Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 675: Marriage 1 line

[Marriage Red Rope]:

(The system produces mysterious props, not for sale!)

A thousand miles of marriage is the first line, the fate is determined by the day, also by the red rope! By tying the red rope to the wrists or ankles of both sides, you can create a marriage of the fate and promote the increase of goodness!

"Great, my rope!"

Xu lacked the introduction of the marriage red rope, and could not help but open his mouth.

For a long time, what he got from the system was almost entirely related to cultivation, but this time he actually got a prop, and it was still a sister artifact, no, no, this is not a sister artifact, but Sitting on the artifact that the sister automatically sent to the door!

"Haha, this time I made a big profit!" Xu was full of joy and his eyes began to wander.

Who is this thing used for?

Liu Jingning?

No, the young lady often slams the king, and if she uses the red rope again, isn’t it more terrible?

Jiang Hongyan?

No, my female emperor must rely on strength to conquer!

Who else?

Xu’s gaze suddenly fell to the plate in the stone house, like a nine-day goddess-like glamorous and daring body!

A woman who is not immortal!

It’s you!

Xu lacked a mouth and suddenly picked up a smile, took the marriage red rope from the system package, and walked toward the glamorous aunt.

At this moment, once again close contact, the faint fragrance of her body, screaming, screaming!

Xu lacks self-knowledge and is not good enough. She can't just look at her more, but her charm is too amazing, the perfect face like white snow, exquisite art-like facial features, especially even the loose robes can't hide. The body is always eye-catching.

This reminds Xu of the lyrics of a song - "If you look at you again, will you still feel it!"

It’s just too sensational. Just look at it and let the woman feel it. Think about how terrible!

This kind of woman is really only in the sky!

Not to mention the ordinary folk, even if the pride of the sky, it is difficult to get involved, almost the same level as the female emperor, but the existence of different temperament!

However, to some extent, this glamorous aunt is harder than the female emperor!

After all, the female emperor has not yet reached this powerful realm, and at the beginning she was forced to leave the Jiang family, and she was in the water Yuanguo, and Xu’s lack of a picture of her nakedness on the Gathering Tower accidentally formed. Fate.

Otherwise, if you change to any timing, Xu is not expected to work hard, and it is difficult to have a close relationship with the female emperor like today.

As for the glamorous Tao Gu in front of her eyes, Xu Xiao was almost killed when she met her for the first time. It can be said that she had left a very bad first impression in the eyes of Dao Gu.

Plus this woman's strength is terrible to the point where she can't imagine, want to marry her? I am afraid it is harder than being a god!

But now the situation is different, a marriage red rope is in hand, what women have!

How can such a perfect woman be allowed to miss it?

"Fairy sister, in the future, we are the ones who have marriage. If you dare to chase me, I will really cry you!" Xu lacks a gentle smile, and pulls up the red rope at the same time. Daogu wears on the wrist.

Daogu plate sat on the ground, and his hands were sealed in front of Dantian, and he remained calm.

Xu’s red rope was easily passed from her wrist, and then she was afraid that the tie was not strong enough. Xu lacked more than a dozen knots and finally tied the other end of the red rope to her wrist.

After hitting the knot, the red rope suddenly lit up with a faint glow, and immediately disappeared into the wrist, disappearing without a shadow!

"Hey? Is this what it is?"

Xu lacked the wave of his wrist, and he could not feel the red rope.

But in the midst of it, when he looked at the Taoist again, his heart was inexplicably more and more unclear, as if the two had known each other for a long time, they could trust each other!

Only the specific effect will be, or you have to wait until the Dao wakes up to know!

"Think about a little excitement!"

Xu lacked the expectation of a smile, and looked at the aunt's eyes, then turned around and walked toward the position of the little soft soul.


At this time, the soul of Xiaorou is still covered by the holy water of life!

She lay quietly inside, as if she was asleep, her body curled up like a baby in her mother's stomach.

When Xu Wei just came up with this thought, he was shocked. After Xiao Re’s resurrection, wouldn’t he start directly from the baby?

"System, the body after the small and soft remodeling, is the same as before?" Xu lacked some can not sit, quickly called out the system to ask.

"Hey, the reinvention of the body of the nine-turning soul-souling liquid will make the body more perfect, so more or less will change a little on the basis of the appearance of life!" The system replied.

"That's good!" Xu was relieved, and immediately asked: "Yes, how long it will take to complete the remodeling, I am a little hurry! There are still seventeen trees in the countercurrent sea waiting for me. Pull it out!"

“Hey, after calculation, there are still two years and three days to complete the physical remodeling!”

"What? Two years and three days?"

Xu lacked his eyes and almost vomited blood.

Reinventing the flesh, actually two years?

"Hey, the physical remodeling is against the sky, please wait patiently!" The system responded.

Xu deficiency directly regarded this as a comfort and flattened his mind.

It’s really hard to come back to life, and in order to collect the five spirits of the early dynasty, he has been running around for a few years, and he has not waited for two more years.

And think about it, this is also a good thing!

After all, after taking the living tree, he is ready to retreat and practice, and strive to sprint to the realm of the refining period before the closure of the secret. There is not much time to accompany Xiaorou.

Since it takes two years for Xiaorou to reshape the body, it is better to let her stay here first, and with this aunt, she will be safe in the past two years!

Thinking of this, Xu lacked the soft look of the soft soul, and smiled: "Xiaorou, I will go out to do something, wait for you to wake up, I will come to you!"

After that, he redeemed a blank sheet of paper from the system store and left a few lines on it.

The message was left to Daogu, telling her that Xiaorou is in a state of reshaping the flesh, hoping to entrust her to take care of it, and will surely report it in the future! And also said that before the secret is closed, it will come to pick up Xiaorou and leave, will not bother her for too long!

After writing these, Xu Wei put the letters in front of Dao Gu, and even turned and left.

This time he wants to go back to the sea, the helicopter has passed the period of use, Xu Xiao directly rented a stealth fighter!

This is a real sense of invisibility, like the Kunming fighter of the SHIELD, the speed is also soaring, with a high speed of 3 Mach, rushing to the sea!

Along the way, there were very few monks who noticed his existence. Even if someone noticed it, Xu Wei immediately let the body use a dozen fire lotuses to bang back!

When he rushed to the first island in the sea, the sky was already bright.

One time and one time, including the time in the small stone house, it is only one day and one night, which is called speed.

However, just before the arrival of the island, Xu Xiao suddenly found several giant ships on the sea, and a chaos was taking place.

The monks of all major forces are strangling, and the ships collided with each other and played very fiercely.

On the contrary, the two dogs and Duan Jiude, turned into a clear stream, I did not know where to get a few chairs, moved to the edge of the island, holding a piece of melon in the hands, while watching the play, from time to time to refuel, vigorously eat Melon people!

Liu Jingning looked at the gaze and noticed the breath of Xu deficiency. The beauty suddenly swept over and was very surprised.

Xu lacked a smile and used her body to voice her, let her not talk.

Followed by the driver, the gunpoint aimed at Duan Jiude and the two dogs, the sudden burst of bullets!

"Hold the grass!"

"Catch the grass and hold the grass! My melon!"

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two dogs and Duan Jiude were shocked by the sudden bullets. The melons in the hands were directly smashed by bullets, and one person and one dog immediately glared at them.

Just after sensing the lack of Xu, the Duan Jiude and the two dogs suddenly became dumbfounded, clearly knowing where Xu is missing, but the naked eye can't see him!

After all, the entire plane is invisible. If you don't gather the real power in your eyes, you can't see the location of the fighter.

"Hey, what is this, you can actually be invisible!" Duan Jiude apparently used the real yuan, and after discovering the stealth fighter, he suddenly took a breath.

Because he clearly felt that the plane did not have the slightest aura flow, and it was completely made of iron.

"It's amazing, boy, how did you do it?" Duan Jiude was amazed and apparently had a strong interest in this stealth fighter.

But the two dogs were more direct, and they jumped up with excitement. They shook their eyes and showed a flattering look. They shouted with affection: "Kid, 666, come down, let the gods try this stealth machine!"

Duan Jiude immediately shouted: "No, let the old man try it first! What kind of plane do you have to learn from a dog?"

"Grass, you are a dog, your whole family is a dog! Hey!"

"Mom, do you dare to vomit the old man, my mouth? I am!"

"That plane is the **** of the gods! Oh!"

"The old man, I will open the plane today, hehe!"




All of a sudden, Duan Jiude and the two dogs, who were originally eating melons together, spit directly on each other.


Almost at the same time, Xu lacked a fighter jet to land on the island, opened the co-pilot door, and shouted to Liu Jingning: "Miss sister, no time to explain, come up to help me fly the plane... Oh, no, help me fly!" ”


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