Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 863: You must forgive him.

In desperation, the strongest of the Imperial Palace can only go to the crowd.

On the one hand, it is really the strength of taboos, and he is thrown into the magic array after he resists resistance. On the other hand, they also see that the female emperor is not standing on their side, which makes them more shocked and more regret.

A generation of female emperors in the Heavenly Kingdom Hall, I couldn’t think of being taken by a nameless boy. It’s just a fairy flower stuck in cow dung!

"Daoyou, let me say first, if there is a really dangerous ban on the law, we can't go to life in vain!" An Emperor of the Imperial Palace looked at Xu Wei.

They are now also **** the scalp, but still have to leave some bottom line, in case of encounters those obviously deadly, can not jump into the death to die?

"Yes!" Xu said with a smile.

The imperial congregation of the imperial palace was relieved, and there was a lack of this sentence. They did not feel that the road was a dead end, and they had not yet reached the point where the fish died.

As for how to go later, I have to look at the situation and say, after all, how can the people of the Imperial Palace be so distinguished that how can they be left by a junior in the district?

The hearts of all the people in the Imperial Palace are full of ghosts.

However, Xu lacked the roots and did not care about them. At this moment, he had already circled the front of the team and stood in front of the magic array.

"The so-called magic array is nothing more than creating an illusion, letting the people in the array trigger the demons, even if there is no demons, it will also build the demons, which is the most dangerous place! However, since it is called illusion, it is explained Everything is illusory, just one way to break it!"

Speaking of this, Xu lacked a corner of his mouth, his palms lifted slightly, and the fingers crossed the 缕缕 元 yuan, 璀璨 莹 莹, just like countless colorful silk.

"Well? What is this doing?"


"Does this guy not want to use the trick to break it?"

"Halo, I thought he really had any way, speechless, I have never heard of the law can break the magic array!"

During the time, many powerful people in the Imperial Palace frowned and shook their heads.

"Others can't, it doesn't mean that he can't!" At this moment, a quiet and melodious light came.

Everyone immediately changed his face, and quickly turned to bow down and respectfully said: "The Holy Promise is extremely!"

Obviously, the person who spoke only was Jiang Hongyan.

Her mouth is smiling, her temperament is dusting, she is shining, and she looks at the lack of Xu before the law.

As always, for such things that others think are impossible, she believes that Xu is not enough to say that, after all, this guy has never played cards according to common sense!

However, although the heroes of the Imperial Palace have followed the words of Jiang Hongyan, most of them feel that their own female emperor is estimated to have been deceived by the guy!

Otherwise, I will not say such absurd words.

What is not for others, can't it mean that he can't?

This is a magical array, and it is the peak of the company during the roaming period. It is a magical array of life and death. Can it be broken by the district law?

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

At this time, the lack of Xu has already heard the sound of rapid air flow.

There are countless auras in the Quartet, which are coming together in madness and condensing in the hands of Xu.

His fingers suddenly and quickly moved, and the hidden imprints of the road made everyone feel a sense of loss.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the void, followed by the whole void and sunk in front of Xu.

The audience was shocked and looked blank.

"What is this law?"

"Is there such a big movement?"

"I'm afraid it's not simple! But... I don't think it's impossible to use it."

Many powerful people in the Imperial Palace shook their heads.

Even dozens of female disciples in Lingxiu Pavilion are curiously watching Xu.

They are amazed at the strength of Xu's lack, but it is also clear that the law can't break the illusion. After all, this strong method of robbery can suppress the killing, indicating that its rank and power are far beyond the strength of everyone present. It is.

"Oh, I am afraid he will fail this time!"

"Yeah, it's too hard!"

"If you want to use it to break this battle, unless it is like the existence of the peak of the Mahayana period, or even the strong man of the immortal world, it is possible to do it."

"Although he is very strong, he still can't compare with those people!"

Several Lingxiu Pavilion women whispered, did not look down on the meaning of Xu Xiao, but made comments based on their experience.

However, at this time, the speed of Xu’s lack of movement in the hands of the law became faster, and even the ten fingers were almost blurred, making it difficult to distinguish. From a distance, you can only see a group of ghosts!

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes looked like a torch, and he looked directly at the magical array in front of him. He said in a word: "Yu Kun Yin Zhi - 诛 - Magic - India!"


When the voice just fell, he launched a palm, and the whole piece of the sky suddenly caused a loud noise.

The law is instantly condensed and formed in the air, with the knife on the top and the cymbal on the bottom. With a powerful deterrent force, carrying the four spirits, it directly grinds the whole phantom!

Bang -!

In an instant, a loud deafening sound broke out throughout the cave, and the ground swayed violently, dropping dust and gravel on top of the head.

The entire illusion of the sky is like a big knife, directly fell, tearing open the barrier!

With a bang, the whole phantom array is like a fire encountering water, the water encounters thousands of deserts, and the layer of imaginary thick fog is instantly torn!

Open the clouds and see the sky, keep the clouds open to see the moon!

The magical array was destroyed in an instant, revealing the truth.

It is a lake separated by a channel in the cave. There are a lot of bones on the lakeside. There are dozens of corpses on the lake. It is the sage of the sages that was just thrown in by Xu.

But there are still four people who are struggling on the lake. One person is still holding his throat in his hands, and the other is directly stabbing his sword on his stomach.

But as soon as the illusion disappeared, they stopped struggling and looked around with confusion.

"Hold the grass, is this place so terrible?" The two dogs immediately straightened their eyes and exclaimed.

At the same time, the many powerful people in the Imperial Palace and the female disciples of the Lingxiu Pavilion in the rear, as well as the group of scattered repairs, have been stunned and full of surprise!

"This... how is this possible?"

"Fantasy, is it broken?"

What shocked them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was always the way Xu lacked the illusion, so such a terrible illusion, actually was destroyed by a law!

And that law seems to be derived from the singularity of the illusion, the big knife is printed, just like it is used to destroy the illusion, it is unbelievable!

In fact, Xu lacks this illusion from the prints of Qiankun, but it is really used to restrain the illusion and illusion, and to annihilate all hypocrisy!

Although this magical array is powerful, it is far less than the magical array that was originally experienced by the Zixia Fairy under the Five Elements Mountain. Therefore, Xu Xiaoyi can solve it easily with only one illusion.

"Hey, I thought that this magical array was so powerful. I tried it out at random. I only used three successes. I didn't expect it to break open! Is this really overestimating the power of the magic array, or I am changing again? Strong? Hey, hey!" Xu sighed, his face lonely and lonely expression!

All the people in the audience instantly licked their mouths and said nothing!

"Little beast!"

At this time, there was a roar in the lake.

The four sages of the sages have already reacted, and they are full of anger and horror. They suddenly rushed out of the water and directly killed Xu.

"Stop! What do you want to do?" A figure immediately rushed out, was the little Guardian of the sages, and he looked at the four people with anger, and shouted: "You must forgive him!"



[Well, officially inform you that the book "The Strongest Forced Face System" was renamed "The Strongest Anti-Ring System"! I have considered the title of the book that everyone said, but there is no way. The words "loading the face" and "fried days" are all on the table! Then the question is coming. What is the big table to change the title of? Oh, I just don't tell you! 】

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