Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 683: Trembling! Earthling!


A familiar scream of screams resounded through the entire palace.

When the Taoist body triggers the collar, Rao is the unicorn ancestor of the two dogs, and he is also directly on the ground.

However, Xu Xiao also saw it, this product is the shape has changed, the strength has also increased, but the character has not changed, still the original two dogs, the mouth of the tiger got one, the heart broke into a dog.

"Hey, pain, pain, lack of brother, brother, fast release!" Two dogs served soft, screaming on the floor.

"Hey, how did you get back? Are you still swearing? Are you still not forced?" Xu Xiaoxiao asked.

The two dogs were crying and sullen, and shook their heads: "If you don't pretend it, don't pretend it, Mom, you have dripped blood, but you still can't do it."

After that, it flashed in the body, and picked up a blush, followed by a rapid shrinking of the figure, suddenly turned into the original black and white oily hair, a stupid dog head, completely an enlarged version Husky.

"Blood? What is the situation?" Xu lacked a word, curiously asked.

The two dogs looked proud and smiled. "When the gods came in, they found that there was an altar there. There were ten drops of unicorn blood, and there was a feeling of blood connected. So the gods ate all at one breath. However, I did not expect that all of them would be intact in Dantian, so the gods detonated one of the drops of blood, and they were actually deformed."

Speaking of this, the two dogs are full of sighs and laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha, the most fun is that the old guy of Duan Jiude just ran down and saw the gods respected and mighty, and scared to sit down. On the ground."

"So, you just motivated the blood to return to the ancestors?" Xu lacked curiosity.

The two dogs shook their heads confusedly: "The gods are not clear. Anyway, they detonate a drop of blood, and you can get the power and appearance of the fifth world. Unfortunately, the duration is a bit short! Oh, no, it seems that there is still some power to be saved. It’s down!”

Xu shorted his head and basically understood the situation.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that when the second dog was in the fifth world, it was indeed the ancestral ancestor of the Kirin, and opened a mountain to establish a mighty patriarch.

"Hey, so to speak, this **** is really the ancestral unicorn? Hold the grass!" At this time, the two dogs suddenly screamed, and then they realized that they reacted.

When Xu missed his face, he rolled his eyes and shook his head in a wordless manner. After all, the two dogs were stupid, and he has seen it many times.

Liu Jing was mistaken for a moment, and was immediately amused by the IQ of the two dogs, shaking his head and smiling.

"Two dogs, in addition, have you ever recalled something useful?" Xu Xiao asked about the business, the memory of the two dogs is like a treasure that has not been developed, once I think of something, maybe It is a great creation.

However, the two dogs shook their heads: "Nothing has been thought of, but this **** has found one thing, that is, this underground aura is very strong, suitable for your retreat, but it seems a bit over-rich, you may burst Death!"

"Aura..." Xu lacked this reaction.

After entering the underground palace, the aura is indeed a lot of people, and the medicine garden, which is almost comparable to the Zixia fairy teacher, is really suitable for retreat.

As for what caused the explosion, Xu did not care about it. With his current physique, even if he came to have more aura, he could bear it!

"I decided, just retreat here for two years! Strive to sprint to the refining period before the secret closes!" Xu lacks confidence and full of words, according to the strong aura of this place, plus the spirit stone, within two years It is absolutely sure to sprint to the smoldering period.

After Liu Jingning and the two dogs listened, they suddenly stopped.

Two years? Refining the virtual period?

What kind of joke?

"Small gaps, you don't want to mess up, you can't rush to cultivate this kind of thing!" Liu Jingning immediately said, his face is very dignified.

Rao is Xu's lack of re-cultivation, but it is impossible to sprint to the refining period within two years.

On the contrary, she also feels that Xu deficiency can take advantage of this opportunity, once again consolidate the foundation, steadily and steadily, and through all the bottlenecks, the future achievements will be higher.

"Kids, although the speed of your cultivation is very scary in recent years, but when you are abolished, it will only change the baby. How can you sprint into the smoldering period in two years, don't make trouble! This **** is so powerful, no Law cultivation is so fast!" The two dogs also shook their heads.

Xu lacks a light smile: "Obviously you don't know anything about my talents! If you don't want to be steady, you may be able to reach the refining period in half a year, but I didn't do it because it was because I am a steady person, and I am a little bit handsome!"

What he said is indeed the truth, the five elements of the celestial body, plus the terrible cultivation speed of the ancient five elements, if you simply rely on the spirit stone to sprint the realm, half a year is enough.

However, he is very clear that if there are not so many strong people who will kill him to upgrade in the future, they will only be able to cultivate by their own strength, so they must consolidate their roots and cannot be defeated.

So for two years, for Xu Xiao, it is already long enough.

Liu Jingning finally opened his mouth and persuaded a few words, but still no fruit, shook his head helplessly.

Xu lacked no more time, took out millions of rare spirit stones, spread the entire underground palace, clothed into a gathering of spirits, and gathered all the auras hundreds of miles outside the palace.

Then he slammed his fingertips and shot a group of golden awns. After depositing a sacred spirit on the body, he sat directly on the ground and entered the state of cultivation!

Liu Jingning is a stunned heart. It is very shocking. Xu lacks the hand to cast a foot and puts such a large gathering of the spirits, but also all are arranged with the best Lingshi, the whole aura of the earth is rich and beyond imagination.

She indulged for a moment, and sat down next to Xu's lack of body, while practicing, while Xu was lacking in law, in case he had an accident in order to sprint the realm.

"I rely on you, do you want to double-repair? That **** does not bother you, a little spicy eyes!" The two dogs saw that both of them were practicing, and they could not sit still.

After all, it is not a leisurely person, oh no, it is a dog!

With a bang, the two dogs sneaked out of the underground palace, and vaguely heard its shouts.

"Xiao Dezi, what do you want to stay there, don't come over to your ancestors, Ann, Mom, don't run, go and give the ancestor a bowl of foot washing water!"


At the same time, Xu deficiency has been completely immersed in the state of cultivation.

This is his true cultivation, and it is a true cultivation of the fairy after clearing his own rhyme in advance!

When he runs the Taikoo Five Elements in his body, every time he takes a reiki, his mind is transformed into a past picture, like a dream, and it is like re-experiencing a life.

In his mind, he is the memory of the earth's past life. As a slideshow, the scene begins!

When his parents passed away, he was only ten years old, and he lived with his sister. He suffered all kinds of sufferings and suffered various kinds of white eyes. After all, he continued to go to school with the occasional subsidies from relatives and donations from the community.

From small to large, Xu was the schoolmaster of the school. At the age of twenty, he was admitted to the Yanjing First University with the outstanding achievements of the provincial champion, and successfully arrived at the school.

It’s a pity that I had only been in contact for less than half a year. The school flower broke up with him inexplicably, and a week after the breakup, when Xu was missing part-time night shift and preparing to go back to school, he was hit by a high-speed coupe, and also He hit the world!

From the moment I woke up from Xiu Xianjie, Xu lacked nothing to worry about!

His sister is his pride. When he was in the first year of high school, his sister started to do business with friends. The income was very impressive, and the results were never affected. It can be seen that his sister’s IQ and emotional intelligence are far away. More powerful than Xu.

In the end, Xu’s tuition and living expenses for college were all given by his sister.

At first, Xu was rejected, but his sister left such a sentence!

"Brother, you took care of me for so long, and finally it is my turn to take care of you. You can't refuse my tuition and living expenses. This is my birthday wish!"


Recalling this step, Xu Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and cultivation was suddenly stopped by him!


Xu lacks a nightmare and wakes up and shouts out the name of his sister!

Originally, he thought that he had no concern, and that everything with the earth was out of his way, he could feel at ease in this cultivating world and enjoy life.

But in this cultivation, he suddenly woke up and found many problems.

Why did the school flower suddenly break up with him?

At that time, the relationship between the two people was as clear as glue. As a result, the school flower was cold on the second day. After throwing away the phrase "breakup," he turned and left.

At that time, Xu was still confused, thinking that he had done something wrong, but regardless of the phone call or texting, the school flower did not pay attention to him.

After a week, when I finally found the opportunity to ask, I was in a car accident on the way back to work part-time.

Before I put it, Xu was only a party. I was only in this mountain. I was confused and unclear. I felt that things were not serious. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I could take the school back.

But nowadays, he looks at all the memories from the perspective of a bystander. After looking at the whole situation, he suddenly and acutely perceives various problems.

Why did the school flower suddenly change its attitude?

Why is he himself on a spacious and unmanned road, and the good end is on the side of the road, just a car rushing toward him, and he killed him.

The most crucial point among them is his sister.

In the week when Xu Xiao remembered that he broke up with the school flower, his sister never contacted him. Even if he called and no one answered, it was very unusual.

Usually his sister will give him three or four calls every week, almost become a habit, but at that time Xu Xiaogang just experienced a breakup, but also busy part-time, ignoring this.

Now combined with the accident of the car accident, Xu lacked a cold sweat and his face became gloomy.

In the vagueness, he seems to feel his death, it may be someone deliberately arranged, and may even start his sister!

"Who is it, who will it be?"

Xu lacked a few flashy faces directly in his mind.

There are fans who are tempted to pursue his sister and run by him.

There are also lovers who have always wanted to chase the flowers, and there are also some powerful children!

It is absolutely easy to arrange an accident to kill him with the background strength and means of those people!

But now, Xu Wei can only detect that there is something wrong, but he is not sure who will shoot him!

"Small gaps, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Liu Jingning, who was sitting next to him, opened the door and looked at it with concern.

Xu lacked a long breath and shook his head slightly: "Nothing, just remembered a little past!"

He is very clear that this time the cultivation is a addition to the rhyme!

The rest of the people will practice together with the rhyme in the baby's change period and the simplification period, but he is different. He starts from scratch and re-cultivates.

The way he walks is to follow the heart, is the pursuit of the road to force!

Recalling the past is only the first step of the rhyme. Once there is something that can't make him go, it will interrupt his cultivation.

However, Xu's self-regulation ability is now very powerful!

After he took a deep breath, he calmed down the past events.

Because he is very clear and very sensible, now how can he worry, he can't do anything, think more, everything is useless!

Only by letting yourself cultivate to be strong and get a broken space will you have the opportunity to return to the earth, find out the truth, and kill those people.

"Is it really okay?" Liu Jingning asked again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The eyes were very soft and revealing a trace of worry.

"Nothing, you see that I have already reached the peak of the Golden Year!" Xu smiled and grinned.

"Well, it has been two months, and your cultivation speed is too amazing. Are you sure you will not leave hidden dangers?" Liu Jing said, nodding his head and still worried.

"I dare say that there is no one in this world, and I have consolidated it! This time, my words, including my cultivation, are perfect!"

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and showed a strong confidence in his eyes.

He clearly can feel that his current strength is far beyond imagination!

At that time, he was able to kill the Yuan Ying period in the Jindan period, relying on the powerful law and the power of the murder book killing sword!

But at this moment, he feels that with this Jindan period of cultivation, just a punch, you can kill the Yuan Ying period, the more killing the enemy, the arrogant!

If you add a murder book and a killing sword, maybe you can still have a baby in the early stages of the transition, this strength, in the cultivation of the fairy world is probably unprecedented!

"Do not worry, it's okay, I have to continue to cultivate!"

At this time, Xu lacked a smile again.

Even if you close your eyes again, you will enter the state of cultivation!

This time, he calmed down completely and had a decision.

After the retreat, he went to save Jiang Hongyan, and then it was time to plan how to return to Earth.

After all, the void and the refining method are not unique to the system.

Since Duan Jiude knows the broken space, it means that there are also broken spaces in this world. If you can find the refining method early, you don't have to wait for the system to be upgraded to version 10.0, which will greatly save countless time and force. value!

"Trembling! Earth people! I am going to help Xu, I will soon be back!"



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