Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 697: Kiss him! Hold him!

The whole hall seems to be in a dead silence!

Everyone was a glimpse first, and then they both yelled at each other, scared the general, staying in place!

"This...how is it possible?" The homeless master was stupid on the spot, his lips trembled, unbelievable, and whispered!

Looking at the whole piece of the East, the spiritual order is completely handed!

However, in front of this young boy, he took out so many sets of spirits!

What is shocking is that these spiritual order methods are all true, and the rich aura that comes out of them is clearly a true complete spiritual order, which is better than the spiritual order that they are away from home. Know how much stronger!

And Xu's face is still incomparably indifferent, as if he really can't see these spiritual order methods, like cleaning up the sundries, throwing it all to Liu Jingning!

This is a huge shame for the family!

I am so angry!

Leaving home, the Lord died biting his lips, his face was bloody, and he clenched his fists and swelled his muscles. He thought that he had just looked like Xu and everyone in front of him, and suddenly felt the whole face burning!

Including the red robe old man from the Tangshan, and another young woman next to him, at the moment also looked amazed, already can not say a word!

At first, they thought that they had a set of spiritual order, and this marriage was absolutely impossible to run. In front of the bliss, they also felt a great sense of superiority. The kind of sorrow in the heart was involuntarily Exposed to the face!

But now I saw that Xu was missing and cleaning up the sundries. After throwing out a number of sets of spirits, they circled and wanted to dig a hole in the ground!

"Come on, Miss Sister, take these local occupations, I am too heavy, I am tired, I don't care, I want to kiss and hold high!" At this time, Xu lacks Open again and repeat the words just now!

When he said this, he was half lying on the chair, and deliberately opened his arms to Liu Jingning, swelled his lips and spoiled his hair, how much he was going to lick, and almost took all the people out of his face!

"Mom, how are you!" Many people whispered in their hearts.

Does the spiritual order method occupy the place?

Still very heavy? exhausted?

Mom sells the batch!

Big Brother, can you be so arrogant?

How many places do you have in the district? Where can I go again? Actually can still make you tired!

And you also ask the relatives to hug high? Do you think you are still a child?

Everyone was speechless, but they still couldn’t conceal the shock and excitement in their hearts.

After all, this is a spiritual order, and it is far more than one set, but a lot of sets!

The elders of the blissful sensation felt trembling and excited to control themselves, including the singer of the bliss, and at this moment, they also took a sigh of relief, and the heart was shocked!

Liu Jingning is also somewhat disappointed, even though she has already guessed that Xu lacks a real order, but she did not expect that the goods will come out so much, and said that all to her, this is for anyone, It is a huge shock!

"Small gaps, you..." Liu Jingning immediately looked at Xu, and was about to speak, but stopped without talking.

Because Xu's lack of this goods is still open to her, as if she did not go to kiss and hold high, it will not be put down!

What's more important is that this guy has been pouting all the time. Rao is how strong Liu Jingning is, and in front of so many melody disciples, he can't stand it!

"What are you doing, don't make a fuss!" Liu Jingning immediately became a white-eyed Xu, and his lips were slightly moved, and he was voiced.

Xu did not give up, continued to open his arms, and said aloud: "I don't care, you must kiss and hold high, you can get up!"

Liu Jing was suddenly a black line. At this time, she already knew that Xu was in retaliation for her joke that she said "we have no special relationship"!

However, many of the disciples in the field did not think so, thinking that Xu was hinting at Liu Jingning, as long as the kisses were held high, those spirits could be returned to Liu Jing.

However, I saw that Liu Jingning still stood still, and many of the bliss disciples immediately rushed!

Hold him!

You can get so many spiritual orders by holding them together. It’s definitely bloodless!

Many disciples are crying silently!

However, Liu Jingning still has no action!

"Hurry up!"

At this time, one of the disciples was too invested, suddenly shouted out the sound and shouted through the entire hall!

Liu Jing’s eyes glanced, and the fierce eyes suddenly swept over!

But the next moment, not waiting for Liu Jingning to worry, the other bliss disciples have also shouted!

"Hold him and hug him!"

"Hold him! Hold him! Hold him!"

All of a sudden, the entire hall was filled with the rhythmic shouts of many bliss disciples!

From the family, I was so stupid in the place, completely messed up in the wind.

The elders of the bliss and the lord chose silence, and one eye closed, pretending that nothing was heard.

"Miss sister, look, everyone will let you hold me!"

Xu lack of music is broken, still open arms to Liu Jingning, smiled and smug.

When Liu Jing suddenly stunned him, his heart was extremely embarrassed!

On weekdays, she is okay, she likes to swear by the lack of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even dare to try some bold physical contact, but it happens in the absence of outsiders!

Nowadays, in the screams of so many people, and all of them are the same disciples and many elders and lords, Liu Jingning dares to move forward and is so shy that his face is red!

"Oh, Miss Sister, I just cleaned up the storage ring again and found a sundries!" At this time, Xu lacked a very fake scream!

Followed by, his wrist turned over, and a round array appeared in the palm of his hand!

The whole array is crystal clear and shrouded in a faint black halo, giving off a rich and simple atmosphere!

"This... is this the ancient murder?"

In an instant, several elders of the bliss were screaming out loud!

The singer of the bliss is even more upset, extremely shocked!


The whole scene was crazy at the moment, and it sounded like a piece!

No one has ever thought of it, Xu Xuan can actually pull out a battle of the ancient murderous squad, this is directly above the existence of the spiritual order!

In the next moment, several elders of the bliss were looking at each other, as if they had reached a consensus, they all condensed and took a deep breath!

Then... I joined the shouts of many bliss disciples, and changed the words!

"Let him kiss him!"

"Pro-he! Kiss him! Kiss him!"

"..." Liu Jingning stayed in the same place directly, and it is unbelievable that the serious elders on weekdays will follow suit!

"Oh, Miss Sister, I found another mess!"

At this time, Xu lacked a cry again, and made a piece of the array, it is the second ancient murder!

The blissful masters suddenly had a slap in their hands, and they couldn’t calm down in an instant. They immediately shouted with a big hand and shouted: "Quick high!"



[Second more! 】

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