Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 677: Happy cooperation

After a short time, the two sides discussed the countermeasures, and each of them was very satisfied and reached a consensus!

The white family first came out to stop the battle.

"You are stopping. What are you doing? According to the rules, whoever first landed on the island will have the possession of the island! Now Xu Shaoxia has become the island owner. We are fighting here. Is it necessary to be an enemy of Xu Shaoxia?" A white old man stood on the boat and shouted.

His voice was loud, and he immediately rang through the Quartet, leaving the rest of the forces to stop the war.

Xu Wei also stood on the shore, and nodded in coordination: "Yes, do you want to grab my island?"

When the people of all major forces saw Xu deficiency, they immediately smacked their scalp and quickly explained: "Xu Shaoxia misunderstood, we definitely don't mean that!"

"Yeah, we are watching other people want to **** the island, only to beat them back, please Xu Shaoxia Mingjian!"


Xu lacks nonsense, and his face is arrogant and arrogant: "But it anyway, I am tired of this island anyway, leaving you with no problem. So, everyone knows that my fried days are relatively lacking in Lingshi. So you pay for it yourself, whoever opens the price, who is the island, so there is nothing wrong with it?"

What is the price?

When many people listened, they all lit up!

This is very much in line with their minds. After all, this kind of fierce battle is not meaningful after it is played. The outcome is only two losses. Now Xu’s lack of use of Lingshi to compete for island possession is definitely a good solution for them.

"Xu Shaoxia, I have a million spirits in Yunjia, originally used to motivate the giant ships, but for this island, we decided to come up with these spiritual stones!" The virgin of the Beihai Yunjia immediately opened, seize the opportunity .

But other forces are also close behind, and prices have been opened!

"My Lin family is willing to make two million best spirits!"

"My **** family is 2.3 million!"

"I have a million spirits in my family!"

Suddenly, an old man from the White House stood up, clean and neat, and simply increased the price to 10 million!

This price instantly overwhelmed everyone, and the audience suddenly felt silent and silent.

Many people are full of sorrows and eccentricities. After the two families have experienced two blackmails, there are so many spiritual stones?

How many spiritual stones did they bring to the secret?


"Mom, this old fox of the white family!" The Jiang family and the Gong family immediately broke down and their faces were not very good-looking.

At this moment, they discovered that Bai’s real purpose of borrowing Lingshi from them!

Xu lacks some mistakes. Obviously, I did not expect such a group of people to be so treacherous. In private, many Lingshi were not handed over.

"It seems that all of you have a deep foundation! When you robbed it, you were told to hand over all the Lingshi. I didn't expect so much inventory!"

Xu lacked a smile and said with a smile.

The smile on his face suddenly made everyone look white, and the darkness was not good.

Bai Lingrui also squinted in his heart, and his eyebrows wrinkled.

It seems that I have missed a little bit of arbitrage. If Xu is missing them now, they can’t help.

However, at this time, Xu lacked and generously smiled: "You don't have to worry, I am also a ruler in the bombing of the sky. I am in a good mood today, so I will not rob you! Come here, it was just Baijiakai. The price is the highest? Right? The 10 million best spirits are handed in, and the island is yours."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly changed their face.

The island is home to the whites, and it is doomed that they will go back empty-handed this time.

However, many people still have a sigh of relief, at least the stone that they have hidden in their own possession, it is saved.

The white family laughed in his heart and was full of ecstasy.

The taunting and joking of Bai Lingrui’s mouth is more and more intense.

"What fried days help Xu lack, after all, it is just an idiot!"

She secretly sneered in her heart, and sent a white disciple to send a storage ring filled with Lingshi.

Followed by, the white ship's huge ship, in the eyes of everyone and unwillingness, arrogantly sailed to the island.

Several white people and old people have relaxed their hearts. At the same time, they are also fortunate to be the strategy proposed by Bai Lingrui. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will return to the empty house.

"Okay, cooperation is fun! I still have something to do, let's go first! Let's leave!" After Xu Xiaoqing finished the Lingshi in the storage ring, he was very satisfied with the laughter, ready to leave.

After all, there is nothing on this island. There is no need to continue to waste time here, and there are still seventeen trees of life and the holy water waiting for him to take it.

Just turned around and went back to the fighter plane, and the voice of Bai Lingrui came from the ear.

"Xu Gongzi, if you are not here, I am afraid that they will forcibly seize the island. I wonder if we can stay for a while, wait for us to lay down the law, and then you will leave?"

"Reassured, this is on me!"

Xu lacked a chest guarantee immediately.

His eyes swept across the crowd, and he looked at him with a sigh of relief: "You, since the island has been returned to the White House, I will leave first, but I have to say something in the front. We are omnipresent in the bombing of the sky. Whoever is going to grab the white? The island of your home, don’t blame the fried days for help. Remember, I am doing this, this is also for you, don’t make some fearless sacrifices.”

When this statement came out, there were still some forces in the mind, and suddenly the mouth was pumping, and the thoughts were dispelled!

Although the holy water of life is precious, it is too worthless if it is so ruined.

"For us? Oh, wait until you leave the sea, you must double it!"

"No, it is ten times, a hundred times!"

Many people hate it in their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The white family laughed even more happily, because Xu’s lack of such words not only guaranteed their safety, but also really offended other forces.

"Oh, should you say that he is stupid or stupid?"

"Nature is stupid and stupid, haha!"

"After all, it is still too young. I knew that the 10 million best spirits in the district could send him. We didn't have to fight so hard at first!"

"When you have done it, go to the island to arrange the array, and keep it for 20 days. The living tree is derived from the new holy water, which is enough for us to get the top three places!"


A group of white family members talked and laughed in each other, their ships finally approached the island, and several strong people landed on the shore.

At the same time, Xu Wei also waved goodbye to them, and started the fighter plane to fly up and flew in the direction of the second island.

However, when the fighter plane just flew into the air, the island below immediately sounded a messy exclamation of the white family.


"This... how could this be?"

"What about the tree? Where is the tree?"

"How does it look like someone has been pulled?"

"Impossible, how can someone in this world shake the tree of life?"

"Then, where did you say this tree went?"


All the white family members are confused and difficult to react.

The people outside the island also heard their exclamations, and suddenly they were bright.

"what's the situation?"

"The white house seems to be out of order!"

"Is it strange to hear that the tree is gone? No, is it really that the tree has been pulled?"

The sound of the arguments sounded.

However, at this moment, on the fighter plane in the air, suddenly there was a loud voice that Xu lacked:

"Two dogs, don't sleep, hurry to smash this tree, or you won't have a firewood bath at night!"


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