she did not intend to go back, directly looking for a place where there were few people, and took Xu to face down and sat down.

"Little guy, the horns of the day is not that we can offend, otherwise the situation will be more dangerous than in the East! Now we will stay here, wait until tomorrow, and all the strong will go out, we will leave immediately!" Liu Jingning Looking at Xu deficiency, the look is dignified.

"Leave? Why do you want to leave! I have to participate in the competition!" Xu blinked and blinked.

"Yeah! Why do you want to leave, this **** has not eaten steak yet!" The two dogs also nodded.

Liu Jingning turned his eyes and shook his head. He said, "Little guy, don't you join in the fun? No boat and people, this countercurrent sea is absolutely impossible. Once you accidentally fall into the sea, you will be swallowed up in an instant. vitality!"

"Miss sister, don't worry about it, okay? I want to cross this sea, I have at least one hundred ways, just one can kill them, tomorrow you will wait to see, those creatures holy water I set It!"

Xu lacked a smile, very confident, his eyes swept to a large ship docked at the seaside, his mouth raised a touch of disdain.

More than rowing?

Can you compare me to your broken ship?

Laozi rowing does not use paddles, it depends on the waves!

The last preloaded king, I am set!


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