Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 813: With my invincible strength!

"be careful!"

Xu lacked a sudden shout, while his body swayed and swept forward.

More than a dozen men and women had no time to react, and they screamed twice. Two young men were knocked on the spot by black sticks and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing that the black stick fell to the tall woman, the woman just reacted and wanted to move sideways. Xu lacked just arrived, grabbed the black stick with bare hands and followed it with a palm.


A soft palm, shot on the body.

The body quickly retreated backwards, followed by a sly look, disappeared instantly!

The whole process, less than a moment.

More than a dozen men and women suddenly moved, and their eyes looked down on the two lying on the ground.

What was it just now?

The speed of the sneak attack is too fast, right?

If this is not the "Li Bai" statement, I am afraid that more than a dozen of them will have to account for it.

"Good! The reaction is very fast!" At this time, the tall woman only looked up and looked at Xu, and said nothing, no thanks.

Xu lacks modest smiles: "Nothing, the gods camp is where I dreamed of joining, how can I watch you being sneaked! Oh..."

Suddenly, Xu’s lack of brows wrinkled and grabbed his palm. It was the palm of the hand that had just been picked up by the black stick. It was **** and more wounds at the moment.

More than a dozen of the gods camp men and women to see, this is slightly moving, looking at Xu's eyes, but also eased a little.

After all, in the end, this smoldering teenager is also trying to save them, only to suffer injuries!

But... after all, it is still too weak! After taking a stick, I was injured and I really didn't deserve to join the Shenzi Camp!

Someone shook his head and never changed his mind to look down on Xu.

"Nothing, I was hurt by a little injury. As long as you are fine, I am relieved!" At this moment, Xu lacked his head and shook his head, his face showing a dauntless expression.

Hold the grass!

The red shirt men couldn’t sit still, they widened their eyes and felt like they wanted to spurt blood.

What is this special?

Yesterday, this kid was still arrogant and arrogant. He couldn’t keep up with the gods camp. How did he completely turn to the temper tonight?

Now with such an accident, he was picked up by chance. Is it true that this black pot is our three-backed?

With this in mind, the three men in red shirts are more and more anxious.

"Don't believe him, just sneak attack on us, it must be his same party!" Tsing Yi man gnawed his teeth.

The masked man also frowned, Shen Sheng said: "This is the border, no one can dare to attack us here, just now, very suspicious!"


The tall woman said, and her eyes were cold and swept to the men in red shirts.

Three people suddenly closed their mouths.

Xu lacked to see this scene, and my heart was already broken.

He cooperated with the Taoist body, just want to play a counter-measure, let the three guys suffer a bit, back to the black pot!

However, it was not until Xu’s lack of seeing the scene that he wanted to see, and the tall woman suddenly swept his eyes.

"I just said, no matter who you are, you don't care! I still have the problem just now. You can get injured when you pick up a stick in the district. Why do you join the Shenzi camp?" she asked coldly. Aggressive.

When Xu missed his eyes, he widened his eyes and nausea like eating flies.

Who is this? I have just saved you once, although it is acting, but the result is still doing me, that is, you are not right!

"I don't know what it is!" Xu shook his head and shook his head slightly. He whispered: "Probably, it is because of my invincible strength!"

The invincible strength of the world?

More than a dozen men and women in the Shenzi camp heard it as if they were ridiculous. They looked like a fool and looked at Xu.


At this time, a black shadow appeared again from behind a dozen people, covered with snow and silver hair, holding a black stick, directly propping a stick shadow!


More than a dozen men and women realized that something was wrong, and their face suddenly changed. They wanted to quickly withdraw.

But in the next moment, the dense shadow of the sticks will be placed in the back of their heads!




After several sounds, several dozen people fainted on the spot.

In the coma, they also clearly saw that Xu was missing in front of them, looking at them with a smirk!


At the same time, outside the inn.

A middle-aged man with a tiger-backed waist is standing not far away, with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky, thoughtfully!

Obviously, he is the commander of the frontline battlefield, and the person who cultivated the gods camp - Qin Wei!

Beside him, he still stood with a subordinate, waiting for a respectful look.

After being familiar with it, the subordinate was only hand-handed: "The handsome, the **** of the gods camp, everyone is very proud, if you let them go up, I am afraid that Li Bai..."

"I open the people I want, they have not courage to kill!" Qin Wei said with a blank expression, the tiger cub exudes prestige.

The subordinate suddenly wondered: "Why did the generals send them over..."

"Oh, you only said that the **** of the gods camp is very proud. In the opinion of the handsome man, Li Bai is the true arrogant person, dare to destroy my gods camp token, naturally need to eat some bitterness, just right Let him figure out that this world is not only a genius of him!" Qin Wei laughed coldly. "Some people just need to knock on it and will listen to it in the future!"


At this moment, the so-called genius of the gods camp has been completely reduced by Xu.

He used the Tao to become a shackle, and imprisoned more than a dozen men and women of the real yuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ all tied in the wing.

Jiang Hongyan looked at Xu’s performance all the time. Only then did he cry and laugh: “When they wake up, they will be mad at you!”

"Hey, I just want them to be mad!" Xu Xiaoxiao shouted, and deliberately redeemed more than a dozen sacred gods from the system, fed into the population of the Shenzi camp.

After a while, more than a dozen people woke up, but the reaction was very rapid, and immediately wanted to use the real yuan, killing Xu deficiency.

However, the next moment, they were shocked.

All the real powers in the body are completely imprisoned by a hegemonic road, and they are suppressed by death, and they cannot be mobilized at all!

"How is it possible?" Someone was shocked.

"This kind of rhyme... go against the sky!" Some people looked blank.

The tall woman instantly swept the cold to Xu Xiao, and screamed: "Li Bai, you are so bold!"

"Oh, yes, I am courageous, how can you? Bit me!" Xu suddenly showed a look of sorrow.

More than a dozen men suddenly became angry and screamed.

"Oh, there are only shameless people who are attacking behind us. When we get rid of the imprisonment, we will never let you go!"

"The sacred sacred sacred is inviolable, and you will pay a heavy price for what you have done!"

"We originally wanted to let you suffer a bit, long lessons, but you conceal us, the consequences of this will be unbearable!"

"The handsome is now outside, as long as we shout, I am afraid that you will lose even your life!"

More than a dozen people have uttered rumors, staring at Xu Xiao with full of anger!



[The third is sent! Sorry, I couldn’t land the author’s backstage after I finished writing last night. I almost didn’t cry, and I was afraid that I would be sprayed by you. I had to repair it and now I finally came in! Wait a moment, the fourth will be passed soon! 】

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