Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 667: Really awkward!


Suddenly, the Son of Shengfengge stayed, and his head seemed to be somewhat unresponsive.

He is unbelievable, and he is so savvy that most people are jealous. After all, they are one of the hegemons of Nanzhou, and no one can easily provoke them.

Can not look at him without looking at it, directly responded to the sentence did not know, spurred several submarines, directly launched an offensive!

Simple and rude, crisp and neat!

This is not only that the people in Shengfengge have not responded, and even everyone in the field has circled.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At the same time, the counter-current sea again sounded a few muffled sounds, and the water surged. It was obvious that several torpedoes were rushing to the giant ship of Shengfeng Pavilion.

"Stop!" Shengzi Pavilion's face changed dramatically and shouted.

At this moment, he knew that he was wrong and completely missed Xu.

Xu lacks such a person, it is not a gimmick, but a swearing man with a knife!

At a young age, it is so decisive and decisive, regardless of how powerful the other party’s forces are, and killing and killing, this is even more terrible than Duan Jiude!


In the end, the shouts of Shengfengge had no effect. The quality of their huge ships was far less than that of the Tianniu cattle. After several torpedoes steadily slammed up, they instantly tore the entire hull.

All the strongmen of the Shengfeng Pavilion fell into the sea, and they didn’t even scream at the scene. They were swallowed up by the counter-current sea and there was no bones!

There is a terrible murder in this sea area, and no one can survive without falling into it!

Time, the audience once again fell into silence!

Many people don't even dare to pant, but they are shocked but hard to calm down!

A mortal in the district has even killed the Tianjiao Niu and Shengfengge so easily, even though it borrows the power of the counter-current sea, which is enough to make them feel guilty!

Liu Jingning is even more ugly, unbelievable, and a pair of beautiful eyes are big, and my mind seems to recall the phrase "Take me"!

And he really did it, and when he hit his fingers, it crushed everything!

What is the angle of the cattle, what is the Shengfeng Pavilion, in front of him, like an ant, say it is extinguished!

"Hey, this kid is out of the limelight, so angry! I already knew that this **** has just shot it!" The two dogs looked stunned and unwilling, just did not think that Xu could win, even done well. Preparation for escape.

Who once thought that Xu was so easy to solve the opponent, and it was so handsome to solve, let the two dogs envy!

"Hey, it seems that the Shengfeng Pavilion is just like this! Come, who is the next turn?" At this moment, Xu lacked his eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Everyone immediately became a steel door... Oh, it’s not right, immediately the chrysanthemum is tight, the scalp is numb, and the heart is stunned.

Xiu Xianjie is a world of cannibalism. It is not uncommon to kill people and win treasures. Everyone has experienced ruthless killing.

But at this moment, they only know how terrible this seemingly gentle boy is.

Such a decisive killing method, hard-boiled and shocked the presence of countless strong.

More importantly, he is only a mortal!

Everyone feels Xu's lack of eyes when they swept over, all of them change color, and their hearts tremble, and they quickly avoid the eyes of Xu's lack of eyes, for fear of being stared at him, repeating the end of the horns of the cattle and the Shengfeng Pavilion!

Xu Xiao is very satisfied with this result, and the system keeps reverberating the system prompt tone. The total number of forced values ​​has already exceeded 50,000!

This wave, he made a big profit!

And the most important thing is that this time, the knife is used to kill people. Xu is the one who takes control of all the submarines and aircraft carriers by the Taoist temple, and uses the counter-current sea to kill the people of the Tianjiao Niu and Shengfeng Pavilion!

After such a wave, the repair of the Tao is directly upgraded to ten layers of infants, and it has reached its peak, and the experience value is overflowing!

As for the real body, it is still the body of a mortal, no repair!

It’s just that Xu is not in a hurry. He has a huge amount of resources and wants to rebuild it back. It’s easy!

"I rely on, kid, don't look at me when you are jealous!" At this time, Duan Jiude suddenly jumped and shouted.

He found that Xu’s little eyes were aiming at him and he couldn’t sit still.

Even if he is so strong, once he falls into the sea, he can't escape!

"You are awkward, what panic?" Xu lacked.

In fact, he did not want to move Duan Jiude. After all, all the people present, except Liu Jingning and the two dogs, Duan Jiude is a gentleman!

Just when the Tianjiao Niu and the Xiaoyao Building put their words on the scene, these people were all involved to kill him.

He is only a mortal, but these people do not care so much, just because they want to pay the Tianniu Niu and the Happy House, but also want to get their generous rewards, they will not hesitate to kill.

This makes Xu Xiao feel very uncomfortable, so after solving the people of Tianjiao Niu and Shengfengge, Xu’s third goal has been locked in Xiaoyao Building!

"Dong Genji!" Xu Wei began to name.

Dong Genji's face changed, even the genius behind him, and his face was blue.

Once upon a time, they were all fascinated geniuses who went there, and there were actually days when people were forced to die.

And to pinch their life and death, is just a mortal!

"Xu is missing, do you really want to kill it?" Dong Genji said coldly.

"Reassured, I am not that kind of person!" Xu lacked a gentle smile.

Dong Genji and others suddenly pumped their mouths, and you are the kind of person!

"Xu deficiency, if you move me away, I will definitely regret it! We have mastered the relevant information of the bronze ancient temple, which is related to the safety of Jiang Hongyan. Are you sure you want to kill it?" Dong Genji asked again.

"Is it?" Xu lacks sneer, but he does not trust Dong Genji in his heart. With the style of this hypocrite, what he just said is very likely to be fake.

However, at this time, Liu Jingning was very busy talking to Xu Xuan: "What he said is true! When you disappeared, Dong Genji found an ancient book that recorded the origins of the ancient bronze temple. Reluctant to publish information in ancient books!"

"Is there still such a thing?"

Immediately, there was no more question. The eyes swept directly to Dong Genji and smiled: "Dong Genji, handing over the ancient books, I will not do it for you!"

"This is impossible! Unless you can reach the shore together, even if you throw the ancient books into the counter-current sea, you can't give it to you!" Dong Genji was not a fool, and immediately shook his head.

With his understanding of Xu deficiency, this cargo simply does not play cards according to common sense. It is normal to speak without words. If the ancient books are handed over now, the next second will definitely kill them.

"Well, then wait ashore and give it to me again!" Xu missed nodded and nodded directly to Dong Genji's request.

He also knows people like Dong Genji. If they are really anxious, they will throw ancient books into the sea!

Moreover, Xu deficiency does not worry that Dong Genji will repent after landing. He has countless ways to let Duan Jiude take the shot for him.


At the same time, the rest of the forces at sea are like needles.

The Happy Building is fine, then who is the next turn?

The major forces from the East Wilderness are most uneasy at this moment, especially the Jiang family and other forces. They simply want to let themselves hurry and hide, don't be seen by Xu.

They are really wronged in their hearts, and if they are not in the sea, they will not fall into this kind of end.

"Don't be nervous, I am not the kind of person who can't move and kill. There is no need to make the atmosphere so tense. Everyone is out of the mix. It's the truth! If you didn't offend me, then I definitely don't. Will engage you!" At this time, Xu lacked a smile.

Although the sound is not large, it is clearly introduced into the ears of everyone.

Everyone twitched and looked helpless, because the people present were just involved in the siege, and they were already offended.

"Amitabha, Xu Shizhu, it is indeed that we are not right. It is better to open the door and talk about it. How can I let me leave?" A monk walked out, and both hands were together, asking calmly.

And this sentence is also a lot of people who want to ask.

Xu lacked a smile: "You also know that I have been missing the Lingshi recently, and that's it. Everyone pays 100,000 elite stones, and our grudges are abolished!"

100,000 best spirit stone?

When many people listen to this, the heart is inexplicably painful!

The number itself is not small, but the one who has to die is that each person has to pay 100,000. If it is a whole ship, it is estimated that two or three million of the best spiritual stones will be handed over before they can retreat!

"Well, I have a total of ten people in Fenglei Temple. Here is a million spirits, Xu Shi is the main point!" At this time, the monk took the lead in making a choice and directly threw a storage ring.

The rest of the people saw it and no longer hesitated. They bite their teeth and follow suit!

After all, the spiritual stone can live, it is better to sink into the sea with those spiritual stones!

"I am a cloud family of thirty people, here is three million best spirits!"

"Fog Creek sent twenty-three people, two hundred and three hundred thousand best spirits!"

"Liu Yunzong fifteen people, one hundred and fifty thousand elite stone!"

"The Jiang family is forty-one, and the four hundred and ten thousand is the best stone!"


Soon, except for the lack of individual Lingshi, almost all the forces have handed over the Lingshi, and Xu’s lack of music is almost broken.

This wave, he actually received more than 40 million of the best spiritual stone!

Plus the number of original Lingshi, now he has the best spiritual stone, has exceeded 100 million!

This is definitely a huge resource, enough to support him to practice to the fit period!

"Xu Daoyou, can you let us go now?" someone asked.

After all, Lingshi has already been handed over, but the submarines and aircraft carriers are missing, and they still surround them, so that they dare not act rashly!

So now, they are waiting for Xu to open their mouths.

However, Xu’s first sentence of Zhangkou’s mouth is: “Of course not!”

"What?" In an instant, some people have changed their faces!

Lingshi has paid, and now I have to repent?

"Don't worry, let's get one size. I just said that everyone pays 100,000 Lingshi, and our grievances are written off. I didn't say that I want to let you go!" Xu Xiaoxiao said, but at the moment he The smile in the eyes of everyone is a nightmare.

"What do you want?" A saint couldn't sit still, and immediately frowned.

"Well, this question is very good! In fact, don't worry about it, I don't want to be like it, there is a serious thing to talk to you!" Xu Wei began to smile, solemnly said ~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Seriously?

Everyone suddenly got a glimpse, can this guy still have serious things? Wouldn't it be to ask us for help?

Even Liu Jingning and the two dogs, including Duan Jiude, are somewhat confused.

"Since Xu Gongzi still has something to talk about, but it is no problem, the little woman listens and listens, and tries her best!" At this time, the Beihai Yunjia's Ladies' money came out and smiled slightly.

Previously, she was still stunned by the yacht, but now she has no idea, just hope to leave, even if Xu really wants to find something to help them, they can also answer it first, and wait until they leave this ghost place, and then they will not regret it. late.

After seeing the rest of the people, they seemed to have guessed what they were doing and followed suit.

"What is Xu Daoyou, even though!"

"Yes, since Xu Daoyou has already had a good fight with us, everyone will be friends in the future!"

"Yeah, Xu Daoyou, if there is any difficulty, but it does not matter, we will try our best to help!"

"Yes, that's right, our Wuxi School also means this!"


"Do you all say true? That's great!"

Xu was so eager to see everyone, and he was overjoyed: "Since everyone agrees, then I will say it straight?"

Everyone nodded: "Say, even though!"

"it is good!"

Xu lacked an inspiring focus, and at the same time took out a speaker and said loudly:

"Everyone, now is the time of robbery! Repeat one side, now is the time of robbery, the male stands on the left, the female stands on the right, the **** stands in the middle, and both hands clasped his head! Put all the storage and your instruments on your body. Hand it out!"



[Overnight watched the night game, saw WE win SKT, excited one, so I wrote a long and thick chapter directly! Congratulations WE! OK, I am going to sleep! Get up again in the evening! 】

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