Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 693: I disagree!

In a few days, Xu Wei and Liu Jingning left the secret place and rushed to the nearest transfer point!

According to Xu's plan, it is first to return to the East, find Dong Genji and ask him for ancient books, and learn about the information related to the ancient bronze temple, and then you can find a way to save Jiang Hongyan!

However, these days, they heard the news and got countless news!

The first thing is that Dong Genji went out to sea!

Moreover, Dong Genji revealed what was shocking news to the ancestors of the major forces, and attracted countless ancestors to rush to the endless waters outside the North Sea!

Some people say that there is an ancient treasure in that place. Some people say that they are going to meet a big man, and some people say that there is a huge change in that place. A disaster is coming soon!

"I rely on it. I knew that I should not let him go at the beginning. Now I have fled overseas, and there are also ambassadors from all major forces. I am afraid that I will be troubled if I want to catch him back!" Xu lacked an annoyance!

But there was no way at the time. If you don’t let go of Dong Genji, with the character of his kind, you will definitely break the net!

"Don't worry, no matter what, the only thing that can be determined now is that there is an accident in the endless sea area. It is a big event to be able to alarm so many ancestors. Maybe we are also involved in the bliss, we will go back to the East and go to the bliss. Inquire about it, maybe you can understand it!" Liu Jing calmly said.

Xu lacks the words and nods. No matter what, now I have to go back to the East, if I can't get the ancient books, I can try to forcefully break into the bronze temple!

The two accompanied each other, set foot on the transmission array, put in the best Lingshi, and rushed to the East!

This giant transmission array works, the tearing force is very strong, and it traverses the void in the blink of an eye, but the outside world has spent a month!

A month has passed!

Xu Wei and Liu Jingning came out from the transmission line of the East China, and the outside world’s whereabouts of the major forces’ ancestors have already passed!

There are still many kinds of sayings, but the basics are all people's guesses and rumors, which sounds very reliable, but no one can confirm which one is correct!

Xu lacks no waste of time. After coming out of the transmission array, he goes directly to Liu Jingning to go to bliss!

Liu Jing is a sacred sage, and her status is transcendent. I want to inquire about the purpose of my ancestors going to the endless seas. It is definitely no problem!

After all the way to the exhibition, after riding a lot of small transmission arrays, the two finally came to a mountain outside!

The sacred gates of the bliss are set in this huge valley!

This place is a treasure place by nature, surrounded by steep terrain, surrounded by mountains and rivers all the year round by the suffocating array, ordinary people simply do not dare to approach!

After passing through the Xunqi Mountain Forest, you will have to jump over the steep river. The monks can drive through the rituals, but there are several beasts in the bottom of the river. Jump out in minutes to swallow the monks as food!

But for the bliss disciples, these things are like nothing!

When Liu Jingning took out a token, a mountain road appeared in the forest, leading directly to the top of the mountain!

Xu Wei ridiculed this: "The safety measures of your bliss are not good, there are so many tricks, but I can’t help but punch me!"

Liu Jingning didn't have a good white look at him: "That would have to look at your reluctance to give generously, and give me a blissful set of spirits!"

We must know that their blissful Guardian Mountain Guards is a high-order formation that has been paid for a huge price!

At most, this array of methods can only block hundreds of attacks during the refining period, but in the face of the strong period of the fit, it is like a dummy.

At the beginning, Xu lacked a shot outside the funeral sacred valley, which was a high-order array method. He also claimed to have a higher-level spiritual order method, which made Liu Jingning impressed so far.

If Xu is not willing to present a set of spirits in the bliss, then the bliss will be safe for at least a thousand years!

"It is certainly no problem to send you the spirit order method. The problem is that I never give away people things. This is the principle!" Xu Xiaoxiao said.

A spiritual order method in the system mall only sells one or two thousand points to force the value, or it is very cheap, but the lack of Xu is the most lacking is to load the value, where will be sent to the bliss for no reason!

After all, it is only Liu Jingning who is in good contact with him. It is not a bliss. The so-called love house and Uganda are impossible in Xu’s body!

"Hey, stupid!"

Liu Jing condensed white and Xu lacked a look, smiled and said, and did not really care about it.

After all, she is just ridiculous, not expecting Xu to really come up with a spiritual order, even the high-level array is precious, not to mention the spirit of the array!

The two men plunged all the way to the top of the mountain and soon entered the gates of the bliss.

Responsible for the stationed at the gate, it was a few disciples of the Yuan Ying period. When I saw Liu Jingning, several people suddenly squatted on one knee and bowed and bowed: "The disciple has seen the saint!"

"Well!" Liu Jingning nodded faintly, looking at everything, and took a short walk with Xu.

In the face of Xu deficiency, she may have a charming and enchanting side, but in front of the bliss and the world, she is similar to the rest of the saints, and is a lonely and indifferent existence.

Because only in this way, will others be more awesome and more deterrent!

If you are a saint, you will be too gentle, but you will lose your prestige and affect their appeal!

Xu Wei is not familiar with this, he does not care, and there is still a kind of learning, showing a high cold posture, and Liu Jingning side by side, heads up!

This makes many bliss disciples feel surprised!

Some passers-by disciples, after giving a gift to Liu Jingning, were filled with sorrow and doubts, and whispered!

"What kind of character is that boy? Can you walk alongside the saint?"

“Would it be from a big door or family? Or else, is there such a qualification?”

"Yeah, you look at him walking, his nose is going to heaven, obviously a distinguished person!"

"That's not right, even if the identity is more honorable, can't it be so close to the saint?"

"Oh, this is really the case. Even before the visit of the Gong family, the saints kept a distance with him, but today they are so close to the teenager, it is hard to be..."

"I rub, won't you? The boy has not been stationed in the face, up to the age of twenty, is it true that the saints want the old cows to eat young grass?"

"Rely, your words are careful. If you are heard by a saint, I am afraid that you will not live tomorrow!"

"Wait, you said that it would not be the saint to receive the news in advance, deliberately brought a boy back?"

"Not so smart? The person who left home just arrived, how can the saint get the news so quickly?"

"Oh, it seems that this is going to happen!"

Many disciples talked about the end, and they looked at each other and took a breath!


At the same time, Xu deficiency has already come to Liu Jingning to the front of the hall of the bliss!

Not yet approached, there were several powerful gods who came out of the hall, followed by a hearty laughter:

"Haha, it seems that today is a good day, just happened to catch up with Jing Ning's niece! Xiaojing Ning, remember you are away from the uncle?"

"After the uncle?" Liu Jing was suddenly stunned, and there was a trace of doubt.

The next moment, a voice full of enthusiasm came: "The saint, come and see your elders!"

"Yes, the lord!"

Liu Jing condensed his frown, but he still sighed and walked to the hall.

Xu lacked a slight shape, and glanced at the hall!

I saw a middle-aged man in a purple robes sitting on the high seat in the middle of the main hall. He was so beautiful, and he was carrying a raging and self-defeating momentum in his refined style.

This kind of peak is far from the comparison between the saints and the saints. The gap between the simplification period and the fit period is the rhyme!

To this strong state of the realm, repairing is not just relying on aura or elixir can rush up, most of them still have to be promoted by Tao Yun!

The period of refining the illusion means that the rhyme begins to take shape!

After the whole period of refining, it is to precipitate the rhyme, even if it reaches the peak of the refining period, if the rhyme fails to make a big achievement, then it will not be able to step into the fit period!

And this middle-aged man is the Taoist rhyme closest to the existence of Dacheng, only one step away from the fit period!

It may be difficult for others to feel it, but Xu lacks it easily!


Because Xu lacks this goods and is not the same as those glamorous goods outside!

Others want to have a great rhyme, at least countless years of precipitation and epiphany, and finally can enter the fit period!

Xu deficiency only closed the enlightenment for two years, and entered the smoldering period from scratch. The rhyme aspect is directly direct, that is to say, although his realm is only staying at the first stage of the refining period, the rhyme is enough to fit. The first floor is more powerful than the middle-aged man!

"Interesting, this bliss lord, it seems quite simple!" Xu looked at a little, and smiled in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes also swept to other people in the hall!

In addition to some elders who wear lavender robes, some of the old ladies in red robes have caught the attention of Xu!

Previously with Liu Jing's set of close ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who claimed to be from the uncle, is an old man in the red robes!

And beside the old man, there are two young people, one man and one woman!

The handsome and elegant man, the beautiful and cold of the woman, the two looks similar, like a brother and sister!

As Liu Jingning walked into the hall, everyone's eyes were gathered on her, especially the young man, who was still slightly listless. At this moment, he became completely spirited and looked at Liu Jingning with full appreciation. Surprise!


Xu lacked a heart and suddenly snorted!

According to this situation, the general dog blood routine is that these people come to the door to ask Liu Jing to ask for a kiss, or else what is the marriage from the little finger, now ready to come back!

"Jing Ning's niece, the old man is the friend of your father's life, leaving the Tangshan!" At this time, the old man in the red robe opened again and smiled.

Xu lacked standing outside the main hall, and immediately stunned, my heart was cold, and sure enough!

"It turns out that you are the uncle who the father often mentioned?" Liu Jingning listened to the name and suddenly became stunned.

Her father did mention this name many times during his lifetime, because she had borrowed a piece of instrument from her to give it to her family. Later, her father had an accident and married her before she died. If one day she went to the door to ask for a device, she must get it. return!

Liu Jingning always remembered this matter, so after she reported the name from Tangshan at the moment, she immediately reacted!

"Yes, it is the old man!" The old man in the red robe immediately nodded with a smile.

Then he touched the beard, and when Zhang mouth was about to continue to say something, there was a heavy muffled sound outside the hall!


Xu lacked a foot on the floor of the main hall, his eyes glanced over the crowd, and screamed powerfully: "I don't agree with this marriage!"

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