Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 662: Do you want to eat steak?

Come up, move yourself!

There is a domineering in Xu’s speech, and an old driver like him is everywhere on the planet. If he doesn’t agree, he will drive!

However, the people in the cultivating world never realized the meaning of his words, so that many monks present were suspicious.

Obviously just a mortal, how do you have such a momentum?

There are even some beautiful women who are in the age of wolves and tigers. At this moment, when they look at the lack of Xu, they have a lot of splendor, and they lick their lips slightly, thinking thoughtfully.

On the contrary, the North Sea saint, but a slight smile, did not really come.

"Thank you for the goodness of the son, but the young woman still needs to control the ship's array. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely appreciate the boat of the son!" The sacred voice of the North Sea is soft and mellow, and it is fascinating.

"Okay! My bed is very big, the girl can bring a few more sisters!" Xu lacked a happy nod.

"Well, thank you for the enthusiasm of the son. After the end of the mystery, the little girl came in the Beihai Yunjia and other sons!" The bride of the North Sea smiled.

"Beihai Yunjia, well, I remember!" Xu Xiaoxiao laughed even happier.

If the people of the Shuiyuan Kingdom are here, they will definitely be shocked by Xu’s smile, because when he took the troops and screamed and shouted not to take a needle, it was this kind of smile.

While some male monks were present, they were sneer at the moment, and their hearts were ignorant.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Yunjia Virgin is so good, nothing more than a fancy to the boat that Xu lacks. In the future, if Xu Tian really dares to go to Beihai Yunjia to meet her, I am afraid that it will be directly destroyed and the ship will be taken away!

"This ship has a strange shape and a strange material. It is really pretty, very novel!" Someone began to look at the lack of yachts, and was very interested.

This kind of new thing has a certain degree of attraction for the monk!

"It seems that he is hiding deep. He didn't come out at first. It is estimated to be hidden in the storage ring! But then, since he has a boat, why should he still stop there?" At this time, someone Suspicion said.

Someone suddenly laughed: "Haha, have you forgotten that he is just a mortal? There is no way to motivate this ship, so you can only stop there!"

"It turned out that I almost forgot about it!"

Everyone suddenly nodded!

At the same time, Dong Genji and the men of the Tianjiao cattle also looked at each other and raised a cold smile on their lips. It was time to start with Xu!

"Xu deficiency, you owe the debt of Xiaoyao Building, should you still pay it back?" Donggen base station on the huge ship, hands behind his back, staring at Xu lack of cold voice.

This time it’s hard, he feels that he’s getting it!

Followed by, the man of the Tianjiao Niu nationality also came out and smiled: "I don't think there are such bold people in the world, but dare to owe the debts of the family. Donglou, I don't like this. Rogue, decided to help you find a fair!"

"That would thank the cow brother!" Dong Genji said with a smile.

The two sang and sang casually, and immediately joined forces to form a joint hand, eyes are all staring at Xu deficiency, murderous!

The whole audience was quiet, no one stood up and said more, watching with cold eyes.

They all know in their minds that Xu Xiao has offended Xiaoyaolou. As for why the Tianniu cattle people intervene, this is not everyone's concern. After all, Xu is just a mortal ant, nothing worthy of their excessive attention!


However, a burst of sound suddenly sounded, and immediately two figures were swept on the yacht!

It is Xu’s lack of body and thunder!

They all have silvery hair and a handsome appearance. They walked out of the deck without expression and directly guarded Xu before they were missing.

Xu lacks a smile and looks at Dong Genji and Tianjiao Niu men. He shook his head and said: "I owe money to pay back the money, but I don't seem to owe you anything in Xiaoyaolou. If there is, please show some evidence!"

Dong Genji suddenly frowned. During this time, although he was in a secret situation, he could still receive some news from the outside world. He knew that there were more than a dozen benefactors accompanying Xu, and each one was extraordinary. Comparable to the lack of Xu.

This is also the reason why Dong Genji wants to wait until he arrives in this area to kill Xu, but he did not expect that Xu’s lack of guardians is so powerful that he can cross the sea and arrive earlier than them.

And everyone in the room was surprised, it was very wrong.

"What happened? Why are there two more people suddenly?"

"No, it’s only obvious that he went to the sea alone. How could it be more?"

"There was one I recognized. I just stopped the pressure on the kid at the beach, but when did he go to the sea, why didn't we notice it?"

Many people are puzzled and unbelievable. The two infants who have changed their strengths can actually get through their eyes and get here earlier than them.

"Donglou landlord, are you ready?" At this time, the man of the Tianjiao Niu nationality spoke to Dong Genji, and he did not put Xu’s body and Lei Xun in his eyes. After all, this is only two infants. period!

Dong Genji immediately shook his head: "Niu brother, wait, now is not the time!"

When the guardian appeared, he knew that he could not shoot Xu.

In this piece of counter-current sea, if a big battle is triggered, it will be inevitable that it may accidentally touch the air ban, and it will be extremely unfavorable to them at that time!

In order to kill the lack of Xu, leading to the loss of the advantage of competing for the holy water, this is obviously not worth it!

However, the man of the Tianjiao cattle family suddenly looked at it. Obviously, he couldn’t figure out why Dong Genji suddenly changed his mind.

However, he also knows that the city of Donggenji is very deep. Since he said that he should wait, he must not do it!

It is not because of jealousy, but if Dong Genji does not take the lead, if he shoots alone, he will be ridiculed by others to oppress a mortal ant, which is a very shameful thing for their Tianjiao cattle!

Xu Wei did not pay attention to Dong Genji, his eyes swept to the thunder, and whispered to himself: "It is time to pick up the two dogs and they are coming!"

After that, when he was in a move, he removed a helicopter from the system space and appeared on the top of the yacht out of thin air!

"Hey, what is this?"

The audience was once again stunned and surprised at the eccentricity of the helicopter.

Xu Xiao did not pay attention to the surprise of everyone, lazy lying on the deck, enjoying the sun bathing, listening to the voice of the system prompted to force the success, very comfortable!

And his illusionary body has already stepped into the helicopter, started the engine, the rotor suddenly turned, quickly became faster, and rolled up the fierce wind!

"The sudden process..."

The violent sound, covering the square in an instant.

With the Thunderbolt pulling up the joystick, the helicopter suddenly rises and rises, blowing the calm sea into the hollow!

"What? This thing can fly to the sky?" Many monks suddenly surprised.

They all have come to the conclusion that this helicopter does not have any aura flow at all. It belongs to everything, but it can be so easily lifted off. It is somewhat strange.

"If this is the case, without the flow of spiritual power, it will not be obliterated by the ban on the sea, if we can get this thing..."

Watching the helicopter fly fast to the beach, many people began to brighten up and started their minds.

Obviously, the speed of this helicopter is much faster than their giant ship, and even far beyond the speed of Xu’s lack of surfing.

If you can get this thing, they want to take the holy water of life, just like taking things in the bag, want to win the first place, it is easy!

"The son, just what is that?" The saint of the Yunhai family in Beihai is not calm, and asked quickly.

Although Xu’s ship is beautiful, it does not have the slightest aura to flow. In the eyes of the Yunjia Saints, at most, it is something worth collecting.

The shovel that has just flown out is not the same. It is so magical. It can be done directly without relying on the aura and the real yuan. If they can get this thing, they can win the first battle, even It is to take care of all the holy waters!

"That is called a helicopter! It is called the Suedo Duoye Coat No., SERO-276 model!" Xu lacked eyelids and did not lift it, and his face was indifferent.

"I don't know if there are extra helicopters for the son? The little woman is willing to buy it with Lingshi!" said the Yunjia Virgin.

The people in the room suddenly felt bad, and they were taken a step by the Beihai Yunjia.

Xu lacked and shook his head directly: "No, we only have a suede and wild coat number!"

After that, he also curiously looked at the Yunjia saint and asked: "Is the girl more interested in the helicopter? Oh, why don't you say it early, if the girl speaks, I will give the helicopter to the girl!"

Not to say earlier?

Hey, why didn't you come out early?

Everyone suddenly had a black line, the cloud family, and the smile on her face was a bit stiff.

However, the holy saints of the East and the many powerful ones are now vigilant.

Most of them have dealt with Xu Xiao, such as Jiang Jiada elder Jiang Yushu, Xiaoyao Building Dong Genji~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jinghua Shuiyue Qin Qin, Gong Jiabai and other strong people, have been Xu Yukeng Very miserable.

Now Xu has taken out a yacht and made a helicopter. It is clearly a weapon that can easily win the first place in the counter-current Haibi.

But he did not go to the rankings, but stopped here, as if he was deliberately showing off to everyone, obviously this is not quite right!

Reminiscent of Xu’s lack of previous methods of squatting, the East’s monk immediately turned black.

Obviously, this guy wants to hang out again!

"The sudden process..."

At this time, the sound of the helicopter came again.

Everyone suddenly moved and turned around and looked around.

There are a few more figures on the helicopter, it is Liu Jingning and Duan Jiude, and there is a dog!

"This... is this too fast?" Someone was shocked.

I have to know that it took them several hours to get to the sea from the beach, but the helicopter did not leave for a while, and Liu Jingning and Duan Jiude were brought from the beach.

This speed is almost the same as that of a monk, and most importantly, the helicopter has not been affected by the ban on the sea;

During the time, many people were on the scene, and some of them couldn’t stand it. If they were not sitting on the helicopter, they were forced to fight for it!

And as the helicopter approached, there was also a scream of the nine deer and two dogs in the sky!



"Wow, wow!"

The old man and the dog are very excited. Sitting on the helicopter and looking at the brain, I feel very magical.

At this time, Xu lacked to walk to the edge of the deck, looked up and smiled: "Two dogs, do you want to eat steak? If you want to eat, then hurry down and kill the cow!"

Said, he has reached out and pointed to the man of the Tianjiao cattle.

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